NEMO Cat Show

Happy Monday everyone! Monday is fun and games day here so I will tell you about all the fun I had at the NEMO ( New England Meow Outfit) cat show yesterday. I went to the same show last year, it as my first cat show ever, in case you missed that post, here it is: Cat ShowΒ 

Last year I dragged my Mom and as much as she loves my cats, it wasn’t her thing. This year, I met another Cat blogger there which made it a lot more fun, it was Carol from Peaches and Paprika Β 

I will have to wait until another post to show our photo together because I forgot to ask her if she minded if I showed it. If you haven’t checked out her blog, please do, she is an amazing photographer and a very nice person too.

Last year, I got to meet Jake and his Mom of Life with Abys . She is very creative and comes up with the best costumes for the cat/owner costume contest. Jake is so smart, she had just dressed him and he decided to go potty, so he got in his cage and took off his pants to go- I wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it for myself. Here he is in his costume: 024A red shirt and khakis- can anyone guess who Jake was? Carol got better photos so I hope to get a photo of Jake and his Mom from her.

There were also a lot of vendors with great prices on cat toys. We really loved this one lady’s paintings: 013( she was even sweet enough to pose)014017


She doesn’t have a website, but her name is Suzan and she can be reached at dudulasuzan@yahoo.comΒ  Her prices were good and she also does custom paintings too.

There was a table with raffle items so I bought 3 tickets and won something πŸ™‚ A book called All Cats Have Asperger’s, a necklace and a small plaque. I hope to get to more cat shows soon. It is so fun to be near so many cat loving people and cats.

Don’t forget to comment to be entered into our latest giveaway for breast cancer awareness:010



    1. This was a cat show, but there were a lot of crafters with kitty things -definitely heaven for me. πŸ™‚

  1. I’ve been to a couple of cat shows…………so much fun to see how many talented people have come up with unique items to sell relating to cats. Also fun to see the different “cat stars” who often come to these events and meet their owners. Glad you had a good time and CONCATS on winning something!!!!!

    Hugs, Pam

    1. It was a lot of fun. I wonder if there are any half way between your house and mine where we could meet. Oh yes, the Pilch kitties always dress up for Halloween. πŸ™‚ XO

  2. What a fun thing to do. It’s always nice to meet other pet bloggers too. That kitty is amazing to take his pants off before using the litter box. Simply amazing.

    1. Jake is a smart kitty :)I really wouldn’t have believed it if I didn’t see it for myself. πŸ™‚

  3. Seems like NEMO was lots of fun. I haven’t attended any cat shows yet, but this year I’m thinking of attending the first one.
    I loved Susan’s painting (the white cat one). She should definitively think about getting a website or blog. I’m sure many cat lovers will love her paintings πŸ™‚

    1. You will love going to a cat show, even more fun if any bloggers live nearby that you can meet too. I agree, she should have a website or an etsy store. πŸ™‚

    1. YAY! You got it! Good job πŸ™‚ I didn’t get it until she told us- and she was in pajamas and a robe πŸ™‚

  4. guys…way kewl yur mom winned sum prizes & getted ta meet sum kewl peepulz anda fellow blogger …how awesum iz that !!!! we sure hope she bringed everee one bak sum treetz ~~~~~~ β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. The kitties’ Grammie had me do some Christmas shopping for her, but no treats that day πŸ™

  5. Dat sounds like lots of fun. Weez not have any cat shows here and none close enuff fur mommy to go to. She used to go to them when hers and Lexi lived in Tulsa, and she sez they was always fun. But she also sed she always wanted to bwing a new kitty home. MOL Luv da pink bweast cancer awareness stuffs.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. I wanted to steal a calico that looked like Lucy. She hissed and growled at the judge too- just like my Lucy would have. XO

  6. That sure looks like it was a fun day. Our Mom has never been to a cat show. But it looks like good fun. You all have a terrific Monday.

  7. Lad Ellen that artiste Lady doess furabulss werk! An wee are so happy you won thee book! LadyMum says mee has *A$$purrger’ss* fur sure, mew mew mew….
    An mee wants to commint about that icky BC>>>Mee Aunty next door iss a BC surviver an she iss such a brave Hu’man! Mee luvss to run over an visit her an let her massage mee head an put a smile on her face! Mee wishes shee nevurr went thru BC butt mee iss happy shee iss alive an well now…..
    ***paw kissesss*** to mee Purincess Phoebe frum littul Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. hat is an awful disease that affects so many. She does do excellent work, I wish I could afford something. You don’t have burgers on your tock πŸ™‚

  8. Our Mama would never miss the cats shows (twice a year) here in Vancouver for years! She was addicted to being around all the cats and cat lovers and she loved all the craftspeople that were there too . She bought us a few really nice beds and toys from cat shows. She hasn’t gone to a cat show for a few years now but maybe she should again… Great that you went with a fellow blogger. That would make it doubly fun! πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. I am surprised there are none around you- feel free to come to Massachusetts for one, you can stay with us.

  9. That looks like a great show! Our mommy would’ve gone with you if we weren’t on the other side of the country of course. That lady is a wonderful painter too! Thanks for sharing your photos!

  10. I wish there were cat shows around here. Actually, I should check if there are in Philadelphia. When we lived in CA, I went to quite a few. How fun that you met another blogger. Cat shows always have fun things for kitties and their humans.

    Phoebe, you look so cute! (Obviously, don’t enter us because we just won.)

    1. That is nice of you to give someone else a turn to win πŸ™‚ Phoebe says thank you. I bet there are cats shows in your area, there are a lot of groups that have them, this was NEMO.

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