
Happy Monday everyone! Thank you all for the purrs and prayers for Lucy- they are definitely helping and I am very grateful fro everyone’s care and concern.

Monday is fun and games day. I think I have been having more fun than the cats. I have been having fun with Flat Madi and Sammy. 004They played Three Blind Mice on the piano. Sadly, I only recognized the first few notes because I haven’t taken a lesson in about 9 years.

006They enjoyed playing with the Frolicat Pounce that we won from Dezi ( ).

And as much as I prefer cats to babies, I have been enjoying shopping for my niece’s baby ( due October 28th). 002One is never too young to start training to be a cat lady πŸ™‚



  1. Mol mol Mol 3 blind mice….Sammy and FM must have loved that!
    thank you for all the fun times. We are so glad Lucy is feeling better. Madi had a tummy issue in Feb, March and part of April…she knows how uncomfy they are.
    Lots of hugs
    Madi and Cecilia
    Ps we look forward to your visit here

    1. They wanted to know where the 3 blind mice were πŸ™‚ Tummy issues are awful. As soon as Sammy gets back from Dezi’s he will head out to you. πŸ™‚

    1. I felt bad sending Sammy back today- we will miss him. It is fun buying kitty items for baby. πŸ™‚

      1. I can’t wait to see your photos πŸ™‚ Thank you for posting and for letting me know it is up.

  2. Oh goodness ….what fun everyone is having. I’ve always wanted to learn to play piano or sing in tune. I firmly believe it is never to early to train to be a cat person. So happy to read Lucy is doing better.
    Have a Happy Monday Everyone….
    Scout Charles

    1. I can’t sign at all- in college choir- I was asked to mouth the words. πŸ™‚ And my piano skills are not much better. Happy Monday- almost Tuesday.

  3. We think Flat Madi and Sammy should take piano lessons from Nora. Just sayin’. Oh my, we love the baby outfits. So cute.
    Have a fabulous Monday1
    Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

    1. I bet Nora could teach them better than I could πŸ™‚ I sent out your prizes today so they should be there in a few days. Happy Monday- almost Tuesday.

  4. Oh it sure looks like you two visitors are having such a good time. So glad everyone is enjoying their trip. Have a great Monday.

    1. We are going to miss them, I hope we get more Flat visitors- they are so easy to feed πŸ™‚

  5. The Frolicat Pounce looks lot of fun. And those are such lovely gifts for your niece’s baby. I’m sure she will grow up to be a wonderful cat lady πŸ™‚
    Thank you for your kind words at passing of our Kit xoxo

    1. That is a good pun- “flat” on the piano πŸ™‚ I got one more outfit too after I had taken that photo :)XO

  6. lucy…ask yur mom ta ask de vet at de place oh eeeeeeeeeeeeevil bout a b12 injectionz ta jump start yur appa tite….N haza awesum fun fun time with de flat cat vizitz !!! mor st francis blessings two ewe β™₯β™₯β™₯

    1. We will ask about that tomorrow when we go-thank you, I wanted to ask for an appetite stimulant, but didn’t know what. And thanks for the Blessings from St. Francis.

  7. Sounds like they be havin’ a pawsum time. And oyus too. By da way, our web addwess is just da .com now. Don’t worry da old link will still put yous into our bloggy. Hope y’all have a gweat day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. You are right about the right person. I am usually not into babies, but I love my niece so of course I will love her baby πŸ™‚

  8. I love seeing the flatcats and glad Lucy is better. I bring Frolicats to the shelter and they get demolished within a few weeks πŸ™‚

    1. That is sweet of you to bring the frolicats to the shelters. Flat cats are lots of fun. Lucy is going to the vet tomorrow- she is better, but not 100%. Thank you.

  9. Meowmy had our unfurbros trained way early to be kitty men too:))

    Piano?? Yup how about twinkle little star…furry same kind of notes as 3 blind mousies! By the way a lot of our mousies are blind too, Minko chews their eyes out when he plays mouse catcher, MOL! Poor mousies…..

    1. That is funny that your mousies are blind πŸ™‚ That is good that your Meowmy trained your unfurbros early- how many do you have?

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