Bird feeders-Bringing The Outdoors in for Your Cat

Monday again already- good morning and thanks for reading this blog. Today is fun and games day on this blog. As you already know, I am a firm believer in keeping cats indoors. I know it deprives them of a little fun, but there are some things you can do to give them a taste of the outdoors.

First off, you should get a bird feeder. We have a hummingbird feeder out right now, but we had to take down the regular feeders because there are bears in the neighborhood. You can get a hummingbird feeder almost anywhere ( Walmart, grocery store, etc.) for around $5, there are more expensive ones too. Don’t get tricked into buying the premixed juice or the little packages of mix. All you have to do is mix 4cups of water with 1 cup of sugar. Heat it on the stove or in the microwave then let it cool for a while. After you fill the feeder, put the leftover juice in the fridge.You can also put out a little feeder( for seeds) that suction cups to the window if you live in the city or if you have a window on the 2nd floor or higher.

Another way to give your cats a literal taste of the outdoors is to grow some catnip and cat grass in pots. They will need to be supervised when you let them play with this. I made the mistake of leaving the pot of oat grass alone with them for 5 minutes and it was mostly gone when I came back.

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