Monday is Fun Day!

Happy Monday everyone. Today is fun and games day so I thought I would show you the Easter basket I am getting ready for my kitties. I wish I had planned ahead, I would have planted some kitty grass to line the basket. Instead, I used tissue paper so the kitties can play with that too. 008I bought a package of 24 small eggs at Dollar Tree, they even have little holes in the bottom so when I put catnip in them, they will be able to smell it. I still need to crochet a few eggs and fish for them too. And you see that Temptations Snacky Mouse? I am going to have a giveaway for one in the near future.

Now for my fun, later today I am going to watch the dvd I won from Brian ( ) 008Spooky is guarding it for me. It is called Russell Madness and looks like a sweet, fun movie for the whole family ( kitties too). I also won a little stuffy too, but my niece has a Jack Russell so I thought she would want it for her desk at work and I gave it to her before I took a photo. nora1This is my niece’s dog, Nora or as I call her Naughty Nora.Thanks for having the giveaway Brian πŸ™‚

I am going to have more fun starting Wednesday too. I am participating in the blogging A-Z challenge, there are almost 1,500 bloggers participating. It is a great way to meet more bloggers of all sorts of topics. If you are interested, you can read about it at: .



  1. Thank you for the information on A-Z blogging! I’ll also participate, sounds like fun!

    I love your Eastern preperations! I have the opposite problem: I’ve bought kitty grass, but didn’t plant it because my cats are still in the shelter for medical treatment. πŸ™

    1. Glad you are going to participate in the A-Z blog. I hope you can get your kitties soon.

  2. We’ll be hiding plastic eggs around the yard for our neighbors’ little boys and of course Sam will get his traditional Easter basket and suffer the indignity of wearing his Easter scarf for a photo. Hard to believe it’s almost Easter when we had snow this morning though!

    Hugs, Pam

    1. I know, we had snow too πŸ™ I can’t wait to see Sammy’s Easter photo πŸ™‚

  3. I think tissue paper is the perfect lining for an Easter basket for cats!! Do you know Mom Emily at Kitty Cat Chronicles? She hides the eggs for her kitties to hunt on Easter, and it looks like so much fun!!

    We hope you enjoy your movie πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I didn’t know about the Easter egg hunt- that sounds like lots of fun.

  4. guys !! enjoy de mewvie with yur mom N looks like yur gettin one way awe sum baskit…glad ta see yur mom inn clooded DINO eggs & KNOT burd eggs !! πŸ™‚ β™₯β™₯β™₯

  5. Conkatss on yur winnin there Lady Ellen…
    Spooky looks furroshuss guardin thee DVD!!! Mew mew mew….
    Say there iss a Temptashunss MOUSIE???
    You KNOW how MUCH mee LUVSS mee mousiess!!!!
    “Oh LadyMum why you not got mee a mousie??”
    Oh Lady Ellen shee sayss wee not have them here πŸ™
    ***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry
    Pee S: Pleeze kiss mee Purrincess Phoebe frum mee an fankss…

    1. I gave Phoebe a kiss and a hug from you and she sends you the same. Sorry they don’t have The Temptations mouse, you wouldn’t be able to carry it, it is like an egg with a hole that pops out snacks when you hit it. DO you have an IKEA? They have nice big stuffed mice for $1 in the kid’s section. Love, Ellen and Phoebes.

  6. Okay Miss Ellen yous not just talented but yous cweatively talented too. Mommy wulda never fawt ’bout kitty gwass fur an Easter basket much less tissue paper. Altho’ weez not get kitty baskets soo hers dusn’t hav to worry ’bout it. Those awe sum pawsum gifts. Yous all gunna be so happy. Hav fun wiff yous movie.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  7. Concats on winning the video. I bet it was fun. TW never thought about putting nip in those plastic eggs although sometimes I bat them around anyway. This year they didn’t really do much decorating so no eggs unless TW buys some. They did buy me a rabbit shooter with some rockets that I hear they’re saving for Easter.

    1. I hope your folks go buy you some eggs, Dollar Tree has a big bad for only $1.00 ( nip not included). πŸ™‚

  8. You always find the best ways to spoil your fur babies! We bet they will love those catnip filled eggs πŸ™‚ Enjoy your video! πŸ™‚

    the critters in the cottage xo

  9. Such cute Easter basket ideas! Your cats are going to be really spoiled this Easter. I have been thinking about picking up one of those Temptations mice for my kitties (they are Temptations addicts). The blogging challenge sounds like it will be great! I look forward to seeing your posts.

    1. You should get one of those Snacky Mice, they llok like fun. ALso, I hope you decide to participate in the chellenge, it looks like a great way to find some interesting blogs.

  10. Oh Ellen there is no IKEA for 400 miles radius here…sighs…..I MISS IKEA!
    Maybe we will get those mouses in Canada at some point. Mind you Siddhartha’s mouth is not very big for carrying things…
    Oh here he is to speak to Phoebe (bye for now)…..
    Mee-you Rainbow gurl hope you are havin a grate day there. Mee has been dreemin of you thiss afturnoon…
    Mee sendss *purrss* an **nose kissess**
    Purrince Siddhartha Henry <3

    1. Oh my sweet Purrince, how sweet of you to dream of me. I was resting on my tissue paper and thinking of you. Love, Phoebes XO
      PS: My Mom says our Ikeas are an hour and a half away so she only goes there every few years.

  11. Good greef thiss IKEA store place must bee sumfin speshell πŸ˜‰
    LadyMum sayss thee closest one to us iss 400 miless south of here! At leest yur Mumma can go efurry few yeerss!
    Oh mee Rainboe Gurlie yur on thee tisshue papurr an finkin of mee?? That iss so so sweet; mee heart iss goin ‘puttypattur’ with <3 LUV <3
    Mee had sum sweet dreemss bout you yesturday an mee had a nice one today πŸ™‚
    ***paw kissess*** yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxx

  12. Mee-you whoo ooo sweet Purrincess Phoebe you look stunnin on thee tisshue papurr…..
    Mee stared at yur fotoss’ fur thee longest time! LadyMum said ‘It must bee puppy luv.” An mee just *shaked mee head*…shee iss so silly issn’t shee???
    Mew mew mew…
    ***paw kissess*** Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxx

    1. Puppy love? Phooooey! It is the true love of a purrince and a purrincess πŸ™‚ XO

  13. Mew mew mew it iss full blown ‘KITTY LUV’ fur sure Purrincess Phoebe…..
    ~~~head rubss~~~ an *paw kissess* an <3 LUV <3
    Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxx

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