Nosey Rosie’s Tips 37

Hi everyone. There has been so much sadness in the blogging world lately. I want to give my condolences to Dolly’s family as she left them quite unexpectedly. To visit, click here. 

And blogger and cat dad at The Opinionated Pussycat, Kiril, also left this world suddenly. He left behind 3 kitties all of whom are with one of his siters for now. She will be keeping Sneakers because she has cancer and not much time left. They are trying to find a home for the other 2 kitties together. Elvira is 12 and Friday is 6. They are currently in the Huntington Beach area of California. If you or anyone you know is interested in adopting, please let me know. I can find a way to get them to you wherever you are in the US.

After all that sadness, I hope Rosie can cheer us all up.

Hi everyone! Did you miss me last week?

I have been having a terrible, no good, very-bad week. I can’t have Squeezies anymore. My favorite treat in the whole world and I can’t have it. Apparently, I poop blood when I have them. Mom looked it up online and that means a food intolerance. They tried to cut back and just give me a little, but no luck. My little tummy can’t handle them- drat!

And I don’t get to play with my youtube string videos very often. Only 3 times a day for a few minutes each. If I can’t have my treats, I should get all the video time that I want.

Well, I have a plan. I found a Leprechaun Trap on the back of the Lucky Charms box. So, I am going to set it and catch one and make him give me his pot of gold. Then I can buy all the squeezies I want and maybe even a tv to watch my videos.

I will let you know if I catch one in next week’s post because Penny already told me she is taking that day off. And she is eating all my Squeezies.

My tip for you all is to cover your poop really good so no one can see if you are sick.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop 



  1. Well Rosie, I am so glad your mom is on top of things and making sure you stay healthy! We want you around for a long time! Now give your mom some purrs and kisses! 🙂 <3

  2. Yikes, Rosie, that would be scary for your pawrents to find bloody stools. Poor you, though. Maybe there is another treat or yummy food you can snack on instead? We hope so!

    Hope you catch a leprechaun, Rosie! That would be fun:)

    (We are glad that this trouble was found early enough to prevent a bigger health issue…maybe you can figure out what the offending ingredient is?
    Carrageenan, present in may foods and treats of a soft or honey-like consistency is a type of seaweed product, apparently it has a sharpness to it that can cause a lot of trouble for the insides of sensitive pets and even peeps. I even try to avoid it; in humans it can cause leaky gut syndrome, and I expect the same with furry ones.)

  3. You look really cute in the pictures, Rosie. It’s probably best to avoid the squeezees, you will be healthier that way. The losses are so sad, I am shocked about the sudden loss of Dolly and will miss her. I didn’t know about Mr. Kundurazieff but he seems to have been a nice man. I hope his kitties all get homes and my heart goes out to all friends and family. XO

  4. Rosie! Best tip EVER!! Jo Jo is the best and digging and covering, I, Marv LOVE to throw the litter all over the room and Koz, he does not dig holes or bury his (That drives Jo Jo crazy). We were so sad to hear about all the new angels! We insisted that Mom post some current pictures of us, after all it has been weeks and weeks since we were out and about.ogize that Mom has busy and ignoring our furrends, And Rosie, too bad about the sqeezies. Purrs Marv

    1. Penny and Sammy never cover. I try, but mom is too quick to scoop. It was nice to see a post from you all today. XO

  5. We are so sorry you’ve been ill so sorry you can’t have your favorite treat anymore.
    Daisy Mae and I agree you should get more video time
    Take Care
    Daisy Mae And Crystal

  6. O, sweet Rosie, I hope your mom finds some other squeezies for you that don’t hurt your tummy. We know how it feels without the yummy for the tummy😸 This was one of the saddest posties that we’ve read this morning😿
    Soft Pawkisses for a Heathy day to all of you🐾😽💞

  7. I am sorry you can’t have your Squeezies any more but hope your poop is better now.
    I was shocked and saddened to hear about Dolly, it was so unexpected.
    I used to follow Kiril’s blog when he used to post (fairly) regularly but hadn’t seen a post for several years. I hope a home can be found together for the two kitties.

  8. Oh, Rosie, we”re lucky not to even KNOW about Squeezies, but now that we do…uh, oh…and that poop idea is pretty sneaky but oh, so smart. Still, we want you healthy so maybe another kind of treat, as in hamburger, haha medium rare, make that a cheeseburger.

