Friendly Fill-Ins Week 362


Hi everyone!  Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. _______________ would make my life easier.
2. My May to-do list includes ____________ and _____________.
3. If my morning starts with_________, I _________.
4. Ending my day with _________ makes me _________.
My answers:
1. Rusty calming down would make my life easier.
2. My May to-do list includes attending The Great One’s tennis games and Typhoid Mary’s soccer games.
3. If my morning starts with the sound of a cat vomiting, I know it is not going to be a good day.
4. Ending my day with prayers makes me calm.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.  
My flashback is from May 2016, Cinco de Mayo was Angel Phoebe’s favorite day of the year. She would do a pole dance and her dad and Grammie would each give her $5.

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  1. It sounds like you will have a busy time with the tennis and soccer games. That is a sweet flashback of Angel Phoebe.

  2. I enjoyed yesterdays; poem…I would shriek, too.

    Glad that boat got fixed!!

    Angel Phoebe was so very special. She was quite good at pole dancing.

    1. Having a cleaning lady and a gardener would make my life easier.
    2. My May to-do list includes planting my seeds and putting new plants in my patio pots..
    3. If my shift starts with a lot of ‘call lights’, I know its going to be ‘one of those days’…the start of my shift is sort of like the beginning of the day fo rme.
    4. Ending my day with blogging and visiting makes me forget about the troubles of the day past…and ending with a prayer certainly is the best way to end the day when the computer stuff is done.

    1. Thank you for your kind words about Angel Phoebe. And thank you for these great answers. I have a gardener- my hubby. 🙂 A maid would be nice though. XO

  3. Happy Cinco De Mayo! My Mom rarely hears “that sound” you mention – fortunately. We love filling in the blanks every week – we learn so much about each other don’t we!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. Oh and like you, I end my day the same way and it is wonderful the peace it brings.

  5. 1. Being more agile would make my life easier. Getting old slows you down.
    2. My May to-do list includes dusting and more dusting. Our home remodel has left so much dust.
    3. If my morning starts with coffee and telling hubby I love him, I know my day will be great because we’re together.
    4. Ending my day with hubby makes me smile.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties. XO ♥

    1. Thank you for these great answers. The dust will be worth it in the end. 🙂 XO

  6. Whoa! Green papers! Yesterday TW’s day started hearing me puking. HAH! Small hairball that she didn’t find until like midnight cos the rug is so dark.

    1. Joanie likes to go under the bed so I have to crawl around on the floor to get it. 🙂 XO

  7. Love the photos here and always your answers for the Friendly Fill In’s are terrific. We have a similar one in praying. Happy Cinco de Mayo to you all!

      1. We get it more often than that. Sasha barfs when she eats too fast. Gracie we can’t get to the bottom of the barfing. She is also the cascade barfer. She like to do it from on high so it hits as many surfaces as possible. A definite Olympic contender.

  8. Mee-yow Aunty Ellen BellaSita iss wipin teerss from her eyess…..shee meowed to mee how much ‘angel’ Phoebe loved Cinco de Mayo an about THE pole danin an then mee gotted all teery-eyed….
    Mee thinkss Phoebe was wunderfull an mee wishess mee had THE chance to know her……
    Wee reelly liked yore answerss’ so mee gonna due Fill-Innss today!
    Here wee go:
    1. Not beein scared of loud noises an sirens would make my life easier.
    2. My May to-do list includes goin out inn Condo more and doin *purr therapee* on BellaSita Mum.
    3. If my morning starts with BellaSita fallin down, I know it iss gonna bee a furry quiet day.
    4. Ending my day with BellaSita Mum playin Buttefky an Firefly Lazer toyss makes me furry happy.

    How did mee due Aunty????
    ~~~head rubss~~~BellaDharma~~~ an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you for your kind words about Angel Phoebe. And thank you for participating in the fill-ins, great answers except I am sorry you have to deal with sirens and your poor mum has seizures. XO

  9. Angel Phoebe was a sweetheart♥ She always wore it well.
    Cat barf in the morning is not the ideal for a good start to the day. I agree on your #4. I always say my rosary at night in bed. I may fall asleep before I am done but my intentions are good.
    My Fill-Ins… a little late~
    1. Having someBODY do my grocery shopping would make my life easier. SSNS is a big help.
    2. My May to-do list includes nothing and more nothing. Ha… but it’s true.
    3. If my morning starts with blog comments, I feel like I have a happier day.
    4. Ending my day with an evening walk makes me sleep better.
    Thanks, Ellen and Meowing Crew!

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I miss her. And thank you for these great answers. Does your grocery store have a pick -up service? I do that at Walmart a lot when I don’t want to navigate the store. 🙂 I look forward to reading comments in the morning too. XO

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