Sunday Selfies

My heart broke when I read the news of my friend Pattie’s passing. I never had the chance to meet her in person, but that didn’t matter. I loved her even without meeting. She was the first person to welcome me into the blogging world 9 years ago and invited me to join the Cat Blogosphere Facebook group that I wasn’t even aware of at the time. I will never forget her compassion for animals and her sense of humor. My condolences to CK and her Pop ( Fred). To read more about her and how to donate in her memory, click here.

Rest in Peace my sweet friend

Brody ( he says there is plenty of room for Precious to join him)



As you can see, we have a time share chair- Rusty, Friday and Tuffy all took turns on it.


We are joining, The Cat On My Head’s Sunday Selfie Blog Hop.


  1. That time share chair is a great idea! 🙂

    We’re so sad about Pattie’s passing, too. We first met her through blogging, and were blessed to have become in real life friends, too. She was very special, and her legacy is one of kindness, compassion and humor.

  2. I didn’t know Pattie that well, but I did know she was loved and will be missed by many.
    It is so sad when a beloved Blogville person has to leave. My condolences to her Fred and CK, and her family and friends.

    Brody sure looks comfy, and Rudy looks like he squeezed himself into that ‘nest’. The Chair Kitties are nice to share it with each other.

  3. I also am heartbroken at Pattie’s passing and have known her through blogging for many years. She was a lovely lady and will be greatly missed.

  4. Mama wishes she had known Pattie. So sad to lose her. So many friends, and that’s comfort for her family. The time-share chair is just delightful.

    1. I wish you had known her. You would have loved her humor and her similar to you political views. XO

  5. We’re sorry you’ve lost a friend – we did not know Miss Pattie but do know she was very involved in the blogging world as well as being Mom to CK. I think that time share chair must have something very special about it because it looks like THE PLACE to have a good snooze!

    Hugs, Teddy and Mom Pam

  6. Thank you for sharing about your blog friend Pattie. I had not known of her. Sadness follows this passing. Precious would love to share the chair with Brody and the halloween cat cushion! We hope he is doing well and will see a doctor in November.

    1. Thank you. Brody sends his love. I can’t wait til he can see the cardiologist. I am on pins and and needles.. XO

  7. There is a community bound in sadness today, remembering a good, good friend … thank you for sharing your thoughts and feelings. Gentle hugs.

  8. Ellen what a beautiful tribute to Pattie. All the tributes I have read speak volumes about Pattie who was an angel on Earth…

    Your orange on orange photos of double R’s is darling
    Hugs cecilia

  9. I’m sorry the world lost yet another sweet soul. 🙁 Brody, you dog! Wait, that’s not right, is it? lol Does he have room for me? All your kitties are adorable, and ‘time share chair’ cracked me up. Best wishes and hugs, my dear.

  10. Ellen, I am so sorry you lost your friend Pattie. I think it’s wonderful how you met and your friendship grew to learn about her compassion for animals and her sense of humor. You have a wonderful sense of humor too so I can only think how much you two enjoyed the laughter♥
    Some great Selfies for sharing the time share chair!
    Hugs, Ellen

    1. Thank you for your kind words. Seeing her go through the same thing my sister did last year was tough. XO

  11. It is so sad about Pattie. I did get to meet her briefly at one of the BlogPaws conferences, though at the time I don’t think I even knew what her name was, but I knew her blog! I was pleased that she knew my blog too! I wish I’d gotten to actually talk to her though, she seemed like she had such a great sense of humor. I’m so sad for her husband, family, and all her friends.

  12. I did not know Pattie well but she made a big impression on so many people and CK as always a joy to see online. What a personality.

    I love Rudy’s portrait, he made me smile. Well done.

  13. Mee-yow wee are all so sad that Miss Pattie has left us Aunty Ellen. Wee used to pop over efurry once inn a while an see what was goin on with CK an TW an Popss. Wee sorry fore yore loss….Miss Pattie touched so many livess….that iss a wudnerfull legacy rite?
    Brody mee betss Preciouss will tellyport over an join you! Rudy you are ADOORBSS today!!
    An aunty THE ‘time share chair’ iss heelareeus! Well dun Rusty an Friday an Tuffy takin ternss!
    Lotss of <3 LOVE <3 an ***purrss*** BellaDharma an <3 <3 an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum

    1. Yes, that is a wonderful legacy of how many lives she touched. I wonder how they decide how long each one gets the chair for? 🙂 XO

  14. Adorable photos! Even though we knew how sick Pattie was, it still doesn’t seem possible. It’s just heartbreaking.

  15. Pattie’s blog was always interesting to read, and inspired lots of fun posts for me. I’ll miss her, too.
    A time share chair – that’s cute. We have some time share perch spots.

  16. My comment yesterday didn’t take.
    I am stunned by the terrible news that Pattie has passed away. We go back to Twitter days as well, CK and Admiral. I will miss her always.

    1. Sorry your comment didn’t go through yesterday. Not sure what happens to them. Pattie is missed by all who knew her. XO

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