Joanie Update

Hi everyone. I got some very sad and disturbing news when I took Joanie to the vet today. As you know, she has not been eating well despite all the meds to help with that. An x-ray was done and it showed fluid in her lungs and some cancer. The vet assumes there is cancer somewhere else too. She recommended letting her go. I know I have to let her go, but I couldn’t do it yet and she hasn’t let me know that she is ready yet either. The Great One is coming over after school tomorrow to say goodbye to her friend. I will not be online visiting blogs for now as I am spending every moment I can with my sweet girl.

Lorianne will still be hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins so you can link up at her blog. Click here. 

I know you all care, but I am shutting comments off for this post because I won’t be able to respond to them for a while. Thank you all for your purrs and prayers.

Joanie back in 2018, letting The Great One dress her up. They have a special friendship.

I took a photo of them earlier this month when she was visiting. I have been telling her that Joanie would be going to Heaven soon.