Nosey Rosie’s Gabfest


Hi everyone! Did you miss me last week? I missed you.

Well, let’s get right to all the latest news. Mom made brunch for Grammie on Mother’s Day. I heard Grammie say she wants to steal Rudy and Friday. She didn’t say that she would like to steal me- who wouldn’t want to steal me? I am sweet and adorable in one little package. Not that I want to be stolen.

Mom is really going crazy with the decluttering. And she has dad in on it too. Look at all the crap Sci-fi magazines and books that Dad is getting rid of. He is making mom try to sell them on Craigslist though. I think they are going to end up in the recycle bin next to Mom’s cooking and Yankee magazines.


The Great One and Typhoid Mary went to Florida where their folks last week, so I didn’t have to do any hiding.

Mom got some sad news today. Cat Scouts is closing down. My brother, Angel Sammy was a proud Cat Scout. He always looked so handsome in his uniform.

And Mom was teaching a craft class every month in his memory.

I can’t believe I have nothing to tell you about any of my siblings-nothing on Joanie, Penny, Elvira, Friday, Trouble, Brody, Tuffy, Ethel, Bridget, Lucy, Rusty or Rudy. I guess everyone has been behaving.

See you next week.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.



We are joining Comedy Plus’ Happy Tuesday Blog Hop


  1. I am really truly sorry that Cat Scouts os closing down. Was the Leader just too busy, do you think? And Rosie. I’d steal you in a heart beat! Tell your Dad I know all of those books and mags.

    1. Thank you. She has a lot going on healthwise and many scouts have passed away. It costs $300 a month to run it and is no longer worth it. XO

  2. Rosie, we think if you thought real hard you could come up with something about your siblings and then report it to some time in the week
    Crystal And Daisy Mae

  3. That is too sad about Cat Scouts. We angels never joined, but I knew a lot of Catster cats and a few blogging ones later who were members.

    Wow, that is a huge pile of paper!!

    Rosie, if your Grammie ‘steals’ Rudy and Friday, then maybe Rusty might settle down….wouldn’t she want both Rusty and Rudy???

    Nice that you don’t have any naughty goods on your fellow kitty furblings.

  4. Wow, that is a lot of decluttered books and magazines! There are people who will pay a lot of money for them. I am sorry Cat Scouts is closing down.

  5. Sorry about Cat Scouts…I think I was going to think about it year ago but don’t know if I was accepted, haha. Sammy was a leader, that’s for sure. And I would steal YOU in a New York Minute, whatever that is, Rosie.

  6. WOW – your Mom got your Dad to pawticipate in the decluttering and look at all the STUFF he’s getting rid of! Bravo. Nice that you got a little break from Typhoid Mary and The Great One but enjoy your rest while you can – they’ll be back soon enough. Cat Scouts was a BIG THING for ten years – my Mom will miss it too but she really is ready to move on.

    Hugs, Teddy

  7. Rosie, it sounds like your house is still one busy place. Your dad has lots of books, but it seems to me it would take a lot of work to try to sell them unless you did it by the Box full. Glad all the other fur babies in your house you need to be doing okay.

  8. Wow! Kudos for the decluttering. Rosie, I think you’re holding back on not meowing anything about your siblings.

  9. YAY for Mom and Dad team work makes the dreamwork.
    Is mom trying to make room for more kitties.. MOL MOL MOL..
    I can hardly wait to hear how much fun TGO and TM had I bet they visited Mickey and Mini
    I heard about Cat Scouts and I’m sorry…I guess it is a sign of the times.
    Hugs Cecilia

    1. No more kitties right now. 🙂 They didn’t go to that part of Fl- they did Disney last year though. XO

  10. Of course, we miss you, and yet we miss Penny when she’s not here, too. I like when you all take turns.

    All of your Mom’s kitties are stealable.

    Have a blessed and beautiful Tuesday!

  11. I would steal you, Rosie. Yes I would.

    I’m so sorry Cat Scouts is shutting down. So sad.

    Oh the decluttering. Hubby did the same thing with tons of old magazines he had. What a difference it made. We’re still at it, but we’re close to being done.

    Thank you for joining the Happy Tuesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Happy Tuesday, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. ♥

  12. Hi Rosie, you look cute today! Husband likes sci-fi too, and I enjoy it, to an extent. Good work on the news! XO

  13. Charlee: “Wow, look at all those vintage SF magazines! I’m sure our Dada has rejection letters from every one of them …”
    Chaplin: “Everyone has been behaving? Hmm … Or maybe they have just been being very sneaky. Not that I would know anything about that.”

    1. Sorry, he watched X-Files, but never collected anything. She knows she can’t have any of our cats. 🙂 XO

  14. Yikes Rosie! Grammie wantss to steal Rudy an Friday? But what about Elvira an Rusty? They wuud miss their siblingss rite?
    An wee are so impressed with Aunty Ellen AN Unkell!!! Way to go Unkell!!!
    Wee think hee shuud put all his SCi-Fi stuff fore sale….there iss o much kewl itemss……
    BellaSita went thru old clothess so there are no more ratty udies; sockss or pantss. Shee then checked clothess that are guud butt do not fit an put them inn Laundry Room with FREE sign!
    Then shee went thru Kitchen an took potss an dishess she nevurr usess an did same thing. Shee iss thinkin of doe-natin DVD’S an VHS tapess as she does not have DVD or VHS playerss.
    Shee DOES want more CD’S tho’ mew mew mew……
    Take care Rosie an come vissit soon!
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum
    Pee S: Wee are so sorry that Cat Scoutss iss endin…..THE end of an era rite Aunty?

    1. No worries, once a cat lives here, it is forever. If Grammie wants them, she has to move in. 🙂 Maybe she can sell dvds to make money for cd’s.. : XO

  15. TGO and TM came to Florida?! The weather was great in our little bit of Florida last week. I hope they enjoyed their trip. And Grammie had brunch on Mom’s Day! Lots of news Rosie. It is sad about Cat Scouts but maybe something just as fun but different will pop up. Would Grammie really take Friday and Rudy? I gots lots of questions. I bet they would have lots of treats! Rosie, I think you might be right where all the decluttered magazines are going to end up!

    1. Yes, I forgot wht part though- my niece’s step mother’s family has a condo somewhere. Grammie can’t take any kitties- this is their forever home. XO

  16. Sorry to hear about Cat Scouts. I know your Mom enjoyed it. That is a lot of books and magazines. We collect a lot over the years. I didn’t realize how much stuff I had until I moved. I did a lot of decluttering. Glad everyone is behaving, especially Rusty and Rudy.

    1. Thank you. Mom has lived here since 1992 and Dad, since 1980-no moving so lots of clutter. XO

  17. That was a good report sweet Rosie and we wish your Mom luck with the decluttering thing. That is sad about Cat Scouts.

  18. Good job by Mom decluttering like that! We bet your Dad could get some good money for those scifi magazines. That’s so sad about Cat Scouts closing down. 🙁

  19. You infected Granny to do a lot of decluttering too, we think it works like that😸 We were never cat scouts, but we have a twofeet nephew and nice who are Scouts and we know how much they love it, so we’re sorry the leader had to stop with it. Oh, Rosie, we’re glad to see you today…or was it yesterday…🙊Extra Pawkisses for now🐾😽💞

  20. Wow, that’s a lot of sci-fi items to declutter! And we think you’re worth “stealing,” Rosie.

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