A-Z Blogging Challenge: J

Today is J day for the A-Z Blogging Challenge.J is for Jackson Galaxy. If your cat has any type of behavioral problem, I recommend Jackson’s advice. You can see videos on youtube or get his books from the library to save money. Most of you have probably seen his tv show, My Cat From Hell. He really speaks cat and understands why they do what they do.

We are also joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Trouble is thankful for her new toys. The secretary at my doctor’s office sent them for her when I went for my allergy shot the other day.

Here is my poem for Sammy’s Poetry Day based on this photo prompt.

Hey you little brat!
Why don’t you go play with a cat?
Back away from my friend you little lass
or I am going to bite you in the *ss
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and our co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. I used to be able to ___________________, but I no longer can.
2. I just can’t seem to _____________________.
3. I’m notorious for _________.

4. There’s no use crying over _________.


  1. Trouble has a fan club? Very cool – to get toys from her Mom’s doctor is a pretty good deal. LOL

    Hugs, Teddy

  2. I adore Jackson Galaxy. When I wanted to watch his show while helping take care of my mother in Florida, neither parent could get past his appearance. ~shakes head~ The poem made me giggle.

  3. How nice Trouble got toys from the vets office. That rocks.

    I love the poem. I laughed out loud.

    I’m not participating in Friendly Fill-ins this week. We’re heading to the boat today and won’t return home until Sunday evening. I won’t be around much as I have lots of work to do this weekend.

    Have a fabulous Thankful Thursday. My best to your mom. β™₯

  4. trouble; de toyz ewe getted bee awesum !! N joy….due ewe think ewe will share em πŸ˜‰

  5. Ii always love your poetry prompts and this one really made me giggle. Perfect poem for the photo prompt! I’m thankful my neighbor has such a good heart. She just took in a stray kitty and found out he’s diabetic. She is giving him shots twice a day and trying to nurse him back to some semblance of health before trying to find a home for him. She is amazing.

  6. We will have to check out those videos even if there are no cats here:) And your doctor is very nice to send those toys home with you.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

  7. The poem was cute and funny! And I’ll have to check out Jackson’s videos. I’ve heard of him but haven’t seen the videos.

  8. My girl seems to be without behavior problems nowadays. Just years ago when she was upset with the wandering ginger. She was distraught.

  9. I too enjoy Jackson Galaxy. He gives great advice! But most of all, I LOVED your poem. Goodness, you have me chuckling! Thank you so much πŸ™‚

    Hoping your day is beautiful and relaxing!

  10. I am familiar with Jackson mostly by name. I’ve never seen the show! I’ll have to check it out, not that old lady Sam has any behavior issues – she’s a good old girl! πŸ™‚

  11. Jackson Galaxy is brilliant. He gives great advice to us humans, and the kitties also love his toys. Also, your poems always make me laugh and smile!

    P.S. Trouble, the kitties here have one of those big coil toys, and they love it! Do you play with yours as much as they play with theirs?

    1. Thank you. Trouble hasn’t played with it much. SHe is partial to her croaking frog πŸ™‚

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