Friendly Fill-Ins Week 229

Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you.


1. I have zero interest in ___________________.
2. Note to self: ___________________.
3. _________ is my favorite treat.

4. If I were living in a horror film, I would _________.
My answers:
1. I have zero interest in sports.
2. Note to self: When you let The Great One play outside only let her  play in the backyard or you will never get her to come inside.  🙂
3. Cake is my favorite treat. The more frosting, the better.
4. If I were living in a horror film, I would call it 5 cats dying in one year. Already lived it and don’t want a sequel.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

Sunday, we will have the rest of the tocks on display. Here are some from previous years.
Angel Snowball 2016
Angel Prancie 2017

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  1. Snowball had a snowy ball/pom-pom on the end of his tailio!!
    Prancie looks like she was trying to dig a comfy spot on her cushion

    1. I have zero interest in most ‘pop’ music, I find it unsettling and hard to listen to. I much love classical music from about 1650,(or earlier sometimes), and up to ab out the early 1800’s…though there are lovely compositions after that era….
    2. Note to self: stop eating so much junk when you are at your work…it undoes all the good clean eating you do at home.
    3. Dark chocolate is my favorite treat.
    4. If I were living in a horror film, I would not want to have it go on very long….and other than the covid virus, the troubles hubby has right now is becoming a horror show all by itself…(He needs surgery to help relieve the pressure off his nerve, and to repair the very arthritic vertebrae…aka a fusion of several of them…and he fell Wed eve…sigh…)

    1. Thank you for these great answers. I am sure it is tempting at work to have a pick me up. I am sorry your hubby needs surgery, especially when it is so risky to be in a hospital. I will be praying for him. XO

  2. Great fill-ins…….! We’re with you on cake with lots of icing! Also so sad that you had to endure five kitties heading to the Bridge in one year. Sequel – NO! Love the tocks shots…’s that time of the year!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom

  3. Hello you precious Angels!
    Mom said:
    1. I have 0…NO interest whatever in anything playing on TV, but the oldies. I read.
    2. Note to self: There IS a reason.
    3. Premium expensive ice cream with NO gums and fillers or artificial anything is my favorite treat.
    4. If I were living in a horror film, I would use common sense and not do as the teens do in all of those films, walking right into trouble.

    XO Katie Isabella

    1. Thank you for these great answers. There is a reason for everything even if it isn’t always clear. XO

  4. Ellen,

    Right now, I have zero interest in sports, too. It’s disguising the way these multi-millionaire players, coaches, and owners disrespect our country, the flag, our armed servicemen, and police officers. We aren’t watching professional or college football nor are we watching NASCAR which are about the only sporting events we are interested in. I’d hate to see these entertainment outlets crumble and I hope they feel the pinch from supporters not buying tickets or products. Perhaps anyone who sponsors the teams, the programing, etc need to be hit as well. Commercials pay for much of these events to be aired. The only way they understand anything is if their pocketbook suffers. Unfortunately, it’s temporary because as soon as people return they forget and do the same stupid stuff again. 🙁

    I’m with you the more frosting the better on a cake. 🙂

    Thanks for hosting the Friday fun, my friend. Stay safe and be well!

    1. I am with you on that. It drives me nuts when sports teams kneel during the anthem. And I am sick of stars spreading political views, that is not their job. XO

  5. I remember when my nephew was little….he never wanted to come indoors from playing either:) Those are two cute photos! Have a Happy Friday.

  6. Love your fill-ins and love the tocks. I’m sorry about #4. Awful.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Big hug to you and lots of scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  7. Love those tocks shots! I enjoy some sports but not the attitude displayed today, and your #4 makes me sad. Losing one kitty is more than I can bear. Note to self – live in the moment. My fave treat is anything chocolate and no horror films, please! 😬

  8. Great answers.
    Sorry we’ve been strangers but Mom just recovering having her computer in the shop and found out yesterday that B&N had a major cyber issue. She already knew that when she visited their site an account popped up in her name without her authorization. She requested it be deleted. Was it who knows never notified.
    Daisy Mae

    1. Thank you. Sorry you had computer problems. I got an email from Barnes and Noble about their breach, but I didn’t understand it. XO

  9. We are still thinking of your terrible year with all that loss. Dad was not much of a sport fellow but did like some things now and then and now wishes he could still do them. Cake is his downfall (Uplift?) too. Purrs from the crew and Dad too!

  10. I don’t watch sports at all. I do always have very positive thoughts for a win for NC State University whenever they are playing sports.
    2020 is a year that needs never to be repeated
    Hugs Cecilia

  11. Those are some sweet Angel tocks. It’s been a sad year for the Meowing Crew. Ellen. Hoping 2021 will be more kind to you. I don’t like any sports except equestrian events. No rodeo, horse racing or eventing except for dressage. My Mom’s chocolate cake was my favorite treat. My Fill-Ins~>
    1. I have zero interest in TV.
    2. Note to self: Stay away from adults who bully.
    3. A Grouper sandwich at Turtles on the Bay is my favorite treat.
    4. If I were living in a horror film, I would be moving… again. No, just no.
    Hugs to you and scritches to the Meowing Crew.

    1. Thank you for these great fill-in answers. I’m with you on #2. I am glad I have not had to move other than bringing stuff to college and then from home to where I am now. xO

  12. The Hubby MUST watch sports, so I sit next to him and listen to an audiobook.
    2020 has been a tough year at 15andmeowing…we are sending purrs and hugs.

  13. I liked your replies and I am definitely with you with number 3 heheh!

    Cute photo but couldn’t see the first one 🙁

    Have a tocktastic safe weekend 😷😷😷

  14. It’ been a tough year all around. Hugs.

    Mom agrees – if you are going to eat cake, lather on that frosting really thick!!!

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  15. I liked all the answers and I am late sending my fill in’s over too. 2020 has been tough and I wish you a peaceful time with the fur babies and lots of love and meowing and a break from the sadness. You are a good human being. I always enjoy your visits to me. I am trying hard to catch up commenting. It is my second phamily for certain. 🙂 Love the phots too. HUGS and LOVE

  16. Your fill-ins are fantastic, though I wish you hadn’t experienced the horrors you did this year. I can’t imagine losing 5 kitties in one year. My heart goes out to you. I am with you on fill-in #1, though, as sports are definitely not my thing. And my sister is the same way as you with #3. She likes a little bit of cake with her icing. And what gorgeous tocks from your angels Snowball and Pranice! Purrs!

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