And the Emmy Goes to

You read that right- it’s a girl! And the Emmy goes to me 🙂 Thank you all for crossing those paws. She is even spayed already, FELV/FIV negative and no microchip so she is all mine. Emmy travels so well, not a peep out of her and it was an hour round trip plus and hour and a half waiting for our turn.

The vet wrote down she is 10, but said she could be anywhere from 6-14. Her teeth look great, but she thought her eyes looked old. I think they are just a very unique color, I am hoping to get some photos soon. She also has a heart murmur and may be hyperthyroid so I need to take her to my regular vet. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday because I am thankful that I get to keep Emmy.

And now I will let Phoebe take over-

Thanks Mom, I was wondering when I was going to get my turn. There were lots of guesses and 12 of you guessed correctly, no chip and a girl. So I had Mom write your names down and I had Dad pull a name out of his baseball cap. And the winner is Critters in the Cottage-Congratulations!

We are praying for two of the Critters in the Cottage, Esme and Mitalee.

I am going to see Grammie today- finally! I love her so very much. I haven’t seen her since Saturday!!!

Sammy is a conehead right now. He has a small scratch on his ear, but when he scratches and shakes his head, it looks like a crime scene. Mom said she needs to hire “The Cleaner” from the TV show, The Blacklist.

Here is my poem for Sammy’s Poetry Day. It is a Haiku titled Zen.

Wanting for nothing
except a meal and warm bed,
cats are very zen.

And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two. And make sure you add your link if you do a post with the fill-ins.

1. a prop from a tv show or film I would like to own is _____________________________________.

2. My oldest friendship is _________________________________.

3. Whenever I                        , I always                            .

4. The best                    is                          .


  1. Congratulations on your new girl! I pretty much expected everything that you said, from the pictures. Emmy is a lucky girl. I wish her much health and happiness now. Hugs!

  2. Hooray!!!
    Emmy is welcomed into the best furmily she could have evfur found! Snowball knew what she was doing we think:)
    We sure hope she won’t need too many trips to the stabby place…but if so, at least we know it will get done…cause she has found LOVE and that is forever.

    Concats to the winner of your contest, Phoebe. They will love those things.

    We hope Sammy heals up fast, else your Mom will be spending her time cleaning instead of typing fur you, MOL!

    Have a good time with your Grammie:)

    Emmy will get to meet her too??

    1. Thank you. I was feeding Emmy before Snowball got sick, but I am sure one of my angels led her to me.
      Sammy needs the cone for a few more days.
      Grammie met Emmy last week right after I brought her inside.She doesn’t want to get attached though, she is still very sad about Snowball.XO

  3. YAYAYAY! I am very happy to have been wrong with my guesses. Very glad there was no chip in the kitty!

    What is wrong with Esme and Mitalee? I will pray for them.

    I’m glad you’ll get to see Grammie today, Phoebe. 🙂

    That is a very nice Haiku.

    Thanks for the fill-ins!

    Have a blessed day. 🙂

    1. Thank you. Our friends Esme and Mitalee both have cancer ( different kinds), we are praying for them to have more time with their family. XO

  4. We are SOOOO happy that Emmy is yours! I thought she was from the start – she knew you were going to be her new Mom because she was so grateful for the food and when she let you pet her I knew it was meant to be. YAY! Just wait until she meets all the others – I hope Brody will have a new friend especially since he’s had a tough time making friends with everyone!!! Very exciting…………Love your haiku today too – cats are the epitome of zen we agree…………………..I think Emmy will know her ZEN now that she’s got a home too.

    Love, Teddy and Mom Pam

    1. Thank you, I am thrilled. I think Emmy and Brody will be friends. XO and love to you both

  5. Oh that is so great that Emmy gets to stay with you, for her sake and your sake. Good news. She sure will have a good home there with you. Take care and have a great day.

