It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading?

Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and Book Date’s It’s Monday! What Are YOU Reading? blog hops.

I am reading several books, but my favorite is Theresa Caputo’s Good Grief: Heal Your Soul, Honor Your Loved Ones, and Learn to Live Again. I have read her other books and loved them and this one is no different. I recently discovered that her show, Long Island Medium is available on Comcast, I am a little slow being that it is currently in season 10. She helps so many people by giving them messages from loved ones that have passed. I even signed up on her website for a reading, I can’t imagine being chosen being that I wrote I want to be in contact with my deceased cats. I know there are a lot of psychics out there, but the part that impressed me is that she is still Catholic, but just happens to have this gift that she uses for good.

Β  For the A-Z Blogging Challenge we have a turkey leg for T. Any guesses on what I will crochet for U tomorrow?




  1. Sweet – turkey legs!!! We have some of those here!
    Ugli fruit?(like a grapefruit)
    A unicorn?? Yes, now that would be fun!

    We have not heard of that book.

  2. Joanie looks so sweet. Simon is reading we me this morning and he loves seeing her photo. I think you’re going to show us an Umbrella!!!!’

    1. I wish I had thought of an umbrella, I am sure there is a pattern for one. Joanie sends Simon a kitty kiss. XO

  3. Hope you get that reading from the psychic! I’ll guess that for “U” you will be crocheting underwear – am I right??????

    Love, Teddy

    1. Thank you, I hope I do too. Good guess on the underwear, but I am not that good at crocheting πŸ™‚

  4. I love the turkey leg. πŸ™‚
    I’m reading “A Walk in the Woods: Rediscovering America on the Appalachian Trail” by Bill Bryson. It is an informative and humorous book about hiking the trail.

  5. You always have such intriguing reads to share with us. And, of course, we love the turkey leg. Yum! As for U, maybe an umbrella? A unicorn? Unicycle? Goodness, U sure is a tough one. Have a lovely day!

    1. Thank you. All good guesses on the U, but I am not that talented. Hope you had a great day too.

  6. I hope you get chosen by the psychic. That sounds really interesting. I’ve wanted to do something like that.

    Hope you have a great week!

  7. What an awesome toy! Please let tomorrow’s be a unicorn. ~grin~ As for what I’m reading, I have three books open on my Kindle Fire. One is a biography on Jimmy Stewart’s war service, another is a paranormal series of shorts set in my home region, and the third is an adventure/romance/fantasy. The ironic thing is I’m enjoying my rewrites more. The two fictions are not well written and the Jimmy Stewart bio is less interesting than expected. And the author has an annoying habit of inserting mini chapters entirely in italics. Gah! It’s obnoxious. At least I feel better and better about my own writing skills as a result. Happy Blogging!

    1. Too bad the Jimmy Stewart one isn’t interesting, I was thinking of getting that one from the library. I do find memoirs and autobiographies better though because biographies need a lot of filling in on details and end up reading like a history book.
      I wish I could crochet the unicorn πŸ™‚

      1. I hope you will check out the book for yourself. I didn’t mean to put you off. Maybe I’m just being picky. There is some neat stuff about his friendship with Henry Fonda. Some day I’ll give it another go. And I bet you could crochet a unicorn. You are so talented. Be well!

        1. Maybe I will get it from the library, I won’t feel bad about not finishing it if I don’t like it that way. Thank you for saying I am talented, but I couldn’t crochet any animal.

  8. Joanie and a turkey leg… priceless! I am still trying to get a book finished that I previously mentioned… it has been crazy busy at our house. Sending good luck thoughts that you are chosen by the psychic! First thing that came to mind for U was a unicorn or an umbrella! Pam and Sam cracked me up with underwear!

    1. I wish I was talented enough to make one of those things. I can’t crochet underwear either πŸ™‚

  9. Though I prefer lighter material, I am currently reading 13 Hours … I want to understand what happened in Benghazi, though I’m not sure I will ever understand why that disaster took place.

  10. Tomorrow is a unicorn? Just my guess.

    Awww on the kitty.

    I would love to be in touch with our precious dog Little Bit. We miss her so much.

    Have a purrfect Awww Monday. ☺

    1. Good guess, but I am not that talented. πŸ™‚ You should go to Theresa’a site and fill out an application.

  11. I love reading. I have just finished The Keeper of Lost Things by Ruth Hogan and have now started The Devil In the Marshalsea, a murder mystery set in the 18th Century. Two very different books.

  12. Oh, that turkey leg! One of our favorites to nap with, too! Our Mom is STILL reading her learning French books (will it EVER end, Mom??) but did just finish reading an older writing prompt book by a long-ago friend. She says an old Stephen King book is up next on her list but only after she gets past the halfway point in her French classes. Sigh…

  13. guyz…nothin against yur momz werk coz itz grate… but turkee leg heer iz followed with Ugh for ….”U’ πŸ™‚ β™₯β™₯

  14. Reading “I Heard You Paint Houses” by Charles Brandt (about the disappearance of Jimmy Hoffa), and listening to “TransAtlantic” by Colum McCann; both are really good!

  15. Sea Urchin?Underdog?
    Re: your comment on my blog. I didn’t review Rachel Ray food. Some of the Wellness kibble does contain that V9 supplement but we chose one that didn’t. I’m sure they’ll discover something in there that’s not good. The Indoor does. It does contain chicory which may affect your cats.

    1. Thank you for letting me know about the Wellness. We had another food with chicory that made my cats crazy, but this one doesn’t seem to πŸ™‚

  16. Good review! What I am reading is a true story. I will talk about it in the fill-ins later.

    I love your toys! You are so creative & talented! U…umbrella is what comes to mind. Or: Utensil, Uranus, Umpire, Ukelele?

  17. Maybe you’ll crochet a ukulele? LOL

    We are reading a 1960 book of cat short stories called All Cats Go to Heaven. The book’s title story is the first one, and it is so sweet it almost made me cry!

  18. HMMM a “U”??? How about a Unnycorn Lady Ellen??? πŸ˜‰
    While wee were offline LadyMum red Rebecca Tope’ss misstery “Death Inn Thee Cotswoldss”. it iss ackshully thee 3rd book of thee seriess of (5 + 5 +2) 12 bookss….so LadyMum got muddled on thee storyline, mew mew mew…..
    She now has 8 of the 12 bookss so mee hopess shee findss thee final 4 bookss.
    It was a berry good story.
    Now LadyMum iss reedin “Red Boness” by Ann Cleeves. This story iss 1 of thee “Shetland” seriess of bookss that were made inn to a serriess on BeeBeeCee. It iss a grippin story an wee have NO clue who thee bad purrson iss….yet…. πŸ˜‰
    ***nose kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry an all mee LUV to mee sweet buttercup gurl Phoebe xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Pee S: Mee saw thee foto you did fur Madi’ss event an LadyMum keeped it on thee new Pee Cee; shee sayss yur so-o tallented Lady Ellen…

    1. My sweet purrince, your Mum reads even more than my Mom does. Those sound like all good books and I hope she gets the other 4 of the series. And my Mom is not that talented, it was MAdi’s mom that made the photo with our photos. XO and paw kisses and nose rubs

      1. LadyMum iss goin to check online fur thee 4 books shee wantss….
        Madi’ss Mumma iss berry tallented! Mee featured thee foto on Sunday Selfie blog today sweet Phoebe!! You meenss thee werld to mee!!!
        ***paw kissesss*** an ALL mee luv, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. I saw the photo on your blog. You mean the world to me too my sweet purrince. XO and paw kisses

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