Friendly Fill-Ins Week 358


Hi everyone!  Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I hope the Easter bunny brings me ______________________.
2. I don’t want the Easter bunny to bring me any ____________________
3. I can’t believe I didn’t think to _________ until recently.
4. Mother Nature really needs to _________.
My answers:
1. I hope the Easter bunny brings me chocolate.
2. I don’t want the Easter Bunny to bring me any Cadburry Eggs. I think the middles are icky.
3. I can’t believe I didn’t think to bake Brussel’s sprouts until recently. Well, not that recently, but I used to boil them and didn’t care for them, but now I can’t get enough.
4. Mother Nature really needs to calm her temper. There have been way too many tornadoes lately.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.  
My flashback is from April 2017, Angel Millie was posing with the shopping card filled with eggs that I bought for The Great One.
And we are up to the letter F in The A-Z Blogging Challenge.  F is for files. That is going to take a very long time. As I had written before, my hubby insists on keeping all tax information way back to the 1970’s. Same with bank statements, checks, etc. UGH!
I know many of you are over 50 so you may find this article from Filling the Jars blog helpful- Decluttering after 50.

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  1. Love the mother nature advice. So necessary! And as for decluttering, a wise woman once told me that if you don’t get rid of totally unnecessary useless (for you, anyway) things, you do not make room for new acquisitions that might enhance your life. And that could be objects or simply people or ideas! Tell your hubby that 7 years is the legal limit for keeping items relating to money. Checks, irs returns, whatever, Trust info, SEVEN YEARS. He may actually feel lighter after ditching so much paper.

    1. I have told him that and it falls on deaf ears. Even though he is not deaf, I say he has selective hearing. XO

  2. There is a figurative ton of paper trails here, too…hubby must be related to yours, LOL!

    That is a fun and precious flashback of Angel Millie!

    1. I hope the Easter bunny brings me nothing edible since its almost all off limits right now….
    2. I don’t want the Easter bunny to bring me any bunnies or chicks…the dogs would go nuts!
    3. I can’t believe I didn’t think to put my favorite music apps on my phone until recently.
    4. Mother Nature really needs to get her act together, and give us spring. And leave us alone as far as all her rages lately.

    PS: I love that Easter Egg that falls down on the page. That is cool!

    1. Men seem to be hoarders. Thank you for these great answers. Glad you found music apps. I rarely use my cell phone so I don’t have
      any. Glad you like the egg, my friend added it when he changed the header. XO

  3. Love that photo of Angel Millie and the shopping basket….! My Mom and your Mom are both chocoholics – Mom is hoping the Easter Bunny remembers that. Great job on filling in the blanks – cleaning out files is a toughie although my Dad is good about it for the most part only keeping old stuff for the “recommended” amount of time and burning the unnecessary stuff in the fireplace! HAPPY EASTER!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. I love baked Brussel sprouts also. I make our roast almost every vegetable we eat anymore and cauliflowers another great one. Angel Millie looks so very sweet with that little grocery cart.

  5. That is a lovely flashback of Angel Millie. I hope you get your chocolate. I don’t like Cadbury’s creme eggs either, in fact I don’t really care much for any Cadbury’s chocolate since they were bought out. It tastes totally different and is waxy rather than creamy. I but Galaxy or Lindt chocolate instead now.

  6. Angel Millie is so sweet, sad we never knew her. OMG: Suzanne is so, so right ~ 7 years is absolutely enough, no more of any back paperwork needed!!! And we have to add that brussels sprouts are our #1 fave; oven roast or broil (fresh ones), just tossed with olive oil,
    salt & pepper, fork-test to check readiness, will vary depending on their size. SO GOOD!

  7. Photo of Angel Millie is very sweet… Always thankful for photos♥ I am super happy you found the secret to Brussels sprouts… don’t boil the Brussels!
    My Fill-Ins ~
    1. I hope the Easter Bunny brings me Andes Creme Mints.
    2. I don’t want the Easter bunny to bring me any jelly beans.
    3. I can’t believe I didn’t think to eat less dang carbs until recently.
    4. Mother Nature really needs to stop misbehaving.
    Hello Ellen!

