Catnip Bubbles

Happy Monday everyone! Today is fun and games day so I got out the catnip bubbles. I wish I could make my own, but I want to be sure they are non-toxic so I bought some at Petco. I actually saw a small bottle at Walmart for only  $1. I remember when I first bought catnip bubbles 20 years ago, they were $10.

Most of my cats are either afraid of them or ignore them, but Jinx is our bubble hunter. 001002006

It was hard to blow the bubbles and get photos though.

I can’t believe next Saturday will be our one year Blogoversary- I am planning a big giveaway to thank you all. I only had 2 readers for the first couple weeks, it feels like years ago now.



  1. My human bought those catnip bubbles a couple of times before I was here – and everyone was afraid of them! The cat before Sparkle, Harlot, used to love the regular kid bubbles – in fact, it was the only “toy” she liked! (She was semi-feral and didn’t really know how to play.) I bet I would like catnip bubbles. Maybe I should get some.

    1. I think your human should get you some, I bet you would enjoy them.

  2. We think this sounds like fun.
    Mommmm! We want bubbles, too!
    Heh-heh, this will give our Mommy an excuse to get rid of all that hot air.

    1. MOL 🙂 I hope your Mom will get you bubbles after that comment.

  3. I used to like the little pots of kids bubbles, but I ignore them now. Eric didn’t like them because they used to burst on his fur. For someone who used to love water, he really objected to them getting him wet.

    1. Most of my kitties don’t like them either probably for the same reason Eric didn’t like them. You have better things to do Flynn, like catch mice 🙂

  4. Bubbles are an “acquired taste” I think…….I was scared of them at first – especially when one landed on my nose and popped – then when Mom blew them AWAY from me I kinda liked how they float around! So it’s almost blogaversary time huh? NEATO! We’re sure glad we “found you” !

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. I agree bubbles are an acquired taste. I am glad you found us too 🙂

    1. I think it depends on the kitty- out of 15 cats, I only have one that likes them.

    1. I hope they like them, Walmart has the small bottle for $1, that would be an inexpensive way to test it.

  5. The only time I tried the catnip bubbles the cats were afraid of them too.
    When I first began blogging it was like 2 months before anyone commented. It’ll be our 10th anniversary this August.

    1. WOW-10 years! That is amazing.I wish I had discovered blogging years ago, I missed out on so much.

  6. I’ve never heard of catnip bubbles. Interesting…I’ll have to track some down and give them a try.

    1. Walmart has a small bottle for $1, all the pet stores seems to be about $5. I hope your kitties enjoy them.

  7. How cute. Me be fwaid of da bubbles too. Sissy’s not fwaid but hers also kuldn’t care less ’bout ’em so mommy sez it was a big ole waste of money. MOL Weez glad yous gwammaw will be wiff y’all tonight and hope yous all get lots of tweats. Weez not watch da Lucy show so weez not have a favowit. Anyways, hope y’all have a pawsum day.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. It is funny how many cats are afraid of bubbles, but not afraid of mice and stuff like that 🙂 You’ve never seen Lucy? If you ever have time, you should watch some episodes, I am sure you can find them online. 🙂

  8. jinx…ya noe what other kinda bublles iz way awesum….de ones fish make as they bee a swimmin bye !!! haza FUN…… 🙂 looks like ya iz for sure ♥♥♥ !!!

  9. We can’t believe it has almost been a year since you started blogging either! We are glad you started! And can you believe we have never tried catnip bubbles?! LP is soo lame!

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Thank you- I am glad I started blogging too and have so many cat loving friends now- including you. Its never too late to get some bubbles 🙂

  10. Looks like you’re having fun! Mommy bought bubbles once but we didn’t like them. She should try again, though for sure. Concatulations on your blogoversary!

    1. Thank you 🙂 From what I read in the comments today, and being that only 1 of my 15 likes them, I can believe you don’t either.

    1. That is surprising being that you read so many blogs. Its never too late to try, maybe next time you are at Walmart or Target you could get some.

  11. We haven’t actually seen bubbles in years… maybe it’s time to get them out and see if Ashton has lost her abject fear of them. It’s interesting how many other kitties are afraid of them. We thought it was just one of Ashton’s special quirks!

    1. I could understand that Ashton would be afraid because her vision is impaired with only one eye. It does seem like most cats don’t like them though.

  12. LadyMum told mee shee saw katnip bubbless up at Pet Valu store butt shee did not know what mee wood do with them….if they are non tox-ick could Ladymum put a bit of liquid on a toy or crinkle ball an mee could rub it??? Mee not reelly like dried katnip…mee likess fresh nip butt LadyMum cannot dind a plant to plant here 😉
    Pleeze give mee Rainbow Gurl mee <3 LUV <3
    Yurss Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. Sorry you don’t have a real catnip plant, I am surprised they don’t sell them at your local pet store. Walmart has small bottles of catnip spray for $1 too – that would be neater 🙂 XO

  13. Mee-you Purrincess Phoebe mee iss watin to see what LadyMum deecidess…shee went to Pet Valu today an shee was lookin at ‘Nip Bubbless fer $4. an then shee found sumfing called ‘Nip Stick fur $5. Shee iss not sure what shee will get…
    (Walmart doess not offer ‘Nip bubbless fur a $1. here).
    Can thee ‘Nip Bubble liquid bee rubbed on soft toyss an mee nipnap mat?? Or wood thee Stick bee bettur?? Deecishunss, deecishunss…mew mew mew….. 😉
    ***paw kissess*** sweet Rainbow Gurl <3
    Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. That is a tough one, I would try the stick I think. I wonder why your Walmart doesn’t have the catnip spray and bubbles? XO

      1. Mee-you ok LadyMum sayss shee will order thee ‘Nip stick when shee placess mee food order with Mistur Doug at thee Pet supply store.
        WalMart inn Canada iss not like thee oness inn thee Statess LadyMum sayss.
        Yurss iss bettur 😉
        ***paw kissess*** to mee Beekeeni Gurl Phoebe xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
        Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

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