  9. Rosie I think maybe you should NOT eat the Squeezies (even though I know they are yum!) if they are making your tummy hurt and your poop icky. Hiding your poop is genius but your insides might be very unhappy. I suggest you find another favorite thing to snack on. I bet your Mom can find something you’ll LOVE like a Squeezie but that won’t hurt you??????? We did not know Mr. Kiril – but we are sad for his kitties who miss him terribly.

    Hugs, Teddy

  10. Rosie – We are really sorry about your treats and videos. What a rotten week.n Good luck with the leprechaun. Purrs, Snoops and Kommando Kitty.

  11. Rosie, I am so sorry about your treats but please, if you catch the leprechaun, DON’T buy any of those treat! nNow, why can’tt you play with your stringy on TV?

    1. Thank you. My selfish parents need the tv to watch the crap they want to see. XO

  12. Good Morning Rosie! I am glad your Mom was watching so well over you to find out you were having a problem and found what was causing the problem. Too bad it was the squeezies but what you going to do? Better to give them up. Good luck with catching the leprechaun!

  13. I’m so very sorry about all our friends….
    Rosie bless your heart I hope and purr you can find another treat equally as good for your taste and tummy
    Hugs Cecilia

  14. My heart aches for everyone who has suffered a loss recently. Lots of praying is going on.

    Rosie, maybe you need a different packet food treat, i think there are many brands and there might be another you can try.

    Good luck with the leprechaun trap!

  15. We are so very sad about Angel Dolly, and Mr. Kiril too.
    Hoping his kitties find new homes quickly.
    Rosie, we are wondering what the heck is in those squeezies?
    You be a good kitty now, and eat what is good for you, so you don’t have any more poopy problems, okay?

  16. We were so sad to hear about Dolly too. We were shocked like everyone else.

    Sorry for the cat dad that left his kitties. So sad.

    I’m sorry you can’t have your favorite treat, but I agree with your mom. If they aren’t good for you then you should have them. I’m hoping mom can find another treat that you’ll like.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and a big hug to your smart mom. ♥

  17. Well that is very scary about the Squeezies! Yikes! I wonder if you could tolerate freeze-dried chicken breast? We love those here.

  18. rosie; they waz fulla chikn N turkee any way…..N we hope de leprechaun bringz ewe all 90 bazillionz potz oh cold hard cash gold…then may bee ewe could buy de squeezies plant !! 😉 ♥♥

  19. Awwww sorry to hear you cannot have those Squezzies any more, but I bet there is another treat out there that you will love! Take care and give your smart mom some kitty kisses!

  20. Rosie please stay healthy. We love seeing you here.
    We are all very sad for all the loss. Dolly was a sweetheart. I hope the kittens will find homes that are good and they have a continued good life. So sorry they lost their dad.Thanks for sharing everyone here with us. You are so kind.

  21. We are sorry you can’t have Squeezies Rosey buty we allwant you to be healthy and well for a long time. Your Mom is right – too many sads lately. One of my kitties has to have a big dental appt and there is a small mass on one side of his gum. Yikes.

  22. A very sad time, for sure.

    Rosie, we’re glad your mom foiled your attempt at hiding stuff. Some things that are delish just don’t work for all of us, and we’d rather have you happy and healthy than not!

  23. We’re so sad about Dolly and Mr. Kiril. There really has been so much loss and grief lately. 🙁

    Those were some good tips, Rosie. We are sorry you can’t have those squeezies anymore, but your Mom is the best, and is just trying to keep you healthy. She loves you so much. As for the string videos, we think you need more of those. And good luck with the leprechauns!

  24. Wee herd ‘boit Mistur Kiril…mee not know him butt BellaSita Mum did reed many of his postss a long time ago…hee will bee missed!
    An sweet Dolly….wee are so furry sad……shee was so purrty.
    Wee also lost 2 other Kitty frendss Spooky-Boo an Winston….
    It has been too much all twogether!
    Rosie mee sorry you not alloud to have Squeeziess anymore!
    Blood inn poopiess iss a not gudd thing. An mee betss Aunty Ellen iss like BellaSita Mum: Checkin thru THE littur to see what mee due poo!!!!
    Mee found out THE more mee digss; THE more shee checkss!!!!
    Stay well deerest Rosie <3
    **nose rubss** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

  25. Ha, my human wants to get Lucky Charms now so she can get that leprechaun catcher. Since she is supposed to do grocery shopping tonight she may just do it.

    There is too much sadness right now in the cat blogosphere. 🙁

  26. These are such sad times everywhere. ~hugs~ As for you, Rosie, you always cheer my mood. 😀 But that litter box advice is terrible. Shame on you.

    ~shakes finger~


    I hope you get more video time and a safe treat replacement soon.

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