Friendly Fill-Ins Week 341


Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I have a tough time choosing a gift for __________________________.
2. I can’t wait to see _______________ open the ______________ from me.
3. I’m dreaming of a _________Christmas.
4. If my holiday season were a book or movie, it would be titled _________
My answers:
1. I have a tough time choosing a gift for anyone I only see once a year.
2. I can’t wait to see The Great One and Typhoid Mary open the balance beam from me.
3. I’m dreaming of a peaceful Christmas.
4. If my holiday season were a book or movie, it would be titled The 14 Cats of Christmas.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.  My flashback is from December 2017. Angel Prancie was one of the first to do an elfie.
And the winner of Penny’s Christmas giveaway is Messymimi!

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  1. Great fills! And thank you, merci, for turning us on to Messimimi! What a great site and so much info, incredible facts from yesteryear and today. What a find.

  2. Angel Prancie was such a darling!

    Congrats to your giveaway winner, Messymimi!
    I think those little girls will have a lot of fun doing gymnastics! One of our sons did that for several years.
    I knew a girl who was half monkey seemingly…(My sister worked with her mother), and she got into gymnastics…and went on to the Olympics. Now I hear her sometimes, announcing at Olympic or other important gymnastic events…her name: Elfie Schlegel! Yup, even ordinary gals can become stars!

    I am going to pass on the fill ins this week, I can’t seem to come up with good answers…writers block, i guess.

    1. Thank you. 🙂 Very cool about your son and the monkey girl. These two girls are part monkey too. XO

  3. That is a sweet picture of Angel Prancie. Your card arrived yesterday, thank you.

  4. Love your fill-ins and Angel Prancie and way to go messymimi on the win.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xo ♥

  5. Great fill-ins! Here are mine:
    Here are my answers to this weeks Fill-ins.
    1. I have a tough time choosing a gift for our daughter Grace- she tells us that she doesn’t want anything…but what I do is send her some of my jam and of course the annual family calendar!
    2. I can’t wait to see my sweetie open the gift from me.
    3. I’m dreaming of a laughter filled Christmas.
    4. If my holiday season were a book or movie, it would be titled Happy Days Are Here Again!

    Happy Holidays to all!

  6. Angel Prancie was an adorable elf! A balance beam???… cool! I am wishing you a peaceful Christmas! My Fill-Ins…
    1. I have a tough time choosing a gift for great nieces and nephews.
    2. I can’t wait to see SSNS open the gift from me.
    3. I’m dreaming of a hurricane free Christmas.
    4. If my holiday season were a book or movie, it would be titled Procrastination.

      1. I got him a Ryobi pressure washer… he will be so happy. Lots of pressure washing in Florida because of mold and mildew. The thing was heavy so I had it delivered to our friend’s house. Santa will deliver it when he isn’t around and Christmas morning he will have to read my notes to find it. Hahaha!

  7. The Balance Beam must have been hard to wrap, but at least they won’t try to shake it.

  8. What great fill-ins! I, Marv am going to do the fill-ins, Right Here and Right Now!
    1. I have a tough time choosing a gift for my human brother, he always buys what he wants when he wants (Mom says she has a tough time too).
    2. I can’t wait to see Kozmo open the Yeow Fish from me.
    3. I’m dreaming of a sunny Christmas. We have had loads of cold and snow and cloudy days.
    4. If my holiday season were a book or movie, it would be titled Santa CLAWS!!!
    We love that the cursor has changed to a Christmas tree on your site! AWESOME!
    Purrs Marv

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