Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest

Hi everyone! I have my leprechaun trap all set. Mine was on the back of the Lucky Charms box, but you can make one with almost anything you have around the house. The blog,The Dating Divas has 36 great ideas. I really like the one with the oatmeal box – maybe next year.

Lots going on here. Mom and Dad have been picking pussy willows and arranging them. The whole enclosed porch is covered with them.  Although they gave a lot of them away today to friends, the librarians and relatives.

Mom has decided to join The A-Z Blogging Challenge. She didn’t do it last year because poor Sammy was so sick. In the past, she has done crochet projects, cat books and money saving tips for cat things. Being that she is always trying to declutter she has decided her theme will be the A- Z’s of Decluttering. She hopes to actually declutter the things she writes about and more importantly, get Dad to join in. She will also tell you about some great books and blogs on the subject. I can assure you that C will not be cat stuff. All our stuff is too important to part with.

Today is Pi Day. My folks are going to have a chicken pot pie for supper. Why is it called pot pie when it is not cooked in a pot? I hope it doesn’t have pot in it. It is legal in our state, but my folks would NEVER have that.

I will let you know how the Leprechaun trap turns out. I am going to have a tough week. The Great One will be here all-day Wednesday and Typhoid Mary will be here on Friday. Have a nice St. Patrick’s Day! I hope you all catch a leprechaun and make him lead you to the pot of gold.


We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop













  1. Good luck with your leprechaun trap. It sounds like you will need good luck on Wednesday and Friday too.

  2. I hope your trap captures a Leprechaun – they are tricky little things though so GOOD LUCK. I think the declutter theme for your A-Z challenge is a great idea – gives a focus to the whole decluttering “thing”. Mom’s pussy willow plant doesn’t look so great – at least YET. Maybe it’s slow to get going this year?

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. Sure sounds like you’ve got quite the busy week lined up! Where I grew up in western MA, I remember walking out in the woods behind a neighbor’s house and picking massive amounts of pussy willows. Seems they were all over the place out there, and my mom used to color them. Enjoy the rest of your week, and Happy St. Patrick’s Day to you!

    1. I have heard of people coloring them. These are from pussy willow trees not the kind that are by swamps. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!

  4. Wow, is your mama going to be busy or WHAT? Whatever is cluttering wherever had better watch its back! Hide those toys, all of you darlings as when mama is on a tear, she is unstoppable, I am SURE of that.

  5. Oh you have so much news to share with us this morning. Thank you. And pussywillows oh my. Nothing like that is up here trying to bloom yet. And I haven’t seen any myself for years. I love them.

  6. Thanks for the updates! I didn’t know it was pot pie day. Wed did have one for supper last night, though. Lots of luck finding a leprechaun hunt! 🙂

  7. I think this is my blog treasure of the day! I loved the entire thing as always but the ideas and pictures in it just are enchanting to us over here.

  8. What an imagination you have, Rosie! You certainly are a very kreative kitty. We’ll have to follow your decluttering journey ’cause we need all the tips we can get.

  9. Look at all those pussy willows – wow! I’ve never thought about why they call it pot pie when it’s not in a pot or having pot in it – MOL!

  10. Charlee: “Ooh, good luck to your mom with her decluttering project! If we ever did that here, which I’m sure we won’t, our Dada’s ‘C’ would be computer stuff for sure.”
    Chaplin: “Didn’t he just take a whole carload of computer stuff in to the e-waste disposal place?”
    Charlee: “Yes, but there’s always more where that came from!”

    1. Thank you. 🙂 No computer stuff here, mom recycles as soon as she gets a new one. 🙂

  11. A comprehensive report, Rosie! Love the pussywillows on the porch! Lots of good projects going on, as always! XO

  12. If hubby won’t help you declutter then it’s much more difficult. We sure have decluttered here. It’s a good thing. We have so much more room.

    Rosie is most adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to mom. ♥

  13. Pussy Willowss!!!! Oh they are loveley! Wee have snow Rosie!
    Guud Luck with yore Leppreecon trap….wunder if it REELLY werkss?
    Aunty Ellen wee think yore A-Zee Bloggin theme iss grate! Wee due not have alot of clutter butt wee due need to go thru thingss…
    An nothin named Cat Toy leevess unless mee not like it 😉
    Mee has NO idea ’bout Pi Day or why foodabull iss Pot Pie…..maybee they were made inn potss back inn dayss of no stovess?
    Enjoy yore Chick-hen Pot Pie Aunty an Unkell…..maybee you get a peece of chick-hen fore yore GRATE reeport today Rosie!?!?!?
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I know your mum is good about not having clutter. My mom is too- it is my dad that she needs to motivate. XO

  14. I hope you do get to catch a leprechaun, Rosie.

    Happy Pi(e) Day! Pot pies used to be made in a cast iron pot, at least sometimes they were, back when you cooked over an open fire a lot. Or you’d put the whole pot in the oven.

    Your mom’s A to Z plan sounds great!

  15. Those pussy willows sure are beautiful! I love them. It’s always (Mud)pie day around here 🙂 I’m trying to get some decluttering done (again) so will be looking forward to your posts.

  16. Wowzers, your mom and dad sure did catch a lot of pussy willows! We bet all those folks enjoyed receiving them. 🙂

    Rosie, we hope your leprechaun trap works out!

  17. A laprechaun trap…if they go in, we need one too…😹Good Luck with the challenge, Ellen. Do you put the challenge on your bloggie? It sure is going to be fun again😸Extra Pawkisses🐾😽💞

  18. I cannot imagine trying to get my husband to throw anything out, even to recycle or pass along. ~sigh~ He still brings up things from long past that I let go. Best wishes and hugs, my dears.

  19. Always fun at your place! I hope the de-cluttering goes well. It’s never easy, especially when you try to get someone else to participate! xo

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