At Home Test Kit for Cats

Saturday again already, its a long weekend here in the US for Labor Day. This has been another sad week in the blogging world. I was saddened to read about Jewel from:ยย  going to the Rainbow Bridge. Loving pets takes a strong heart because you know how it is going to end-too soon. But, I will take the pain any day to have enjoyed the love of a cat and I know that is how all of you feel too.

Today is product day and I haven’t purchased this yet, but I plan to. This is an at home test kit to check for 3 medical issues that are all to common in cats- diabetes, UTI and protein in urine. This kit can’t replace veterinary care, but it can be a good starting point. Here is the link : . For under $20, it is a great way to save your cat the torture of traveling to an appointment if one is not needed.

Next week is a special school themed week. I am thinking of starting “Kitty Kindergarten” similar to Cat Scouts. Kitties could attend online once a week and get a report card and a certificate to post on their blogs and other social media. Would anyone be interested?



  1. This test kit sounds like a good thing to have – although my human would probably take us to the vet regardless. But it would be good to give insight and possibly indicate or rule out potential issues.

    1. Vet care is best, but this would be good for cats that hate to travel-luckily, you don’t mind traveling Summer.

  2. Kitty Kindergarten sounds interesting! I’m pretty involved in Cat Scouts but a once a week thingie I think I could handle……report cards? Hmm….can we grade our humans too?????

    Hugs, Sammy

    1. Sorry Sammy, you will need to start a different kind of school to grade humans. Kitty Kindergarten is just a thought, I need some schooling myself to learn how to make the badges and stuff like that.

  3. That home test kit would be really good to have for people with diabetic cats. We would most likely rush our cats to the vet regardless, but we’re like that. ๐Ÿ™‚

    1. I am a worrier too and would normally go to the vet, but I have a couple cats that get traumatized. I get traumatized too when they have an accident in the carrier- in the winter, when I can’t keep windows open-LOL.

  4. Hmmm test kit? Don’t giv meez mommy any ideas. MOL Kitty kindewgawten…..meez wuld fink bout it. Sounds innewestin’ fur suwe. Wuld purrawly depend on da day. ๐Ÿ™‚ Oh yeah, weez got yous package, Fank Yous. Weez made a youtube video, but haven’t posted on da blog yet cuz we didn’t fink it wuz purropriate fur ow story on Blest Sunday. Hopin’ to post weally soon tho’. ๐Ÿ™‚

    Luv ya’


    1. I am so glad you got the package, the post office said it wouldn’t arrive until Tuesday. I can’t wait to see the youtube video, but you are right, it wouldn’t have been appropriate for Blest Sunday.

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