Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone! I think it is safe for me today.

It sure was noisy here on Monday. How can two little girls make so much noise? They were able to see all the patients waiting as well as some walk ins.

The Great One handled check -ins and eye exams.

and Typhoid Mary handled all the dental issues, doctor exams and covid testing.

Joanie helped too. She is very proud of her Dr. license.

and I guess my Girl Friday had the day off because she went up high, out of reach of the kids.

My Grammie was here on Sunday and I gave her lots of love. She made me yack though because she gave me too many treats. I am really not supposed to have them because they upset my tummy, but she didn’t know that and I wasn’t going to tell her.

My parents have another meeting with an attorney today. They are working on their wills and making sure we all get to stay here just in case something happens to both of them at the same time.

Well, I guess that is all I have for this week. I am pretty tired from all the hiding that I had to do.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.




  1. My goodness…..busy busy busy……a busy clinic indeed! I’m sure all patients left feeling a lot better though. I know everyone appreciates having good health care so close by. Too many treats isn’t a good idea for anyone (although it seems good at the time!) – so hopefully you’ve recovered from Grammie’s “over-kindness” in the treat department dear Rosie!

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. Dear Rosie, it sounds like Monday was a rather exciting day in your house. Your mommy and daddy are dedicated to all of you kitties and it’s wonderful to hear that they want to make sure that you will be safe in the future.

  3. It sounds like a very busy day at the clinic. I wish it was as easy to see our doctors.

  4. OMC! What a busy day you had, Rosie! I am glad all of the patients were seen and too bad your Girl Friday took the day off. Thanks for meowing the gossip.

  5. Oh boy Rosie, the doctors have it al organized. I wonder if me and mom could get through an eye exam with that excellent eye chart! Bet we could! Joanie, you had to have been super busy with all those patients. Walk-ins are hard to schedule into the ones who have appointments. Friday, next time the clinic is open like that, you could appoint yourself the director of who goes where in the exam rooms.

  6. TGO and TM have such wonderful imaginations fueled of course by their Great Aunts
    cr8tive mind
    Yay to the staff for taking care of very important business
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. rosie…we hope everee one waz abe bull ta get ther eye
    examz ..coz now each oh ewe can get a drivin licentz and
    buzz a bout town when ever ewe like!🚗😺🐟💙‼️

  8. Handsome kitties and glad you can rest today ~ hugs to you ~

    Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  9. Looks like the medical office was in full swing. I’m glad everyone was seen. You’re all so precious.

    We’ve done our wills long ago. It gives us a lot of peace.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

    1. Thank you. That is good that you have yours done. I hope you did the health care proxy and power of attorney too. XO

  10. We need to update our wills. Ugh… Please thank your mom and dad for this reminder. I am sorry, Rosie, about noisy children and that you got sick. I’m sure your grammie feels bad. And I bet you’re proud of Joanie, too. 🙂 And I hope Friday called in to let you know of her pending absence. ~giggle~

    1. You’re welcome. Kuddos to you for already having one in need of updating, this is the first one they made. No, Friday did not. XO

  11. That was quite an update sweet Rosie. It sure has been busy at your place!

  12. Thanks for all the updates – glad things are back to normal after all the noise.
    Good that your parents are taking care of their wills on your behalf!

  13. I am glad all the patients were seen. Awww, Joanie, you are such a sweetheart. Rosie you had a lot going on. Lots of news. SSNS and I did all that lawyerly stuff a couple of years ago and made me a basket case. Poor Grammie, she didn’t know you yacked, right?

  14. Four paws up to your peeps for what they’re doing, even though it’s horrible to even think about.

  15. Charlee: “Sounds like a top-notch health care system you’re running there. The big hospitals and insurance companies could learn something from you!”
    Chaplin: “We sure hate to think of something happening to your Mom and Dad at the same time. Or ours!”
    Charlee: “Maybe we should whisper to our Mama and Dada that they need to get something written down for us, too …”

  16. Well dun Rosie…or shuud wee call you Doctur Rosie???
    An well dun to t
    THE girlss fore seein all payshuntss.
    Mew mew mew Friday took THE day off……wee not surprized 😉
    An Aunty an Unkell wee happy you are gettin thingss inn order….allwayss a guud idea!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{hugss}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. NO, I am a reporter, not a Dr. Only Joanie is a Dr.
      Thank you. 🙂 I am glad we got that done. XO

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