Hi everyone! We want to wish a Happy Purim to our Jewish friends. This year, Dusty is our Queen Esther.
Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.
1. I enjoy talking to _________________________.
2. ___________________ is something kind I did recently.
3. I wish I could _________ without any repercussions.
4. I’ve been complimented on my _________ but criticized for _________.
My answers:
1. I enjoy talking to my cats. I have some pretty good conversations with myself too. 🙂
2. Donating some things we no longer use to Hartsprings is something kind I did recently. Hartsprings is a group that comes by once a month to collect clothes and household items to resell and help the Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs.
3. I wish I could eat dairy without any repercussions.
4. I’ve been complimented on my creativity but criticized for my weight.
We are joining Feline Friday now hosted by Messymimi.
Our flashback is from March 2016, Angel Phoebe was tasting the banana cream pie I bought for Pi Day.
I am going to make some mini ones today in cupcake tins to celebrate.
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Oopsie, we forgot about pie day…and I am going out of town…sk there won’t be any pie here…unless the hubby goes and buys one, LOL! He’s not partial to sweets, so I don’t think so!
Dusty makes a sweet Queen Esther!
1. I enjoy talking to the residents I take care of, some of them have qjuite a lot to tell me about, and it helps to kmnow them better, to better care for them.
2. Seeing my neighbor indispoed with her leg in a cast, I went over there and visited for a bit…we compared our injuries and had a good laugh, which is something kind I did recently.
3. I wish I could all the yummy things I want without any repercussions.
4. I’ve been complimented on my skills at my work but criticized for loving my residents too much. (Which truly irks me, because if I don’t love them I can’t give loving care…)
That last is bizarre, indeed, MMTW. I hope you don’t take your work home with you but bless you for caring so much.
And Ellen, I’m sorry folks berate you for being overweight. It’s a situation I partly blame on the food pyramid lie. Hugs, my dear, and be well.
I blame it on no self-control on my part. XO
He could get a chicken pie. 🙂 Thank you for these great answers. I think it is good that you do love your patients. For some, you may be the only one. XO
Dusty looks great as Queen Esther! Good fill-ins, and cute picture of Angel Phoebe! XO
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Dusty looks so beautiful! Of course we had the same answer for #1.
Great pic of Angel Phoebe!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Yay for Dusty although he should be KING not QUEEN! LOL Good job on the fill-ins too of course…..by the way, please send a pie ASAP. Thank you.
Hugs, Teddy
Thank you. 🙂 I wish I could send you one. XO
Dusty makes a lovely Queen Esther. Sweet flashback of Angel Phoebe.
#1 fill in made me laugh. I always talked to the boys, and also have conversations with myself. I tell Ivor it is the only way I get a sensible conversation!
Thank you. 🙂 That is funny. Xo
I think people who feel they have the right to criticize, should look in the mirror first. Each one of this is our own unique self and that’s the way it should be. Dusty looks Simply Beautiful in her robe crown.
I agree. Thank you. 🙂 XO
Dusty looks sweet as Queen Esther, and a lovely picture of Angel Phoebe. People who criticize others should take a good look at themselves. Happy Pi Day!
Thank you. 🙂 happy Pi Day! XO
Dusty is rocking the look!
Thank you. 🙂
We always love seeing your angels. Dusty did a good job as Queen Esther.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Dusty looks, well…adorable as Queen Esther, and Angel Phoebe…that was good, wasn’t it sweet girl?
Me and Mommy left criticizing people behind in the dust some time ago. XX
Thank you. 🙂 You and your mommy are wise. XO
Dusty makes an excellent Queen. Happy Pi (pie) Day!
Thank you. 🙂 Happy Pi Day!
I’m with you on the dairy. I love all dairy but too much and it doesn’t love me! I haven’t quite figured out when I hit that point of “too much.”
I guess a lot of us have issues with that.
Morning Ellen and all under your roof.
Dusty Love you as a Queen
hugs Cecilia
Thank you. 🙂 XO
1. I enjoy talking to my wonderful husband.
2. Donating to a worthy cause is something kind I did recently.
3. I wish I could eat all the ice cream I want without any repercussions.
4. I’ve been complimented on my nails but criticized for being so blunt. I tend to say what I think.
Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-Ins.
Have a fabulous day and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to the kitties and a big hug to you. ♥
Thank you for these great answers, especially #1. I admire those who say what they think, as long as it is not about my weight. 🙂 XO
Dairy doesn’t like me too much, either. 🙁 Donating unwanted items to charities is a kind thing to do. 🙂
Thank you. XO
No one should mention your weight…what others think about you is none of your business, haha and you are CREATIVE beyond anything we have seen!!! Could you send Hartsprings over here, PLEASE.
Thank you. 🙂 You are too kind. XO
The Boy’s and Girl’s Clubs are an excellent organization, I’m glad you are able to support them.
Talking to our cats or even ourselves is certainly a good way of getting things out and mulling them over.
I wish you could eat dairy, too.
Dusty is a beautiful Queen Esther and I’m sure Angel Phoebe was a good Pi Day Pie snoopervisor. Thank you for linking up with Feline Friday!
Thank you. 🙂 Seems like a lot of us have dairy issues. XO
dusty ewe R total lee rockin yur queen esther and phoebe that pie waz lookin my tee grate…we get criticized day in and out for our spellin and speech…and due knot care 😜😺‼️🐟🍀🍀🍀💚
Thank you. 🙂 You have grate spelling. XO
Adorable photos. I enjoy talking to my cat too. Sometimes she seems very interested in what I have to say:)
Thank you. 🙂 If only they could answer us. 🙂 XO
Mudpie says it’s HER day! MOL
Yes, it is. 🙂
Those were good fill-in answers and here is a big “ME TOO” on #3.
Thank you. 🙂
Mee-yow wow Dusty you make a furabuluss Queen Esther!
Wee love THE foto of ‘angel” Aunty Phoebe samplin THE Pie….mee wudnered what peeps were meowin about today 😉
Aunty Ellen you did grate Fill-Innss! Mee thinkss BellaSita iss gonna try them tonite:
1. I enjoy talking to “Ironman” & many others on Discord in Live Chat!
2. Opening & holding door for a mature lady & talking to her is something kind I did recently.
3. I wish I could tell a certain person how much I love them without any repercussions.
4. I’ve been complimented on my poetry & song writing but criticized for ‘talking too much’.
Say those are guud answerss BellaSita!!! What due you think Aunty???
***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{hugs}}} BellaSita Mum
I am so happy your mum was up to doing the fill-ins today. I enjoyed all her answers. Most people regret what they didn’t do and not what they did so I say go for it with telling someone she loves them. XO