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I like Andes mints too, but only have them when I am at The Olive Garden. I love carbs and can’t part with them. XO

  8. I LOVE seeing Angel Millie with that cart! I remember that!!
    I have gone to the decluttering bloggie and thank you! And you are about to fire me up to do some more of that myself. I have so many cat things that she wants and would be sad not to have, that the appearance here looks cluttered just from her things. (well, it is, actually…with her things)
    Cadbury eggs are almost runny inside TOO loose.
    I’m working on carbs and high fructose corn syrup! It’s working!!!

  9. MOL MOL MOL I love the Easter Egg that drops on your blog. That was funny
    Darling grocery cart. My daughter loved her Fisher-Price cart. She often took it to grocery shop with me.
    Happy Good Friday
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. Charlee: “Angel Millie! Just imagine what all those eggs would be worth now, at today’s prices!”
    Chaplin: “Our Dada also thinks Cadbury Eggs are gross. He says as far as he is concerned the top-of-the-line Easter candy are Reeses Peanut Butter Eggs.”
    Charlee: “Happy Easter!”

  11. 1. I hope the Easter bunny brings me lots of delicious chocolate.
    2. I don’t want the Easter bunny to bring me any calories in all the delicious chocolate.
    3. I can’t believe I didn’t think to figure out how to answer this fill-in. I’ve got nothing.
    4. Mother Nature really needs to remember that it’s Spring. It’s raining and it’s cold.

    Thank you for co-hosting the fun.

    Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties and a big hug to you. xo ♥

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I hope you have a chocolate filled Easter. XO

  12. That photo of Angel Millie is brilliant heheh! what a pose 🙂
    I liked the fill-ins

    Have an chocolatey eggtastic Easter 👍 🥚🥚🥚

  13. Brussels sprouts are great sauteed in olive oil with garlic, too. No veggie wants to be boiled to death.

    Angel Millie is a real cutie.

    Thank you so much for joining Feline Friday!

  14. Laz:

    1. I hope the Easter bunny brings me a bunny to play with.
    2. I don’t want the Easter bunny to bring me any candy bunnys.
    3. I can’t believe I didn’t think to ask for a bunny until recently.
    4. Mother Nature really needs to make slower bunnies.

  15. ‘Angel’ Millie sure was cute with his shoppin buggie Aunty Ellen!!
    You did FAB Fill-Innss! BellaSita iss gonna due herss heer. (Shee iss REEL cranky so pleese furgive her if shee iss too cranky!)
    1. I hope the Easter bunny brings me Reese’ss Anything!! Altho’ I have to wait to eat Chocolate again….**sighs** PHOOEY!
    2. I don’t want the Easter bunny to bring me any more Dental bills or Dental problems!
    3. I can’t believe I didn’t think to apply for Dental benefit until recently.
    4. Mother Nature really needs to take a FREAKIN “Chill Pill”…oh wait it is snowing again… more chill….. **sighs** BellaSita Mum

    See Aunty mee told you shee iss cranky!!!
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an ((hugss)) BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you to Bella Sita for these great answers. I am sorry you can’t have chocolate right now though. I hope the dental benefits will help, but a lot of times they make you wait several months before you can use them on the expensive stuff. XO

  16. Happy Easter epic furiends! Supurr fill-ins and ditto on #1! Do mew mean Cadbury’s Cream Eggs, the ones with the white and yellow fondant inside? They are terribly sickly now, years ago they were nice… something else that’s got ruined!

  17. I have the fill-ins up in today’s post, here. LinkyTools won’t find images on my blog. This has been a problem for a long time and one of the reasons why I don’t use thumbnails anymore. It’s frustrating. Not to worry, though. 🙂 I hope the Easter bunny brought you chocolate.

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