Friendly Fill-Ins Week 309

Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. In May, I may _____________________.
2. Ten years ago, I was _________________________.
3. I hope for a future in which _________.
4. I would probably last _________ days in solitary confinement.
My answers:
1. In May, I plan to declutter. I know I have written that before and I have done some, but I really plan to push my hubby to cooperate this time too.
2. Ten years ago, I was happy. I had my Sammy, Prancie, Phoebe, Lucy and so many others that are now angels.
3. I hope for a future in which there are no wars or crimes, and all cats have homes.
4. I would probably last a few days in solitary confinement, but without cats I would go cray pretty quickly.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

Back in May 2017, The Great One was already becoming a cat lover. Here she is giving a toy to Angel Phoebe.

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  1. Cute picture! Great fill ins. I’m always talking about decluttering too. I never seem to get around to it. Have a great weekend!

  2. Decluttering is something that I should do too…but Hubby always seems to fill up the spaces made with more of his stuff…maybe when he retires he’ll have time to declutter…but I won’t hold my breath, LOL!

    What a sweet picture of Angel Phoebe and The Great One:)

    1. In May, I may get our shed put up….and I hope to get my van back at the beginning of May. Finally…
    2. Ten years ago, I was still fairly new at my current job, and I was working a lot more hours there, than I do now..
    3. I hope for a future in which peace and tranquility are the order of the day.
    4. I would probably last zero days in solitary confinement.

    1. Thank you. I enjoyed your answers. I hope you get your van back soon. I hope #3 comes true. 🙂 XO

  3. Great job on filling in the blanks……decluttering? A lofty goal but one my Mom intends to follow through on! The Great One got her cat training from the BEST teacher ever – YOU!!

    Hugs, Teddy

  4. MY mom agrees with your fill-ins too. And she loved seeing The Great One learning to love cats.

  5. I have an old friend (over 90) who lost her cat about 2 years ago. She wanted to get another but thought it wouldn’t be fair to the cat. I’ve noticed a decline. Maybe it would have happened anyway but she lives in a huge house with no other living creatures and that’s sad. Her sons live across the country and she rarely sees them. I had promised to take her cat if something happened to her but maybe it was the litter box cleaning and feeding chores that counted in her decision too. Unless I’m doty, I can’t imagine living without cats.

      1. So is my brother’s wife. They haven’t had a cat in 15 years. Both are in their 90s and an older cat would give them a lot of comfort as they don’t get out a lot.

  6. TGO and TM are lucky to have a GA like you who can share her love of felines with them….it is important that children learn early to love and respect animals.
    Hugs Cecilia

  7. Love your fill-ins. One and three are my favorites.

    The great one is cute.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xoxo ♥

  8. Good fill ins especially #3
    I ususally start to declutter but then thnk oh I might need them and put them back lol

    What a cute photo heheh!

    Have a declutteredtastic weekend 👍

  9. I here you on #3! I like all your Fill=Ins. TGO had an awesome example of how to treat, love and respect cats from you. Lots of love and respect for cats in your home.
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. In May, I may be taking a trip to Missouri.
    2. Ten years ago, I was still blogging.
    3. I hope for a future in which there is more peace, kindness and respect for both humankind and animals.
    4. I would probably last zero days in solitary confinement.

    1. Thank you. I enjoyed your answers, #3 would be nice. I wish you were still blogging. And I hope you have a nice trip if you go. XO

  10. That is a lovely photo of The Great One and Angel Phoebe. I tried decluttering my wardrobe after Christmas and ended up throwing out two blouses! I really must make more of an effort.

  11. Aww, Ellen, your #2 answer makes us sad. Even though they’re all in your heart we wish they could all still be with you in person.

  12. Such a sweet photo share! we will be decluttering too. Avery has the next 3 days off but Tuesday we will relax as it is our wedding anniversary. I like all the answers to your fill in’s. Have a great weekend and take care my friend.

    1. Thank you. I hope you have a great long weekend with your hubby. Happy Anniversary! XO

    1. Thank you. I miss them all. I am sure you miss all your furkids too. XO

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