Friendly Fill-Ins Week 360


Hi everyone!  Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I was pleased to hear that ____________________.
2. There should be a ________________ Appreciation Day.
3. I have a lot of confidence in my ability to _________.
4. _________ is easier said than done.
My answers:
1. I was pleased to hear that HBO is making a Big Bang Theory spin-off.
2. There should be a coffee appreciation day. I would have said cats, but there already is a day for them. 🙂
3. I have a lot of confidence in my ability to medicate a cat.
4. Not worrying about things I have no control over is easier said than done.
We are up to the letter R in The A-Z Blogging Challenge. R for recipes. I know that sounds like an od thing to declutter, but I have a lot to go through.
I store my best recipes in this binder.
I have all these recipes that we have tried and liked that need to be filed.
And all these that I had planned to try. I need to weed through them to see if I am still interested in any.

Plus I have 399 saved on Pinterest. Do you have a lot of recipes saved?  Have you tried them all?

We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.  

My flashback is from May 2016. Angel Sammy and Angel Phoebe were hosting some flat Cat Scouts and sharing some cat grass.


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  1. Great fill ins. I’m very happy about a Big Bang sequel. I loved that show and I enjoy Young Sheldon too. Beautiful flashback picture. Have a great weekend!

  2. JS Bach (1685 – 1750), must have thought the same thing for coffee, as he composed a Cantata know as ‘The Coffee Cantata’! Its actually quite humorous!

    I don’t much care for the big bang show, but I always have to giggle when I see episodes of Young Sheldon.

    That is a sweet flashback today.

  3. That last fill-in IS difficult. And mama has her mama’s recipe box to peruse. If she does have favorites, she has tweaked them to simplify or enhance most. SO many recipes have way too many ingredients.

  4. The flashback is a reminder of how much fun Cat Scouts used to be……love your fill-ins – we have a lot of recipes too and had made about 99% of them. Thanks for co-hosting Fill-ins!!

    Hugs, Pam

  5. Those two kitties were having a fun day when you took that picture. I have a wooden box that my great great grandfather made because he was a carpenter back in the 1800s. That is what I keep my recipes in. They’re the ones I use all the time, all the time.

  6. I have a binder with recipes too. Most are ones I’ve tried and liked. I also have a wood recipe box that my grandfather made me that I keep more recipes in. I haven’t made all of the ones in the box.

  7. 1. I was pleased to hear that we have a cruise scheduled the first week of May.
    2. There should be a Be Kind Appreciation Day.
    3. I have a lot of confidence in my ability to organize.
    4. Eating healthy is easier said than done.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins, Ellen.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend. Scritches to all the kitties. xoxo ♥

  8. Chaplin: “I think our Dada appreciates coffee every day, just like he appreciates cats every day!”
    Charlee: “Speaking of recipes, our Dada keeps them in his computer now! Although he still has lots of books and binders, too. He just can’t find anything in them …”

  9. Ellen two great minds you and I. I too have a 3 ring binder for our very favorite recipes.
    Not long ago I went thru it getting rid of lots and OMCs I actually fund several really good ones hiding. One it appears I never tried but now it is in the front of the Veggie section
    Fingers crossed this will post
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Very true for #4. So enjoyed the flashback photo of Angel Sammy and Angel Phoebe.
    I really don’t like to cook. I do have my favorite recipes Mom passed to me. I still make a lot of them… they are comfort food. I don’t really go looking for recipes but I do enjoy the recipes that Teddy shares on Saturday. I am always up for a recipe that blogger peeps share!
    My Fill-Ins~
    1. I was pleased to hear that today I had no place to be.
    2. There should be a “Happy to be a Pluviophile” Appreciation Day.
    3. I have a lot of confidence in my ability to make noodles!
    4. Cutting out carbs is easier said than done.
    Thank you to the Meowing Crew and you, Ellen

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I had to look up pluviophile and I am definitely not one. 🙂 I would love to try your noodles. Have a nice weekend. XO

  11. Wonderful you know how to give meds to cats – oh my word ours hated it.
    the flat cat and cats eating grass is so cute!
    I’ve never been one to collect many recipes or even like reading them, but I did write down some favorites and made a notebook for each of my daughters. 🙂

  12. Xcellent answerss Aunty Ellen……
    Mee gonna let BellaSita tell you what shee did with her recipess…..
    **purrss** BellaDharma

    Hi Ellen: So about recipes. I had a wooden recipe box pretty full of my own & my Nanna’s recipes. It was post-Seizure so some hours afterwards…..I was not thinking clearly. I took the wooden box with ALL those recipes……
    Threw them all in Recycling Bin. Box went into garbage bin.
    I did not realize what I’d done for 3-4 days. By the time I did, it was too late……all gone!
    How’s THAT for decluttering? A bit extreme I’d say 😉
    (((hugs))) Sherri-Ellen (BellaSita Mum)

    1. Yikes! That is so sad. I have a recipe your mum gave me for her nanna’s cookies. If she needs that , I can send it to her. XO

        1. Yes, I will send her a copy. Maybe she has shared other recipes with friends that she can also have them send to have some back at least. XO

  13. There is a National Coffee Day on September 29. We appreciate it here every day.

    Prayer is my go-to way to stop worrying about the things i can’t control, i figure The Lord has it all figured out.

    Recipes, oh, i have way too many, especially since most of my cooking is of the “oh, this would probably taste good” variety where you just throw stuff together with no recipe and it generally comes out.

    The flashback photo is precious.

    Thank you for joining Feline Friday!

  14. Granny also saved a lot of healthy receipts since she was 17 years… young, but doesn’t remember where she has left them🤷‍♀️ That coffee appurreciation day must be International, as here are two addicted coffee fans in this household…MOL…More Pawkisses for effurryone🐾😽💞

  15. Totally agree with your worrying comment. I can control it during the day, but if I wake up at night all bets are off.

  16. That’s a sweet photo of your angels. ~hugs~ I don’t have near so many recipes but the stack is growing. ~grin~ I do have them pretty well sorted by type. Be well!

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