Is It Too Early For Apples?

Hi everyone! Mom has been destroying books again! Do you remember last year she made pumpkins? If not, click here.

  I didn’t want to get too close, that spray paint smells.

  Here are some of the finished apples, if you look close, you will see a worm in one of them.

All you do is take the cover off an old paperback, cut an apple shape out of the book. Then you fold the book back and glue the spine. You can also add drops of glue at the top of each page ( mom didn’t, she is lazy). Some of the books ended up with built-in stems that she painted green ( I think she should have painted them brown). And others, she added a piece of a pussy willow branch. Then she added ribbons and a worm in one 🙂

She is going to donate these to the senior center to put on tables at their monthly birthday dinner then they can give them away, but she said I could take one for a giveaway.

  I am having a giveaway of this book apple and this beautiful apple print catnip mat. Just leave a comment on today’s post before Wednesday 9PM (EST). I will announce the winner on Thursday. Feel free to tell me how beautiful I am, I don’t mind.

We are joining Create-with-Joy’s Inspire me Monday Blog Hop ( Yes, I know it is Tuesday). There are almost 200 links on this hop with lots of crafts and recipes.

PS: I hope Grammie visits me soon, I love her so very much.





    1. Thank you. My mom says she would NEVER do that to your book or any cat book. These are mainly old westerns.

  1. We don’t need any excuses to leave a comment and tell you how beautiful you are!
    The “apples” are furry purrty, but Mummy says She could neffur bring herself to treat a book like that.

    1. Thank you. The books were free and are old so it is sort of repurposing them instead of tossing them. XO

  2. Those are pretty cute 🙂
    Our Grammie used to make angels by folding pages of Readers Digest and spraying them gold and putting a little head on them 🙂
    Your mum is quite resourceful.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  3. How clever your Mom is to make apples from books! We remember the pumpkins last year – they were fabulous!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Hi everyone. We love that mom Ellen co-ordinates her craft projects with those pawtastic cat nip mats she makes. We love the ones we have received but sure wouldn’t mind winning another one.
    Scout Charles

  5. Yes, I clicked to enlarge and saw that bookworm! Your Mom is very clever and talented, Phoebe. Donating them to the Senior Center is such a thoughtful thing to do. You DO look beautiful! I hope Grammie visits soon, too!

  6. Oh wow what a totally fabulous idea and those apples are amazing!!! And we just love the worm!!! MOL

    Big hugs

    Basil & Co xox

  7. Your mom is so clever and generous! What a great idea to donate those. It is not too early for apples–the local orchard here has been open since mid July!

  8. Wowza, those apple books are da bomb! Our Mommy never makes cool stuff like that. She doesn’t have an inner Martha Stewart. It’s a little too early for apples here. 112 predicted for today. We are riding out heat wave #5 (or is it 6?)
    You look adorable posing on that mat which is, by the way, uber cool too.
    Angel Normie, Angel Mika, Sasha & Grady Lewis

    1. Thank you, no spray on me. She painted when I was inside, they were just drying later.

  9. Phoebe,

    You human mama (Ellen) did a spectacular job with this autumn feel DIY project. The apple decorations will be a fun touch to the Seniors’ tables. I’m really ready for the change in season. I’ve tried SO hard to not wish the summer away but the heat wears on ya and I really want it to cool down a bit. Next week shows promise of cooler temps. Yay! Thanks for sharing and for your mama’s visit yesterday. Did you my dance mewsic get stuck in your head, too? 😀

    1. All mom’s bad singing must have made me deaf because I can’t hear much anymore except high pitches. Glad you like the apples 🙂

  10. Phoebe, your momma thinks up to most wonderful things to donate to folks! And it looks like you did a good job of snoopervising, even if the paint is stinky!

  11. You look tiny in that picture, Phoebe! We hope you’re doing okay. I remember the pumpkins – the apples are equally as cool. I truly wish I had the patience for stuff like that.

  12. You are definitely the cutest thing in the pictures. I used to make something similar, but all I remember is gold paint (maybe Christmas decorations?)

  13. Yet again bootyful Phoebe, your mommy never ceases to amaze us. And you look adorable posin’ with dat apple book. Big hugs

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  14. guyz……we iz just wunderin…..wearz de pie !!! N phoebe ewe all wayz lookz gorgeouz ~ 🙂 3♥

  15. Many years ago, i made a Christmas tree out of a magazine. Unless it was a cheap, old paperback of not much literary value, i don’t know that i could use a book, either.

  16. Phoebe, your mom is so talented. Our mom wants to know how she finds the time. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  17. You, Phoebe are a most beauteous kitty, and you know how to show off those pretty apples on that mat!

    That worm must be a book worm, MOL! That is a good craft for some of our residents to try their hand at…they often do things that are later displayed for all to admire.

    1. Thank you, you are so sweet. Book worm-MOL! Good one 🙂
      This would be a good project for the elderly. XO

  18. You are beeutefull. You are beeuteffull. You are beeuteefull. Phoebe you are SO-O beeuteefull…….. **sighsss**
    An wee fink yur Mumma iss berry creative!!! Kewl apple bookss!
    All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. You are such a sweet boy, thank you. And Mom thanks you too. XO and paw kisses and nose rubs


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