Friendly Fill-Ins Week 189

Hi everyone! Time for the Friendly Fill-Ins. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link ( see below) to the hop so everyone can visit you.

1. My plans for the weekend include ___________________________.

2. You will never find ______________________ in my home.

3. I hope I always _________.
4. I hope I never _________.
My answers:
1. My plans for the weekend include spending a lot of time with Millie and Prancie.
2. You will never find anyone smoking in my home. I am repulsed by cigarette smoke despite having grown up with my Dad and many other relatives smoking. ( All deceased now from cigarette related illnesses).
3. I hope I always have a positive attitude. It is not easy right now as Millie is going downhill fast.
4. I hope I never unable to care for my cats.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

Here is a flashback of Angel Phoebe on New Year’s Eve 2014 with her little nip -tini.  Her little glass has a P on it ( I still have it).

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  1. Sorry Millie is going downhill fast……there’s no mercy when it comes to disease other than hopefully there’s no pain. You will ALWAYS be a “cat Mom” – I’m sure of that! Love the little glass Angel Phoebe had her new year’s eve drink from some years ago…..sweet!

    Hugs, Pam

  2. So sweet!

    We hate smoking too. Mum says she smoked for about 4 years in her late 20s but was glad she gave it up. Filthy habit!

  3. Thanks for hosting!

    Cigarette smoke bothers me, too, my lungs are scarred from pneumonia and can’t handle that stuff.

    Praying for Millie and Prancie, have a great Friday!

  4. I understand your answers. I quit smoking some time ago and I am so grateful. I never smoked inside my house (long before that seems to have become a “thing” as I didn’t want my kids or pet to be subjected to it.

    When we have such sick babies as Millie and Prancie… it, their state, is our every thought– and we walk with sadness each day. Love to them and to you and their dad as you follow this path.

  5. Hmmmmmmm…. I’m now wondering why I have never been served a niptini on special occasions…. Must look into this!
    There is only smoke from failed cooking projects and candles in our house…. the toaster is the main thing and it sets off the smoke detector 3-4 times a year, when a bagel gets stuck or some other nefarious thing.
    PS: Ms. Ellen thank you for hosting this blog hop.

  6. So with you on the no smoking. My Mom smoked at 15 up to her diagnosis of lung cancer and passed away 5 months later when she was 70. I miss her more than words can say.
    I am so sorry about Millie. You have all my prayers to help you get through this heart breaking time. Angel Phoebe and her little glass♥

    1. I am so sorry your mom died so young from such an awful disease. Thank you for the prayers. XO

  7. Love your fill-ins. Never thought about smoking. I don’t like it either. We have a smoke free home too.

    Awww on Angel Phoebe. So precious.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins. I look forward to them each week.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  8. Ah, Phoebe. How precious. I’m so sorry about Millie. Warm wishes to him and Prancie, and all your darling crew for that matter. ~hugs~ The smell of cigarette smoke makes me gag, too. An oblivious coworker, no doubt with a burned out sense of smell, used to drop his stubbed butts in my trash can just inside our office door. During a morning briefing I spoke up to all the gathered guys and dear Ronnie confessed with chagrined apology. 🙂

  9. Great fill ins! I should have thought of cigarettes and your answer for #4. Those would have been perfect for me too. Have a great weekend!

  10. Oh do I agree with your #1. My daddy started smoking very young.
    Spring of 1971 I was expecting our daughter. I point blank told my Daddy
    you cannot come in my house smoking and this baby will not be allowed to visit your house if you are smoking. He quit cold turkey that day.
    Hugs cecilia

  11. Sending healing purrz for Millie. No one smokes here and TW hates it but one of our neighbors smokes. It comes into our condo and a lot of times smells like someone is smoking in here. We’re not sure if it’s coming from downstairs or next door and if we report it they’ll do nothing unless we know or if it’s pot which TW would welcome.

  12. No smoking in our home, either. Becoming unable to care for my kitties is my biggest fear and I hope it never happens. Purrs to Millie and Prancie xo

  13. Sorry to hear Millie is not doing well, but I am sure you take good care of him.
    This is a smoke free house as well, it’s better for humans and animals.
    Have a wonderful weekend!

  14. I came from The Tabby Cat Club after reading the amazing story of Phoebe’s journey to her forever home. I want to see the books you write and illustrations. I have an old blog a back from when my Tortie KC used to run the Cat Blogosphere. I want to start blogging again, I forgot how much I missed it.

  15. I totally agree on the smoking, it will never be in our house either! My parents both smoked too, and my hubby did when we were first married. Thank goodness he quit.
    I’m so sorry Millie isn’t doing well. 🙁

  16. Precious Phoebe ~ and elegant photo ~

    Wonderful fillins and hope you are always able to care for your fur persons ~ ^_^
    Happy New Year to You.

    Happy Moments to You,
    A ShutterBug Explores,
    aka (A Creative Harbor)

  17. Love the flashback photo of Phoebe, and we know Prancie and Millie will love having the extra attention. Mom agrees on that smoking thing. She too grew up with smokers…her mom, sister and other maternal relatives. She doesn’t even know any smokers anymore. Prayers and POTP for Prancie and Millie. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer

  18. My plans for the weekend include going to work Sat & Sun…its my turn…
    2. You will never find a Ouigi board in my home. I refuse to be superstitious.
    3. I hope I always stay healthy and agile, so I can look after my hubby and furs.
    4. I hope I never get a recurrence of my cancer…so far I have not, God has blessed me that way, since 2007…

    And I am sad to hear that Millie is not doing too well at all. Adding loud purrs for him and some POTP to help him feel a bit better, I hope.

    1. Sorry you have to work this weekend. Thank you for these great answers. I would NEVER have a ouigi board either. And I pray you never have cancer again. Thank you for the POTP for Milie. XO

  19. Great Fill-In answers! Love all your photos here too. I am trying to get back into my blogging. Thank you for supporting me there. Happy New Year and have a great weekend.

    1. I am glad you are getting back into blogging. Thank for joining the fill-ins. Happy New YEar!

  20. Oh what a lovely photo of ‘angel’ Phoebe….I know how much you miss her. I miss P SH still so much every day.
    Happy New Year to you Ellen & the Mister & all the cats!!
    Sincerely, BellaDharma’ss LadyMew an **purrsss** BellaDharma

    1. Thank you. We never forgot those we love so we will never forget Phoebe or her Purrince. They were quite the couple. Wishing you and your Mum a happy and healthy new year! XO

  21. Our answers are nearly identical for #2 and #3. The smell of cigarette smoke both disgusts me and makes me sad. It’s such an unhealthy thing, and I’m sorry you’ve lost family because of it. And we are sending our purrs, woofs, and prayers to Millie, Prancie, and all of you! Your kitties are so blessed to have you, Ellen.

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