Friendly Fill-Ins Week 327


Time for the fill-ins. I came up with the first two sentences and my co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with the second two. If you didn’t do a post for them, you can also answer in the comment section. Thank you to all who participate. Don’t forget to add your link to the hop so everyone can visit you. The link is open until Wednesday night.

1, I am not always ___________________.
2. I refuse to eat ____________________.
3. I would happily accept a job offer at _________.
4. _________ is a job I could never do.
My answers:
1. I am not always careful with spending.
2. I refuse to eat lobster, veal, pate or anything I have met.
3. I would happily accept a job offer at any place that let me work from home a few hours a day.
4. Anything with blood is a job I could never do.
We are also joining Create With Joy’s Friendship Friday and Feline Friday currently hosted by Comedy Plus.

Back in September 2015, Angel Stinky was lounging on the new scratcher.

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  1. Awww, Angel Stinky looks so cute! Good answers, I can’t stand blood either would never have been able to work in the medical field. XO

  2. Angel Stinky looks comfy there.

    1, I am not always on time for my ladies’ meetings…though I used to always be early. Go figure.
    2. I refuse to eat shellfish.
    3. I would happily accept a job offer at the vet’s shelter, but I guess all the help is volunteer, plus him and his wife. So maybe I might join their ranks..
    4. Constuction work during the hot days of summer is a job I could never do.

  3. I love your answer to #2! I have to say I’ve eaten a lot of things I’ve met….eeek. Thanks for co-hosting fill-ins – it’s always ALWAYS fun to read everyone’s answers. The photo of Angel Stinky is adorable – enjoying a comfy scratcher.

    Hugs, Pam and Teddy

  4. Lovely photo of Angel Stinky! I don’t like blood either which can be a problem as I am on blood thinners. The slightest scratch and I bleed like a stuck pig!

  5. Mama says the same thing about jobs with blood, haha. Maybe blood oranges, that’s ok. But you are so caring of so many kitties, surely you must have had experiences with blood, no? I hope not. I’m eating a bit better and having a curve of glycemie on Monday….

    1. Thank you. 🙂 A little blood from cutting nails too low, but that is it. I will be praying your glycemic check goes well. XO

  6. Love your fill-ins. Should I tell you know that’s I’ve watch autopsies. They are most fascinating.

    Aw on Angel Stinky. A wonderful flashback.

    Thank you for co-hosting the Friendly Fill-ins.

    Thank you for joining the Feline Friday Blog Hop.

    Have a purrfect Feline Friday and weekend, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xoxo ♥

  7. Fantastic fill-ins, as always! I have never had any of the foods you mentioned in #2, and I don’t plan on ever eating them. I can’t even fathom the idea of veal. And I am so with you on #3. I would love to work from home. More time with the kitties and pup is always a good thing. And hello to adorable Angel Stinky! Purrs and prayers!

  8. 1, I am not always LOGICAL! Drives me crazy!
    2. I refuse to eat any sort of meet or fish I have met too!
    3. I would happily accept a job offer at any Animal or Raptor Sanctuary..
    4. Being a Surgeon is a job I could never do. Just not wild about blood flowing freely……

    GREAT Fill-inns Ellen! We are pretty similar. No surprise there!
    {{{hugs}}} Sherri-Ellen aka BellaSita Mum

  9. Changing spending habits is hard. I try to keep an eye on our finances. I really hate when we have to move money from savings to cover unwanted spending. When I have a dinner date, I don’t want to meet my food first. I just want to order. lol Seriously, I do take into account what goes into getting particular food dishes and find somethings are off limits such as veal. Naturally if it’s weird I won’t order it, either. That hasn’t happened in a long while, *knock on wood* and I hope that continues. Working from home wouldn’t be too bad part time I reckon. I have no interest in taking a job away from home. Being a full time SAHW is a full time job in itself. Blood usually doesn’t bother me too much but I have gotten a bit queasy at times. Thanks for sharing. Have a good weekend!

  10. TW is with you on all these answers. She still can’t look when they’re putting iv’s in or doing finger sticks. She ate veal ages ago but couldn’t anymore.

  11. Reading backwards, we now see the inspiration for Saturday’s art. Mom says she likes all those noms you listed! She’s not fond of blood either. Her mom was an R.N. and always wanted Mom or her sister to be one, but both said, “no thank you!”

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