  6. We officially welcome Emmy to her wonderful new home. And Sammy…. Ears can be pesky things, dude. Here’s hoping you won’t have to wear that long.

  7. Happy Snoopy Dance for Emmy getting to stay, and nice poem, and i hope Sammy gets out of the “cone of shame” very soon!

  8. HOORAY! We are so happy for you and Emmy, Ellen! You two are so lucky to have each other now. Emmy is a beauty, inside and out.

    We are sending our congratulations as well as purrs and prayers to the Critters in the Cottage.

    And what a fantastic poem! We are also of course looking forward to filling in these fill-ins. Purrs!

  9. Yay for Emmy! Looking forward to getting to know her. I hope Sammy’s ear scratch heals soon so he can get out of that pesky cone. 🙂

  10. Welcome Emmy! You are so wonderful to take her in. I know she’s going to look and feel so much better with a little TLC. And sorry about the cone, Sammy.

  11. Ellen,

    Congrats on Emmy! Saying prayers for the kitties mentioned. I hope Samuel’s ear heals soon. Cute little poem. Got the fillins, will share tomorrow and hope to link up. It’s DH off Friday, so we have plans to knock around. It’s our anniversary, too. 😉

    1. Thank you. And thanks for praying for Esme and Mitalee. I look forward to your fill-ins. Happy Anniversary!

  12. I’m so happy you get to keep Emmy. What great news. I’m doing the happy dance right along with you.

    Have a fabulous day. ☺

  13. Happiest congratulations, EIIen! You’re just the Super-Mom this wonderful girl-cat has been waiting for, and she’s the wonder kitty you’ve been praying for! I love it! Cheers!

  14. Wonderful news and we are so happy Emmy found you! Sammy, take care of yourself pal. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  15. We are so happy that Emmy gets to stay with wonderful, kind and loving you…if she had a chip who knows what kind of a life she would have had to go back to! She is a beautiful cat and we can see she needs your love and help to make her feel one hundred percent better.Please keep us posted on her health and adjustment.

    Thank you for your continued prayers for Mitalee and Esme. They are helping!
    I’m excited about winning the mat and toys and will divide the prize between Esme and Mitalee. Thank you for your many kindnesses. XO

    the critters in the cottage xo

    1. Thank you for the compliment. I am thrilled to get to love her for the rest of her life. I am praying daily for Mitalee and Esme. I hope you have a lot more time with them. XO

  16. Welcome, Emmy! Did you know that you’ve found the bestest place for a cat to be? Good work, Emmy!
    Does Sammy have haematoma? Hope that he doesn’t have to wear that cone for too long.
    Phoebe, hope your Grammie brings you lots of good treats, and doesn’t tell your momma about them…hehehe

    1. Emmy thanks you, she is very polite 🙂 No hematoma, just a tiny scratch in a bad spot that bleeds like crazy. Phoebe had fun with Grammie. 🙂

  17. I am so happy for Emmy and you… it truly was meant to be ♥
    Congratulations to the winners of the contest!
    And yay for Grammie coming, Phoebe!
    Sammy, heal up quick!

    1. Thank you, I do believe she was meant to be mine. Phoebe was happy to see Grammie.

  18. I’m so happy for Emmy and you! I hope her heart murmur is mild. Pierrot has one too. It’s a grade level 2. The vet checks it at each exam. Of course, if it get worse, we will go to a cardiologist and get an ultrasound. I hope she doesn’t have hyperthyroid. You’re so good to get her all checked. She sounds like such a sweetie and I know you were hoping she’d be a girl.

    Poor Sammy and the cone! Congrats to the lucky winners!

