Caturday Saturday and Pet Photo Fails

Hi everyone! We are joining Athena’s Caturday Art Blog Hop .  We are also joining The Pet Photo Fails Blog hop hosted by Melissa and Mudpie.

Once again Joanie has provided me with a photo fail. Her chef’s hat fell off.

And for my art, I used  the scrabble photo from yesterday.  I think it was the splash effect.


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  1. Well the hat is down for the count, for sure! The two kitties are still darling, though! Love the art too!

  2. I got tickled at Joanie’s Chef’s hat falling off. She is such a good girl!

  3. When i tried to comment earlier, my computer said it lost the network connection, so i’m trying again. If the first one came through, no need to approve this one.

    Joanie, it can be difficult to keep on of those chef toques on, i get it.

    That’s a really neat, cool art effect!

  4. Joanie yore Blue-purr foto iss cute!
    An Miss Ellen yore artwerk Scrabbell foto iss furry kewl….THE speshell effect swirlin iss pawtastick!
    **purrss** BellaDharma an ((huggiess)) LadyMew

  5. Joanie makes a purrfect fail and we love the art from the scrabble photo. I can’t wait to do the puzzle! We have so missed the puzzles (though we do do some real ones at my Aunt’s). We are so glad to see you guys!

  6. What a cute wardrobe malfunction! Angel Lucy looks so cute back there. Thank you for the puzzle. Pop has gotten into the act doing all the puzzles.

  7. Nice effects! I’ve been trying to take a picture of my kitten so I can put an update about her on my site. She never stops moving, so I have all kind of blurry fails!

  8. Love that Scrabble photo! And you are very brave to try to put any attire on your cats. I can hardly throw a blanky over any of mine when it’s cold. What strange creatures we have!

    Hope you will have a wonderful week!

    Elza Reads

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