Friendly Fill-Ins Week 212

Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link ( see below) to the hop so everyone can visit you.

1. June is a good month to _____________________.

2. I love to play _____________________.
3. I’m not ashamed to admit _________.
4. I’d rather not _________.
My answers:
1. June is a good month to plant your garden. We planted several variety of zucchini and cucumbers so far. My hubby does almost everything, I just push the seeds into the soil.
2. I love to play with my great-niece ( the Great One). I love doing the voices for her dolls and stuffed animals.
3. I am not ashamed to admit that I will eat something after one of my cats has licked it. When I was a teenager, I worked at a day care center. The lady that ran it had a black cat named Arnold who used to steal licks of her lunch and my friend and I were repulsed by that, but I have changed.
4. I’d rather not discuss politics and religion with anyone.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.
Here is a flashback photo of Angel Phoebe from 2015. This is one of my favorite photos of Phoebe in her itsy bisy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini. That summer many kitties wore it when we did Phoebe’s Traveling Bikini-like the Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.
Her bikini is safely tucked away in her memory box. I am glad we got it back. Joanie’s cow, Moo has been missing for almost 2 years now.
Tomorrow, Joanie has photos of her fun play date.

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  1. Nice answers.

    Not sure about the cat licking, though. 🙂

    Take care.

  2. I’m with you. I will not discuss either thing with anyone unless it’s family, or I can tell we may be of a like mind. But I don’t go “exploring” by asking. 🙂 . And I don’t want to read or hear shrill hatred in my social media. I refuse to read it, and block the person. Strict rule with me. No hatred. It doesn’t make my day or blow my hair back.

    Moo, wherever you are, I hope you are just lost.. If not, I hope who ever has her will read that and send her back. I am so glad that traveling bikini is back and put away lovingly.

  3. Meowser Ms. Ellen. It is difficult to believe that you are just not planting your garden… We planted ours months ago. In point of fact, the peas, beans and lettuce have already been harvested and replaced.
    Thank you for hosting this blog hop.

  4. Such wonderful memories with the traveling bikini!

    You are so right about leaving some of the hot button topics alone with most people. If someone wants to have a fair, balanced and friendly discussion, with no attacking the person simply discussing issues, that’s one thing, but most people simply cannot do that any more and it is sad.

    Also sad is having a black thumb, as i do. It means i only get home grown tomatoes when someone’s garden explodes and the person decides to share.

  5. Great filling in…….nice that you are getting your garden going……we will miss getting our “jam treats” from you this year since we’re not able to visit up there…….sniff sniff. I wonder what happened to Moo? Someone just forgot to send Moo back to you I guess but wouldn’t it be wonderful if she DID return?????

    Happy Friday
    Pam (and Teddy too)

  6. Great Fill-ins. We remember the bikini! Sadly, Moo never made it to us.

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Thank you 🙂 Sorry Moo never got that far, she was working her way down the East coast and seems to be lost in the Carolinas.

  7. Love all your fill-ins. Especially #4. I almost went with that because it seems so many that never do politics are doing hateful remarks about politics. Really turns me off.

    Love that bikini. So precious. Sorry about Moo. I did wonder what happened to Moo. I’m guessing you have a good idea.

    Thank you for o-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins. I so enjoy this each week.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

    1. Thank you 🙂 Yes, I find it is impossible to please everyone so I keep opinions to myself. Hope you have a nice weekend too. XO

  8. Angel Phoebe is adorable in her itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini. Agreed on your #4. My Fill-Ins~>
    1. June is a good month to sit on the lanai and watch summer storms.
    2. I love to play with photo editing.
    3. I’m not ashamed to admit that I hate to cook these last few years.
    4. I’d rather not go to the grocery store ever again.

    1. Thank you 🙂 And thank you for these great answers. I am with you on #4, but I don’t mind cooking. Have a nice weekend. XO

  9. Grampa used to plant his garden Memorial Day weekend. It’s all good. Thank you for the fill-ins and for your answers.

    1. That is when we used to as well, but there is usually a frost after that so now we wait. XO

  10. I’m so with you on #4. I stay clear of topics like that. People get really heated if you don’t feel as they do. I have my beliefs and they are my own. People don’t have to agree with them and I’m not trying to change anyone else.

    I won’t eat anything the cats lick, but my husband will 🙂

    Hope you have a great weekend!

    1. Thank you 🙂 My hubby won’t , but I will 🙂 I hope you have a nice weekend too. XO

  11. Haha I admit that I eat something after one of my kitties licked it, too 🙂
    That is a very pretty photo of angel Phoebe.

    Happy Friday xo

  12. Good replies and no 4 is a total no no heheh!

    Nice pics too so cute

    Have a licktasticly safe weekend 😷😷😷

  13. I won’t discuss politics or religion either. Both are guaranteed to starts arguments.
    Angel Phoebe looked cute in her bikini. I wonder what became of Moo.

  14. Aww, such a cute image of Angel Phoebe in her bikini!
    The Hubby won’t eat something that the cats have licked, but I happily offer them my sandwiches, then gobble up whatever they don’t finish.

  15. I had a tough time squeezing in the time to plant the gardens, what with the shop and all, but I got a lot in! Hubby helped too. I didn’t plant quite as much as I usually do but I had to get Luke’s beans planted, that was a priority. LOL
    Now we just hope it grows, right? I don’t know about done there, but we are seriously lacking rain here. Mother Nature never wants to do her part! 🙂

  16. Awww… What a darling. I agree with most of your fill-ins. ~grin~ If Jezebel drinks from my water glass, it gets dumped. Heh… I look forward to Joanie’s play date photos. ~hugs~ Be well, my dear.

    1. Thank you 🙂 My hubby will dump his glass and wash it, I will just drink from it. XO

  17. We loved the picture of Angel Phoebe and we remember the travelling bikini so well. Such a wonderful remembrance💗We’re still waiting for the Cow…MOL..Great answers, Ellen, we also eat and drink together…MOL😹Pawkisses for a Happy Weekend to all of you🐾😽💞

  18. I too try to avoid talking about politics and religion. These discussions can quickly take a turn for the worse, it’s just not worth it. Angel Phoebe looks great in her bikini!
    Have a fantastic weekend!

  19. #4 for me, too, unless it’s with people who don’t lose their minds over the topics 🙂

    Fun answers!

  20. Fantastic fill-ins! I’m not much of a gardener, but I always look forward to hearing and seeing what all you get out of your garden. You always impress me with your harvest. And I am completely with you on #3. My kitties and pup aren’t exactly the most mannerly, and so I eat a lot of food that they have licked and touched. And we love seeing memories of Phoebe’s bikini. We’re sad that Moo has been missing for 2 years, though. We really enjoyed our visit with her. Purrs!

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