Nosey Rosie’s Tips-18

Hi everyone! I want to tell you about my vision board today.  This is my mom’s with dumb things on it like a new generator and a photo of her with Nicolas Cage ( that was photoshopped).

I covered mine with green fabric because it is magic. My Grammie covered hers with the same fabric and she gets everything she puts on her board. I sure hope I get everything I want.

I have a scratcher shaped like a boat from Target, Squeezies and a red string and a white string to represent my favorite youtube videos. What will you put on your vision board?

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.


  1. I wanted to tell you thank you again for the cute hand-crocheted cat toys you gave us a couple of years ago. One came out of its hiding place yesterday. It’s a little beat up and worn out, but the cats obviously still play with it! Thank you once again!

  2. How funny, I was just thinking of doing my own vision board yesterday! My human has a couple – she still doesn’t have the 7 million dollar house (but she is working on it!).

  3. Rosie a vision board is a very cool idea……if I had one it would have a photo of my old food that I used to eat – I’m eating my NEW food but prefer the old which my vet doesn’t want me to have…..I’d also have a photo of a magical bush that I could use to hide under when I’m outside – it would have a water dish and a fan going while I lounge in the shade. My Mom’s vision board would have a photo of her and Dad on a river cruise through France (which they hope to do next year!!) and a photo of ME in her lap (which ain’t gonna happen since I am not a lap cat).

    Hugs, Teddy

    1. Sorry you don’t get your old food- maybe the vision board will bring it back. And I hope your folks get to go on that cruise. XO

  4. Now that’s something to think carefully about. I’ll let you know. XX

  5. I would have to do some thinking about it, too. But for sure one of my visions would be Sawyer back home safe with his family! Thank you to catladymac up above for that thought! I love your strings, Rosie. I hope your visions all come true!

  6. June here and I think I’ll put toys ‘n’ treats ‘n’ some hugs ‘n’ kisses ‘n’ love bugs ‘n’ now I gotta go think about what else …

  7. Many folks have told me over the years that these vision or dream boards WORK!
    Putting your goals into images, and looking at them from time to time help keep you focused on achieving the results.
    I would put a few images of New York City, Chicago, Boston, and other locales to visit.

    1. Oh my vision board would be RED
      It would have photos of my favorite things: Cats, hummingbirds, books, sewing

  8. Now Penny, would you like it if your stuff on vision board dumb? Don’t call your Mom’s Stuff dumb.
    What would I put on my vision board? I would put books, bookshelves, Family picture with Daisy Mae, Food, Wisdom, Hope, Kindness and Love.
    Daisy Mae says she would put lots of Chicken Treats, Chicken Feast Fancy Feast food, Sawyer to come home to his furrever family, Hope, Kindness, Love, a new water bowl and a new food bowl(metal of course).

  9. I don’t think your mom is going to get Nicolas Cage, but she can dream. I do hope you get everything you want. I’m sure you will.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and my best to your mom. ♥

    1. Thank you. 🙂 My friend went to school for graphic design and he made it for me. XO

  10. Wee with Catladymac ’bout Sawyer beein home again!! Hee iss on our vision board Rosie!
    Fore us, wee vision livin at Senior Apratmentss close to Aunty Sheila. That iss ONLY thing wee have on our board! Wee gotta get outta here!
    Miss Ellen due you reememburr LadyMew’ss vision board shee did when ‘angel’ Unkell Siddhartha was alive??? Sum of her visionss DID come true! 😉
    ***purrss*** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew

    1. We are praying for Sawyer. Your mum is the one who got me started on a vision board. SO far nothing I put on mine happens. Rosie is hoping she has better luck. And we hope your mum can move as long as the place allows kitties. XO

  11. It would be wonderful if your mom could meet Mr. Cage and get a picture someday. We can hope it happens.

    You are very likely to get some or even all of what you want, given enough time and money.

  12. Oh, what fun and purrfect vision boards! We sure hope you get everything on yours, Rosie. Thimble has informed me that she’s going to make one, and that every square inch of it is going to be covered in catnip. Purrs!

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