Friendly Fill-Ins Week 301

Hi everyone! Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1. I would rather smell a skunk than smell _______________________.
2. Every March I look forward to ____________________.
3. I knew _________ the moment that _________.
4. _________ is currently my silver lining.
My answers:
1. I would rather smell a skunk than a squished stink bug.
2. Every March I look forward to pussy willows.
3. I knew I was not leaving Joanie behind the moment that I saw she was in a cage with Sammy at the shelter.
4. Cats is (are) currently my silver lining. Cats always make everything better.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

My flashback is Angel Stinky from March 2015. We miss her.
And before we go, the winner of Penny’s Dr. Seuss giveaway is Katie Isabella. I can’t wait to see her in the hat.

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  1. That is a sweet remembrance of Angel Stinky…we never knew him since we did not start our blog till after he became an Angel.

    Congrats to Katie Isabella! She’ll be thrilled!

    Love your pussy willows. I walked down our road today, but none of the wild ones are even near ready to show up. Did your ‘force’ them? They are so pretty!

    1. I would rather smell a skunk than smell gangrene. (I have smelled that a lot over the many years working in health care, actually more at the hospital than where I work now…)
    2. Every March I look forward to the little bits of new beginnings you can see in the garden and in our back woods…the weeds are getting a head start! Oh-oh!_.
    3. I knew for certain the moment that I saw Benji, that he was going to be Dalton’s new brofur..
    4. Being a ‘senior’ is currently my silver lining, since it gets me discounts I might have otherwise!

    1. Thank you for these great answers except the gangrene sounds awful. I hope to never smell that. I am glad you adopted Benji. XO

  2. I have never smelled a skunk or a squished stink bug thank goodness. The worst thing I have ever smelled was a rotting badger. It must have been hit by a car and had gone into an old overgrown gateway in our top field. We were going past it on the tractor to pick up hay bales when I smelled the worst smell ever and promptly threw up! I was glad when it had dried out and the smell eventually went.
    Sweet picture of Angel Stinky.

  3. Oh no, I can’t see comments again!! I have been able to see them for several months and hoped it would stay that way.

  4. OH YES CATS DO MAKE EVERYTHING BETTER! Love all your fill-ins……….our pussy willows only have a few little fuzzballs on them so far….I’m sure they will fill out as we have more sun and less freezing.

    Hugs, Pam

  5. Oh Katie Isabella and me, mommy are THRILLED!!!! We can’t wait!!!! How lucky we are! XXXOOO And the pussy willows…takes mom back to when she was a girl and shwe would sneak some from a bush of them in someone’s yard. Her favorite ever blooming joy. We will be watching the mail box!!!

  6. ConCats to Katie Isabella!!!! Great Fill-in answers. We don’t think we’ve ever had a stink bug so we’re not sure what they smell like that…and that’s okay with us!

  7. Love your fill-ins. I know how you love kitties. That’s a very good thing.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

    1. I was surprised the shelter would have let just Sammy go and they had been together 4 and a half years. XO

  8. Loving all your Fill-Ins today especially… Cats! The pussy willows are beautiful. Congratulations to Katie Isabella. Angel Stinky♥
    My Fill-Ins…
    1. I would rather smell a skunk than smell…? from more than one personal experience I have been up close and personal with skunk stink and there is no time I would choose to smell skunk stink again. It is the stink that never fully goes away.
    2. Every March I look forward to the snowbirds starting to head back North.
    3. I knew I would love horses and riding all my life the moment that my Granddad put me on top of a gray mare when I was two.
    4. All the rescues I follow that save and take care of kittens and cats are currently my silver lining.

    1. Thank you. And thanks for these great answers. I am glad I have not been that close to a skunk. I bet it is much less crowded after the snowbirds leave. I am thankful for all the rescues even though we need so many more. That is sweet that your grandfather got you into horses. XO

  9. Oh boy do I know what you mean about stink bugs. The first one I ever encountered was when we were visiting my brother in law in Syracuse, NY. He had two cats those stinking bugs drove his cats crazy.
    I hope this comment will post. For some reason I’m having trouble.
    Hugs Cecilia

  10. conga ratz two ewe katie !!! N wavez two ewe stinky; pleez ta tell everee one we said hi ♥♥♥
    de food gurl sayz her pussy willow never bloomz til it seems like may ??? himz hada lotta
    broken branchez late lee; big ones….we hope heez all rite 🙂 ♥♥

  11. Stink bugs are bad, i am always careful to take them outside safely without upsetting them.

    We don’t get pussy willow growing here, and that’s a good thing for me as i am so allergic it makes me have trouble breathing, and breathing is something i really like to do. 😉

  12. I need to find some pussy willows! I don’t even know where to find them around here. They always remind me of my childhood! ♥

  13. Oh Angel Stinky, it was you in the artwork. I didn’t recognize you and we were thinking who it was and now we know, you are so beautiful sweet Angel😸 Concatulations to Katie🎉Double Pawkiss for each🐾😽💞

  14. Fantastic fill-ins, as always! I wish I had thought of stink bug for #1, because that is indeed one of the worst smells of all time. I also wish I’d thought of your answer for #4, because it’s purrfect. And Angel Stinky is and always will be precious! Purrs!

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