Hi everyone! I am only joining one hop today, Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays.
I have had a lot of helpers with my snowflakes. I am on #93. So close to 100, but the ones at the end are the toughest and take longer. Prancie is helping today. Trouble is banned from helping because she chews through my thread.

I am reading more Happiness books, but Emmy is not happy about it.
Awww! So much cuteness! 😀
Thank you 🙂
The divas don’t mind the human reading books, now computer time is another story and they do their best to keep it under their control…
That is funny 🙂
Your snowflakes are going to be quite a nice collection come Christmas time.
Minko was a helper like Trouble…as was our Angel Suki…she even ate the thread…
Thank you 🙂 XO
Emmy is judging your happiness.
Yes, she is.
Bet those snowflakes are gonna be pawsome!
Thank you 🙂
It is good of Prancie to help. Trouble thinks she is helping so you don’t have to use scissors!
She does think she is scissors 🙂 XO
Almost to 100!!!! YAY!!!!!!
Hugs, Teddy and Mom
Thank you 🙂 XO
I didn’t know you were helping your mommy make snow flakes! They are gorgeous!
Thank you 🙂 XO
You sure did name Trouble appropriately. Why is Emmy not happy? Way to go with getting 93 of the snowflakes done so far. Best of luck to the remaining ones!
Thank you 🙂 Emmy is always a little grumpy.
Wow, that is terrific. Almost 100 snowflakes. Those will sure be fun at Christmas time. Have a super Monday.
Thank you 🙂 XO
You’re doing great and are almost to the end. Those snowflakes are going to be amazing.
The Florida Furkids
Thank you 🙂
Wow, you are moving along well with your snowflakes! Happy Monday!
Thank you 🙂 Happy Monday!
Making snowflakes sounds lovely and gives me a mental image of cooler weather
Hugs Cecilia
Thank you 🙂 XO
Fun post and all that sweetness in one photo of your sweet kitty ^_^
Happy Day to You,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thank you 🙂
Chuck would chew through any string, yarn, or camisole top that I had! Not to mention window blind cords, pajama bottom ties, and shoelaces. We still tie the blind cords up, even though he’s not here, but the blinds don’t work anymore UNLESS we tie them up…LOL!
WOW! He was a busy boy. XO
Very sweet! I enjoyed all the photos of these last few posts. My best to you and yours. It’s so tough to see a cat lose his or her appetite. Take care, my dear!
Thank you. XO
OUr mama needs to read that book. Have a great week everyone.
We all need to 🙂 XO
Emmy and Lisbeth have the same expressions today. You are so ambitious with the snowflakes. Mom says this is probably the last day of our cool weather. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
Thank you 🙂 XO
You two really are super cute!!!
Thank you 🙂
Emmy thinks happiness comes from kitties not books!
She is correct 🙂
WOW – that’s a lot of snowflakes – almost enough for a snowman:)
Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber
Good point 🙂
Well, we’re happy your reading happy books, even if Emmy isn’t! Glad you’re getting more snowflakes done and Trouble … well his name says it all! Prancie is a doll and so is Emmy. Have a great Monday.
Thank you 🙂 We hope you had a great Monday too.
Maybe you need to read those books aloud to Emmy? 🙂
Good idea 🙂
Prancie is helping then all is well. I get a kick out of Trouble. That name is spot on.
Sorry I’m so late today. We boated from Rio Vista back to our slip and then drove home.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. ♥
Thank you 🙂 Glad you got to go boating. XO
You have such patience and determination!
Thank you 🙂
Trouble, i wish i could help you learn to not cause any.
Happy Monday!
SHe is a lot of fun 🙂
Prancie, you are a good girl.
Thank you 🙂
Good luck with the snowflakes! I have a feeling Frodo would not be helpful either!
Thank you 🙂
Aww is right. You have quite the helper there.
Thank you 🙂
Ah Trouble, living up to your name! And they say cats aren’t predictable.
MOL! 🙂
Good job helping, Prancie.
Thank you 🙂
I left a comment earlier today, but it never appeared. I am always amazed how ambitious, you are, and I look forward to you showing off all those snowflakes again. Emmy andLisbeth are wearing the same look today. Hugs, Janet
Wow…now it’s there. Weird.
That is odd.
Glad it finally showed up. I will have a photo when I am done- 3 more to go 🙂 XO
I hope Prancie doesn’t find thread yummy too.
NO, she is a good kitty. XO
100 Snowflakes, Ellen! That’s some work. Trouble was a little bit naughty, huh? Thank heavens she is cute, what with those big eyes and beautiful panther fur. Nice that Prancie was helping you. I need to read some of the Happiness books… I need to get to the library!
I am up to 97 🙂 I haven’t read far in wither book so I don’t know if they will make you happy. Trouble is naughty, but sweet and cute. XO
93 snowflakes? My goodness! You’ve really made a huge dent in them. You may very well have your 100 snowflakes before autumn officially starts. How exciting! I guess Trouble learned that there is such a thing as offering too much help. Around our house, we can’t do anything with string around Eddy, Tonks, or Toby. Purrs to all of you!
I am up to 97 now 🙂
Aww, Emmy, why are you not happy about your mom’s choice of books?
She thinks her book is the only one worth reading. 🙂