Another Hopping Saturday

Happy Saturday everyone- time to get hopping!

First off the letter J for the a-z blogging challenge – J for Joanie.

joanieframeΒ I am also using this for Athena’s Caturday because I added a frame with Ipiccy and for #52 Snapshots of Life because the theme this week is “Blessings”. Any photo of a cat would qualify as a blessing, but my Joanie is very special. She always knows when I don’t feel well and stays with me. When I take a nap, she gives me a breathing check, she is very sweet- with a little naughty just for fun πŸ™‚ She is Sammy’s littermate, her original name was Megan, but that didn’t seem like a cat name so I renamed her ( she has the same name as her Grammie).

Next is :

Feeling Beachie

The statements:

  1. Β I ________ the feeling of_________a new__________
  2. After ___ I _____
  3. I once tried to text/email _______, but it came out ____ instead
  4. The last thing I want to do when I feel ___________ is ___________

My Answers:

  1. Β I LOVE the feeling of PETTING a new CAT
  3. I once tried to text/email HOME, but it came out HOE instead
  4. The last thing I want to do when I feel SAD is SOCIALIZE

And last, but not least

Pet Parade #bloghop for #petbloggers #cats #dogs #pets any #animals

Please visit Phoebe tomorrow!


  1. A cat is not only a blessing, but a cat is also art! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth and Calista Jo

  2. HAPPY CATURDAY!!!! Joanie is like me – sticking to Mom like glue when she’s not feeling well….someone has to be “nurse cat” right Joanie?

    Hugs, Sammy

  3. Happy Caturday, sweeties! We hope you’re having a wonderful time! πŸ˜€ We love that pic of Joanie! She’s so beautiful! πŸ™‚ Hugs and kisses, Roxy & Tigerlino <3

  4. Your kitty statement is oh so furry true!
    We agree!

    I revel in the feeling of opening a new container of good coffee…ahhh!
    After working all evening I love coming home to my kitties!
    I once tried to text/email my fitness instructor, but it came out on the wrong persons Facebook account instead. (My sister, OMC! -Oops!)
    The last thing I want to do when I feel sore after doing the yard work is stand in the kitchen to cook supper…sigh…

    1. Good answers, you should join the hop and link up πŸ™‚ Kitties are the best thing to come home too.

  5. Mee-you Joanie thee kat is speshell to bee named aftur her Grammie!
    Mee can see shee iss a luvley gurl an it soundss like shee iss yur <3 heart <3 kitty Lady Ellen πŸ˜‰
    Mee iss snugglin LadyMum more than befur an shee sayss shee allwayss feelss bettur…
    Wee kittiess have healin wayss πŸ˜‰
    ****paw kissess**** Siddhartha Henry xxxx
    Pee S: All mee <3 LUV <3 to mee Purrincess Phoebe frum mee thee Purrince <3

    1. Kitties do have a special gift to make us humans feel better. Phoebe sends her love to you too sweet Purrince.

  6. “Any photo of a cat would qualify as a blessing…” wiser words were never spoken. My Emily was like your Joanie. She was my protector and my healer and sharing many years with her was the greatest of blessings.

  7. Mom says each of us pets are blessings but sometimes my cat bro Bert is more of a curse…he is a very naughty kitty, but we still love him and he keeps us on our toes.

  8. Mee-you Purrincess Phoebe an Lady Ellen mee iss just stoppin bye to give you both mee LUV <3
    LadyMum iss berry tried what with doin mee 2 bloggiess an reepliess an shee has a mass of emailss….mee iss goin get her to call it a nite an get sum rest!
    Mee hopess Grammie iss doin ok allso.
    ***paw kissess*** Siddhartha Henry xxxx

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