Book Day!

Happy Friday everyone! Today is book day and Lucy and I have been hard at work looking for some good ones.

First off, Lucy recommends: The Dalai Lama’s Cat by David Michie. I am not a fan of fiction, but this little novel was worth the read. It may be fiction, but it is written in the cat’s thoughts and there is a lot of wisdom that can be applied to one’s own life.


My choice is by an Assumption Alumnus, I have never met her, but she went to the same college as me so I figured I would buy the Kindle version of her book. A Tale of Two Tails by Elizabeth Cygan is about her 2 Siamese cats. It was a very short book, but very sweet. Here is the Amazon link:

Have a great day and be sure to stop by tomorrow for a contest.



  1. Those look like good books, thanks for the recommendations.
    Thank you too for pinning the tabbies on my blog today. More exposure has to help get those beauties new homes!

    1. Thank you so much for visiting us at 15andmeowing. I know the Dalai Lama’s Cat is in audio, but the other one isn’t.


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