Friendly Fill-Ins Week 418


Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I feel _____________ when I think of _______________________.
2. ________________________ is my greatest achievement.
3. I haven’t had much luck with _________ lately.
4. ________ is the time of day when I _________.
My answers:
1. I feel very sad when I think of all the cats in the world in need of homes.
2. My marriage of 31 and a half years is my greatest achievement. We have never spent one night apart. Even when his appendix burst in 1999, I spent every night in the hospital with him.
3. I haven’t had much luck with getting products to review lately. Seems like youtubers and Tik Tok influencers get all that stuff.
4. Late afternoon is the time of day when I read and usually end up taking a nap.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi. 
My flashback is from June 2014. Angel Prancie was enjoying a nap on her dad’s lap.

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  1. Furabuluss Fill-Innss Aunty Ellen! BellaSita Mum wantss to try her paw at them this week……heer goess…..
    1. I feel happy & sad when I think of all the people I’ve loved & have gone to the Spirit World over the years.
    2. Getting my Psychology Degree is my greatest achievement.
    3. I haven’t had much luck with my health/getting medical care lately.
    4. After 10 p.m. is the time of day when I stand on patio & look up at the Stars & Moon.

    1. Thank you to your mum for these great answers. I completely understand #1, the longer we live, the more we lose. And I am sorry she is having a tough time getting the medical care she needs and deserves to have. XO

  2. I somehow got left in the dust by Chewy for reviewing stuff, too…

    1. I feel nostalgic when I think of some of the things I did when I was single and can no longer do, not because I am married, but because they are not available here, or feasible anymore…esp playing violin..
    2. Staying at the job I do for 13 years is my greatest achievement…and I am aiming for 15!! I’ll be more ancient than ever then!! LOL!
    3. I haven’t had much luck with keeping the dogs from their digging hobby lately.
    4. late at night is the time of day when I’m most productive on the computer.

    1. Chewy stopped having us review years ago. Thank you for these great answers. That is a long time in that job. I am sureit is emotionally tough to lose so many people. XO

  3. Oh, Ms E, that husband of yours is just too wonderful and mama, too, has not been away from papa for very many days in their lives together. And oh, what a lovely moment that late afternoon read…LOVE these fill-ins.

  4. Awww, dad and I love that photo of Angel Prancie on the dad’s lap. Dad says it reminds him of how old Orbit used to do that all the time. Dad says that if he tried reading in the late afternoon he’d be out like a light in no time. He does the bulk of his reading in the crazy early morning hours. He developed that habit a couple of decades ago and can’t seem to change it. Have a spectacular weekend, Ellen.

  5. Angel Prancie and Dad were having a great time then. And I read in the afternoons too,
    by then the house work is done and any time I spend outside is over. I too get sleepy and
    hard to concentrate, just close the eyes and take 10 and then I am fine again.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I wish I would just take a 10 minute nap, sometimes it is an hour. XO

  6. Awww, Angel Prancie♥
    Staying married and happy is a great achievement… Congratulations! 50 years for SSNS and me this past January.
    My Fill-Ins –
    1. I feel happy when I think of my angel Z Cat.
    2. Learning to make homemade egg noodles is my greatest achievement. Haha… a thank you to Jerry’s Mom. I am sure she is up there in heaven with a rolling pin making her square egg noodles for chicken and noodles♥
    3. I haven’t had much luck with finding good tuna lately. What has happened to albacore tuna? It is disgusting.
    4. Afternoon and early evening is the time of day when I am most content. I am not a morning person.
    Happy Friday and have a nice weekend, Meowing Crew!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 And thank you for these great answers. Congratulations on 50 years! I hope I am as blessed. I know we will stay together, but my hubby is 15 yrs older. I know what you mean about tuna. And I bet your noodles are fantastic. XO

  7. I enjoyed the fill-ins as well. One of my favorite things on a Friday is this feature.

    1. I feel good when I think of what I can do the next day.
    2. My career, as well as the kids are my greatest achievement.
    3. I haven’t had much luck with outside plans lately. (rain and more rain.)
    4. Near twilight is the time of day when I stop whatever I am doing as soon as I can, and just sit to completely enjoy the play of the waning sunlight on the land. It is my favorite looked-forward to time of day.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 And thank you for these great answers. You should be proud of your kids and career. XO

  8. That is a sweet pic of Angel Prancie on Dad’s lap.
    1 Your #1 answer is mine too.
    2 My 30-plus years career in the insurance industry is my greatest achievement
    3 I haven’t had much luck with keeping the dust out of our apartment lately. It’s a never-ending battle.
    4 Late afternoon and evening time, I spend with hubby and Callie.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 And thank you for these great answers. 30 years is a long time to work anywhere. Kuddos to you. XO

  9. Ellen what a wonderful fill in post!!
    Bryan was an internal auditor when we met. That meant he had to travel over night to district offices in the power company for audits. After 5 or 6 years of traveling he was transferred to accounting department. Not too much travelling.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Yes, blogging is now considered “old school.” That’s okay, it works for us, right? Who knows, maybe it will come back in style.

    Angel Prancie loved her dad, that’s a beautiful photo. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!

  11. Great fill-ins, Ellen. Wait until tik tok has gone, then it’s your turn again😺We agree with #1, we hope they all find a furrever home🙏We couldn’t link up, the linky was expired, also on Lorianne’s bloggie. That was fast, wasn’t it🙈Double Pawkisses for a Happy Sunday, will come back later🐾😽💞

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