
Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays.

   Joanie agreed to wear the Queen Esther costume I good thing, she is the only one that fits in it) for Purim which begins at dusk on the 6th.

I thought I would try to make the traditional cookies for Purim called Hamantaschen. They are supposed to be triangular. These 3 looked the best out of the batch. I am not good with dough. If you want to try, I found an easy recipe on the Melaniecooks blog- click here.  One thing, she said it didn’t need to be chilled- wrong! I made a big mess and had dough stuck to my hands until I chilled it.  I used our homemade strawberry jam for the filling.

They taste much better than they look. Happy Purim to all our Jewish friends.

Rosie will be here tomorrow with two weeks’ worth of news.


  1. I love how you and Rosie do these things each year. You are all of us’s good good friends.

  2. What exactly is Purim? I have never heard of it.
    Thanks Joanie for wearing Queen Ester costume as you look gorgeous and fantastic.

    1. It is a fun Jewish holiday, kind of like a Jewish Halloween when people wear costumes. XO

  3. Joanie looks good in the Queen Esther costume! And those cookies look tasty! Happy Purim to all who celebrate! XO

  4. chag Purim Sameach! Those cookies look pretty good, and mama could help you with the recipe if you wish so that they don’t stick to your hands. It may take more than chilling.

  5. When you mix the dough, flour the surface before rolling and if necessary dust the top of the dough you are rolling with very scant flour. Rub your rolling pin with flour before rolling. Mama had a rolling pin that could be filled with ice to roll out pastry dough but it’s long gone. And yes, chillig the dough is okay but you have to let it come to room temp before rolling or it will be tough.

  6. We’d like to order a half dozen of those delicious cookies please! Especially because of your homemade strawberry jam – we know you are EXPERTS at making that….. 🙂 Joanie looks very royal in her outfit !

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  7. Joanie you making amazing Queen Esther. And your mom is cookies looked very yummy even if they are as perfect as she had hoped they would be. After all they are cookies and they get eaten very quickly.

  8. Those look yummy, especially with homemade (!) jam. I’ll have to check out the recipe, though I just made ginger snap cookies. lol Hugs, my dear.

  9. Chag Purim Sameach Aunty Ellen & Unkell an Kittie Couzinss!!!
    Joanie you look wunderfull inn yore costume!
    Mee gonna bee ‘Happy Bunny’ 😉

    BellaSita Mum meowed yore Hamantaschen looked 150% bettur than herss! And mee betss yoress tasted bettur 😉
    ***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Thank you. You will make an adorable happy bunny. That was sweet of Bella Sita to say. XO

  10. Awww and I tried one of those cookies and it’s delicious.

    Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties and a hug to mom. xo ♥

  11. Mom says the best tasting recipes are the ones that never look like they should. We bet your cookies are very tasty.

    Thanks for your continued good thoughts for Misty.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  12. Your cookies remind me of thumbprint cookies. 🙂 I have some of the Corelle Abundant plates, too. 🙂 They were a Christmas present one year from my late in-laws. I wish Corelle still made pretty plates like these. I’d buy them in a heart beat. What’s out there now isn’t much to get excited over! Like all companies, Corelle has slipped in the design department to cheap, ugly patterns.

    1. My mom bought them for us when we got married 30 years ago. They held up good. XO

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