Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest

Before I let Rosie tell all our business, I want to ask for prayers for our friend Sandee’s husband Zane. Sandee is the writer of The Comedy Plus blog.

Take it away Rosie.

Hi everyone! I can’t believe I haven’t been able to post since February. I have lots to tell you.

The boys are at summer camp. Actually, they are just in the spare bedroom. Mom is afraid they are going to bother Elvira because they had her cornered a few days before mom took her to the vet. Mom lets them out when she is able to keep an eye on them, but she doesn’t want Elvira to be stressed. They get lots of screen time too.

Haha! Get it, screen time-MOL!

They have been getting into trouble in there. They broke a glass picture frame, they put a framed photo from mom’s niece’s prom in their litter box and one of mom’s potato heads is missing an arm.

My doppelganger, Ethel also likes to watch youtube videos. Can you tell which one is me and which one is my impostor? Elvira is watching on the side.

We found one even more fun than the red and white string videos. This is a lizard one.



I haven’t had to hide since March 5th. I think I am safe until April.

My folks still haven’t got their taxes done. My Grammie hasn’t done hers yet either. Mom keeps bugging her and dad about them.

I could write a lot more, but mom said I need to finish up. I am the one in the photo closest to Elvira. Did you guess correctly?




  1. Thanks for the report, Rosie! We have some feisty boy cats here too. They do tend to chase and harass their sisters. Sending purrs for Sandee and Zane. XO

  2. Yup, Rosie, we had it right!! But wow, Ethel really does look like your double!
    Those boys sure would love to come out ands cause havoc!, but yes Elvira needs her peaceful time right now.
    Our pawppy hasn’t finished the tax horrors yet, either.

    1. Thank you. They do plenty of havoc in one room. Mom’s poor potato heads. Glad my folks and Grammie aren’t the only ones. XO

  3. My goodness! You sure do have a FULL report this time around. Never a dull moment in the Pilch household is there. My Dad got the taxes done yesterday so THAT’s over with – boy oh boy humans sure get wound up about taxes don’t they!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. I guessed right because you have more white than Ethel. It sounds like those boys are a pair of terrors! I hope Elvira is doing well.

  5. Rosie, you and Ethel Picture Perfect this morning and it was lovely that Elvira was sitting close by. I guess those two boys can be a bit rowdy. You had lots of news to share today.

  6. Oh, oh! Those boys can be rowdy, Rosie. What a cool picture of you and Ethel with Elvira taking it all in.

  7. Rusty and Rudy are being naughty! It’s good they went to Summer Camp! And I will say I did guess correctly about Ethel! That lizard video is PERFECT! Mom wishes that was on an iPad. I wonder if it is? Prayers for Sandee’s husband.

  8. Oh we knew who you were because you were glowing a bit more and oh, so funny that you bad kitties put a photo in the litter box..HILARIOUS. We love having smiles….

  9. rosie…may bee mom sended de doodz two summer camp
    coz itza fun place ta catch fish, and sleep out side, even if
    they iz onlee catchin….trubull 🐟🐟😺😺🐟oopz ….her dinna
    like that foto frame any way huh ‼️ and a poe tay toe head mizzin
    arm iz reel lee a…french fry ‼️‼️😺💙💙 mackerull

  10. Lori seems to be the fighty cat now. We don’t know why. Loki and Binq are never safe from surprise ambushes, and she growls a lot. Marley is always safe though. She knows him better.

  11. Charlee: “Thank you for the update! We will keep up the purrs for Elvira and for her to continue to avoid stress!”
    Chaplin: “Hmm, I have heard that too much screen time isn’t good, but I think that kind of screen time would be quite all right.”
    Charlee: “Maybe we can lock you in a room with a screen for a while. Here, take Oona with you. Then I can avoid stress too.”
    Oona: “No screen can hold Oona! Oona is a ninja!”
    Charlee: “Well THAT’S obviously not true since you go in the cat room and the screen is still in the window.”
    Chaplin: “It does sound like the boys are getting up to quite a fracas in there. Maybe the missing Potato Head arm will grow a new Potato Head attached to it.”
    Oona: “A Potato Head can regrow from a single severed limb? That would make for a worthy adversary for Oona!”

  12. A great report Rosie. You always know what’s going on.

    Thank yo for the prayers for Zane. We’ll know more tomorrow afternoon and there will be an update on Thankful Thursday.

    Love the video and I subscribed to it to see if the our kitties love it too.

    Thank you for the beautiful card. I got it yesterday.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches all around and a big hug to mom. ♥

  13. That was a good report sweet Rosie and boys, no picking on sweet Elvira!

  14. Many purrs and prayers for Sandee and Zane.

    Great report, Rosie. I have to let my girls watch You Tube. That sounds like a video they’d love.

  15. Rosie ~ you are a great reporter ~ Wow! Things are hopping your house ~

    Lots of positive healing energy hugs for Sandee’s husband too ~ hugs

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  16. Those boys do keep your mom on her toes, don’t they? Our taxes are done. Good riddance!

  17. Mee-yow Rosie wee guessed rite!!! You have lots of white furss on yore left shoulder.
    An wee think Rudy an Rusty beein at “Summer Camp” iss a guud idea so Elvira iss not beeinn bothered.
    An taxess are a PITA…not sure what pita has to duw with Taxess? BellaSita gotted Aunty J to due herss…..
    Wee hope efurryone iss doin guud there. Elvira mee sendss POTP an lotss of **purrss**
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

  18. I did guess right, Rosie! But only because I had a sense that Ethel’s profile was different than what I see with you. I did not know that the Ginger brothers were being hooligans again. Not good that they cornered Elvira. Your Mom has that situation handled but they are still hooligans at “summer camp.” Don’t want them stressing Elvira or messing with the Potato Heads. Thank you for all gab fest and news!

  19. I’ll certainly pray for Sandee and Zane. And I’m so, so sorry about Lucy. ~hugs~ On a bright note, the ‘screen’ time and boy cats in bunny ears made me happy. 😀 How I got so far behind reading is a mystery, but best wishes to you all, my dears.

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