    1. Thank you, I have several with murmurs and thyroid problems. I do hope she is closer to age 6 though. XO

  19. conga rats two de critters; yur poem iZ total lee total lee awesum N way buZZed happee ewe haZ finded yur for everZ home emmy !!!! YAY ~~~~~~ welcome two de werld of familee, friendZ & bloggin ….R next vote iZ for 6 yeerz, 3 months 🙂 ♥♥

  20. Emmy is mighty cute and we are glad you get to keep her.
    Bet she is glad too 🙂
    We send along more purrs to Esme and Mitalee.
    We send some to Sammy too.
    Glad to hear you got to see your Granny, Phoebe.
    Purrs Georgia,Julie and JJ

  21. Phoebe gurl mee hopess Grammie gotted to visit. Yur lookin so purrty today….An yur Haiku was pawsitivelee brilliant!!!!!!
    As fur Sammy; poor mankat…..mee hopess his ear heelss soon.
    WOO HOO!!! Well come Emmy gurl….this iss pawsum Phoebe an Lady Ellen.
    Wee are so happy fur youss’.
    An HURRAH fur Mitalee an Esme fur winnin thee contest….they are such kewl katss!!
    Sendin all mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I saw Grammie, I love her so much. And I love you too my sweet boy. Sammy is managing fine with his cone, Mom doesn’t want to clean more blood, she keeps finding spots she missed. XO and paw kisses and tee-hee tummy tickles for you.

      1. HURRAH!!! Grammie came to visit you!!! pawsum mee sweet buttercup….speekin of buttercups, mee found a littul wild buttercup when mee was walkin butt thee cammyra was innside. When mee saw thee flower mee thott of YOU!
        Pleeze tell Sammy mee sendss him POTP an mee hopess Lady Ellen doess not find any more icky blood spotss….
        Sendin you all mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. Awww….my sweet purrince, you are so romantic. I think of you when I look out the window and see forget-me-nots because I could never forget you my love. Sammy thanks you, he is frustrated with the cone and Mom calling him a conehead and Conan. MOL! 🙂 XO and all my love and kisses

          1. You bring out thee row-mantick inn mee Phoebe gurl 🙂
            Poor Sammy enduring such names….so unfair isn’t it??
            ***paw kissesss*** yur true LUV xxxxxxxx

          2. Awww…you are so sweet my love. Sorry, I think Sammy’s names are funny, he is a big pain most of the time. XO and all my love.

  22. Whoohoo! Yay for Emmy!! And you!!!

    You made the mom LOL with your comment about needing the Cleaner from the BlackList. Do you think Mr. Kaplan is available???

    1. Thank you, I am thrilled with Emmy. Is your Mom caught up on Blacklist? I won’t answer that about Mr. Kaplan unless she is 🙂

    1. Thank you, I am certain it is the only one I will ever get 🙂 Everyone is keeping a distance, but that is better than the fights that Sammy used to have with Brody.

  23. Welcome to Emmy! I can’t wait for photos! I have a sponsored post on Friday so I will miss this week’s fill-ins. I sure do enjoy participating in them. I’ll be on again next Friday!

  24. YAY! Welcome home Emmy!!!!

    We’re sorry Sammy is a conehead…..Mom totally understands about needing The Cleaner! She says that if a CSI team ever came into our house they would think a major crime had been committed here!

    The Florida Furkids

    1. Emmy thanks you. Yes, if they shined one of those lights that shows previous stains from blood I would be in trouble 🙂

  25. Welcome, Emmy. You have a fabulous new home! You couldn’t have found a better one. Snowball steered you in the purrfect direction. Poor conehead, Sammy. We hope that the cone is a very short-therm thing, and that his ear heals quickly. Sounds as if Emmy was dumped, just like Cooper was. I say, it’s the other families losses and our gain. Good luck assimilating darling girl. We look forward to getting to know you. Love from your friends. XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, Angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

    1. I think my other angels did because I was feeding Emmy before Snowball got sick. SO sad that these sweet cats got dumped. No one shpuld dump any cat, but it is especially sad when they are such sweeties. XO

    1. Thank you. I am thrilled to be Emmy’s Mom. Yes, sadly Esme and Mitalee are very sick.

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