Furminator #ChewyInfluencer

Hi everyone! Today is Chewy review day and we have a great product to tell you about. When I was offered a choice of FURminator for cats with long hair or short hair, I chose the one for long hair.

*Disclaimer: We received a FURminator for free from Chewy in exchange for a fair review. All opinions are our own.

Several times a month, Emmy will lose her appetite until she hacks up a big furball. I have been using the FURminator on her daily for two weeks and she has not had a furball issue. I am thrilled about this because she was diagnosed with the start of kidney disease in addition to her heart problem so when she doesn’t eat, I assume it is one of those problems and panic.

Hubby helped with the photo shoot because it is tough to hold a cat still and the FURminator and a camera, actually it is impossible.

Every single time Emmy is being brushed. Trouble gets jealous and wants a turn.

This is a cat that likes to be brushed.

After just two passes over her back, we got this. There is a cool FURjector button to push that releases the fur so you don’t have to pull it off by hand like with other grooming tools. It also has a nice ergonomic handle for easy gripping.

TheΒ  small FURminator is currently on sale at Chewy for $11.12 . there is also a larger one available as well as one for short- haired cats. If you are interested, click here.Β And while you are there, be sure to stock up on all your kitty’s needs because shipping is free on orders over $49. Shipments always arrive in 1-2 business days, my orders usually arrive in under 24 hours.

We are joining Comedy Plus’ Tuesday Fun Blog Hop.



  1. Wow! Look at that hair! Marv does yack up a few hairballs, I should try hime with some furminations!
    Love Barb

  2. We’ve read about the FURminator for years now and it seems everybody who has one loves it (cats and humans!). I’m glad you have a crew who enjoys it and if it keeps Emmy from getting furballs then YAY.

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. You know, I’ve always been a bit on the fence on whether to try out the FURminator, but you pretty much won me over with this review. Around here, Toby could really use something more than just a typical brush. My parents also have one of the fuzziest cats I have ever met in my life, and I’m thinking she could use a little help from a FURminator. We are so glad it is helping out Emmy, and that Trouble enjoys it so much. Thank you for the wonderful, informative review!

  4. There’s a Furminator in the house somewhere…hmmm…
    I spent time with The PO’M on Sunday, and he LURV’d getting his fur brushed and combed, and in general, all of my attention was on him. Such a goof. Glad you’ve found a way to help Emmy!

  5. guyz….yur mom kneadz ta multee task…..that way her CAN…. hold a catz, a furminator bruzh anda camera at de same time ~~~~~~~ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚


  6. Wow thanks for the purrview about the furminator! Looks like it works really well. Thanks fur stopping by to wish Uncle Mike a happy Father’s Day too! We hopes your Daddy had a good Father’s Day and didn’t haz to pick up any hairballs…

    Purrz from Miss Peach, Toby and Tommy who all needs dat furminator too.

  7. The furminator is a great tool for brushing. It works great on a lot of dogs. Mom says she likes that it removes a lot of our fur, but she thinks it also breaks our fur. We don’t use it here, but we know it does a good job for others.

    Woo- Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  8. Poor Emmy! Getting old ain’t for sissy cats, fur sure! I didn’t know they made a FURminator specifically for long haired cats. That’s great news!
    Purrs! Dori

  9. I am glad the furminator has kept Emmy from developing hairballs. We pass a huge Chewy factory or distribution building every time we drove back and forth from MO to Florida. It is close to Ocala and CH always looked for it. Not planning on making that trip no time soon again! Trouble is funny, always got to know what business everyBODY is up to.

  10. Well it’s good that the Furminator works so well. We had a similar one but ours does not release the hair. May just have to check that one out.

  11. Bear had a particularly bad shedding season a couple years ago and so I broke down and bought one. I brush both cats every other day – and it made a huge difference for Bear the first couple years – but this has been another difficult shedding season for him. Neither cat likes the Furminator like Bear did the slicker brush … but Bear’s getting older and he needs help so he doesn’t swallow so much fur.

    1. Sorry they don’t like the furminator. Joanie doesn’t like it, but I am glad Emmy and Trouble do.

  12. You’d never imagine there was all that loose hair hiding in there! Better to get it out with the comb though before it falls all over the house.

  13. How wonderful that the FURminator is making such a difference! Mudpie sheds like crazy every summer. This year I’m collecting all her fur in a bag to put out for the birds and squirrels in the fall to line their nests with.

  14. The FURminator is the best! We have the original that’s a bit wider than the one shown here, and i have to be careful not to overbrush, even the long hair cats.

    This is one product i recommend with no hesitation, i’m glad you like it and it’s working so well for Emmy!

  15. BOY do our Humans need that furminator thingy! The brush us but it doesn’t seem to help much and every time we sit on their laps-meowza do we leave a lot of ourselves on their laps, on the sofa, on the chairs, on the bed….well you get the picture.
    Purrs & Head Bonks,
    Alberto & The Tribe of Five

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