Another Hopping Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone! Time to get hopping again. First off, today is V day for the a-z challenge. Prancie is going to show you the food she eats because of her allergies. It is Venison and Green Pea by Dick Van Patten for Natural Balance.


I am using the same photo for Athena’s Caturday Hop and the #52 Snapshots of Life- the theme this week is “Earth” so I went to and use the earth effect to make a picture with earth1Phoebe- can you see her?

Noel is more visible:earth3

We are also hopping with Rascal and Rocco:Pet Parade #bloghop for #petbloggers #cats #dogs #pets any #animals


And last, but not least is:

Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. ____ is my favorite _____
  2. Somedays I just wish I could _____
  3. Sometimes I ____________.
  4. Life is _____________

My Answers:

1. NICOLAS CAGE is my favorite ACTOR

2. Somedays I just wish I could SLEEP ALL DAY



Caturday Art52 Snapshots of Life

Make sure you visit Phoebe tomorrow.


  1. Wow! We can barely keep up with our basic posts, much less all the different activities. We haven’t tried any of that food before. We need to send Mom Paula out to get some.

  2. Those are neato art works!

    Baroque is my favorite style of Classical music…and my kitties seem ti enjoy most of it too:)
    Somedays I just wish I could stay home from work and play with my kitties and pup!
    Sometimes I forgo the chores to blog…OMC!!.
    Life is always fun and anything but dull with the furs around us…in my case kitties and a pup.

    1. Very nice answers0 I wish you could stay home with your kitties and pup. I agree never dull with the furs around πŸ™‚

    1. Once your kitties are settled, you will have more time and I am sure you can do them all. I still forget to do Thankful Thursday and the adopt one on Tuesday. I will never do Wordless Wednesday though- I am never at a loss for words πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you- nothing compared to the cool photos you make. I loved the one of you with your red wagon, I was thinking of that at the garden center today. πŸ™‚

  3. Prancie that is a luvley foto of you with yur kat food. MMM mee wundurrss if mee wood like Vennyson???
    The Earth Kat foto iss berry cool Lady Ellen! An wee laffed bout yur answerss to thee questshunss! Ladymum sayss sleepin all day soundss good inn theeorey butt shee wood not like it reelly. LadyMum iss confusin issn’t shee??? Mew mew mew…..
    Pleeze let mee Rainbow Gurl Phoebe mee <3 LUV'SS <3 her with all mee heart <3
    ***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

    1. Your Mum isn’t confusing at all- sleeping all day sounds good, but we would even get sick of that. I bet you would like venison, we all try to steal it from Prancie- MOL! πŸ™‚ paw kisses XOXOX

    1. I think a lot of Prancie’s allergies are environmental too, but she does like the food so it can’t hurt ( only my pocketbook).

  4. Nice pictures. Ahh yes those litter boxes. I’ve read you need one for each cat plus one. I have three cats and three litter boxes because I don’t have that much space.

    1. I have read that too, but with 15 cats that is impossible- I would need a much bigger home. I figure if my hubby and I share a bathroom, the cats can have more than one cat to a box.

  5. Mommy sez she agwees, she gets pawfully tiwed of scoopin’ pawdee boxes too. those awe weally cool fotos. Weez not herd of dat site afur.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

    1. I had never heard of that site either, I just typed in Earth photo edit and the search engine listed it. πŸ™‚

  6. Mee-you Phoebe mee sweet gurl guess what?? LadyMum furgot to look fur thee Vennyson pate….
    Shee DID bring home Performatrim BEEF pate so mee furgave her….thiss time…. πŸ˜‰
    **paw kissess** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

    1. Humans are very forgetful, goo thing they are sweet πŸ™‚ XOI hope you get to try some venison someday. Love, Phoebes.

  7. Yur so rite Purrincess Phoebe. Hu’manss are funny. They rite fingss down on papurr an then leeve thee papurr at home when they go out, mew mew mew….
    One day mee will try Vennyson….sum day….
    ***paw kissess*** Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxx

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