Friendly Fill-Ins Week 381


Hi everyone. Before we get started, I want to ask for purrs and prayers for my friend, TW ( Stunning Keisha’s mom).  You can leave comments for her on the CB page, click here.

If you need her snail mail address you can email me at

Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. _______________________is something I accomplished this year.
2. _______________________ is something I have yet to accomplish.
3. I would _________ if I found _________.
4. Recently, _________ really piqued my interest.
My answers:
1. Decluttering is something I accomplished this year.
2.Convincing my hubby to get the generator fixed is something I have yet to accomplish.
3. I would keep a cat if I found one in my yard. That is after I got him/her checked for a microchip and made sure none of my neighbors lost a cat.
4. Recently, some new recipes on Pinterest really piqued my interest.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
My flashback is from September 2017. Angel Phoebe loved to go out on her harness. I wish we had discovered this sooner than a month before she passed away. I still have her harness hanging by the door.

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  1. Purrs from us for TW and Stunning Keisha. We’ll go to the CB page and leave them too. Good fill-ins Ellen, and what beautiful picture of Angel Phoebe! XO

  2. You know I think you need to come to my neighborhood and live because we have lots of stray cats that you could take in LOL.
    Great fill ins

    1. I am sad that there are any strays where you live. Do you have any people that do trap neutter return? XO

  3. Tons of POTP for Keisha’s TW.

    .1Getting hubby to obtain a handicapped placard for his car is something I accomplished this year.
    2. Getting rid of years of unnecessary junk is something I have yet to accomplish…both hubby and I.
    3. I would love it if I found a stray cat or dog… if I found them I would want to add them to or current ‘collection’…after I checked then for their paper owners(Years ago we did see quite a few stray cats, and once in a while a dog, but hardly ever now anymore. I suppose that is a good thing!.
    4. Recently, vegan keto recipes have really piqued my interest.

  4. She was such a special girl💗 We still have the leash hanging of our doggie too. She was calling home in 2003✨Double Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to all of you🐾😽💞

  5. That is a lovely photo of Angel Phoebe on the leash. I am sending good thoughts for TW. I have her address and will get a card sent out.

  6. We hope for the very best for TW and Keisha……we also think that Phoebe looked very “girlie” in her pretty pink harness. Good job on filling in and bravo for getting the decluttering project done – that’s HUGE!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  7. We don’t have a generator here and sometimes in the winter we wish we did. So if I had one I’d have to make my husband keep it running, that’s for sure. Good luck on yours. Wonderful to see your angel was willing to walk out in that beautiful green grass on a harness and a leash. We just never have enough time with them, do we.

  8. It’s very strange about this TW going missing. I do sympathize with Keisha, though. It’s hard to be stunning when you are worried.
    Here are my fill-ins:
    1. Working on my trauma is something I accomplished this year.
    2. Changing my behaviour is something I have yet to accomplish.
    3. I would give the money to charity if I found any.
    4. Recently, astronomical discoveries really piqued my interest.

    1. I hope TW returns home soon. Thank you for these great answers, but I am sorry you had a trauma. XO

  9. Such a sweet photo of Angel Phoebe, and congrats on the decluttering. I am now following TW and Stunning Keisha and left comments on their blog.

  10. We are hoping that TW comes back, so CK can bite her…although am sure TW isn’t looking forward to that as much.
    Have recently convinced The Hubby to get The Cat Car to the dealership or repair shop; he takes a very long time to do these things, while I would have dropped it off years ago.

  11. 1. Getting rid of tons of dust after our home remodel is something I accomplished this year.
    2. Cleaning the outside of our windows is something I have yet to accomplish.
    3. I have no idea how to fill in this fill-in so I’ll pass.
    4. Recently, buying a new Christmas tree and ornaments really piqued my interest. We’ve not had a tree up for Christmas for many years. This year we will.

    Prayers for all the kitties that need prayers.

    Awww on Phoebe.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. XO ♥

  12. I love new recipes…over they years I have found…men do things when they ‘think’ it is their idea. Of course we have suggested they do them 100’s of times before the ‘think’ it is their idea
    Hugs cecilia

  13. Angel Phoebe♥
    Congratulations on the decluttering… not an easy thing!
    I have found many great recipes on YouTube. Just have to get SSNS to try them out… Ha!
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. Understanding a little more about patience is something I accomplished this year.
    2. Learning to live with heat and tropical humidity is something I have yet to accomplish.
    3. I would be so happy if I found some clothes that I enjoyed wearing. I want Fall and Winter things and they don’t work in Florida.
    4. Recently, learning a second language really piqued my interest.
    Thank you, Ellen!

    1. Thank you And thank you for these great answers. What language do you want to learn? I would never be able to adjust to humidity. XO

  14. Phoebe looks so sweet in her pink harness. Please send me Pattie’s address…and for me, I would leave the harness by the door too.

  15. I will pray about the precious kitty. Also visit and leave a message too. Phoebe was precious. I tried to put my boy Boots in a harness once, he was so frightened. If it works though, they can be safe. I like the friendly fill in answers. .Love & Hugs & Prayers for you too.

  16. I am sad for Pattie. I pray all turns out for the good of that fur baby. Phoebe was so precious. I would hang on to her harness too. Always my pleasure to be here.

  17. That’s so sad, I hope they find their cat soon. I like the flashback photo! Great answers, especially number 3. Over the years I got three kittens and an older cat that way.

  18. Deer Aunty Ellen mee betss ‘angelss’ Aunty Phoebe an Unkell Siddhartha Henry are walkin side bye side thru fieldss of clovurr an daisess…..mee likess to see them inn mee mind like that!!!
    You did grate on dee-clutterin Aunty…now to push Unkell to getGennyratur fixed…..
    An Aunty you have THE biggest heart EFURR for Kittiess an wee love you so-o much!
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

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