1. Yes I see the horns lol. Cute selfies. Elvira, so glad you are getting used to selfies.

  2. OMC!! That is a funny tomato!! Those google eyes sure gave it character!!

    Nice to see your gang of ‘newbies’, looking like they know what mischief they’ll be doing while you sleep, LOL!

    Drake looks sweet in his den, and Friday sure knows a good lap to enjoy!

  3. That tomato is hysterical. The three girls sitting in the hall waiting is also hysterical. You can just see the wheels of their brains turning as they plot what kind of mischief they are going to get into. Thanks for hopping along with us. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, angel Mauricio, Misty May, angel Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy, Sawyer & Kizmet

    1. Thank you. 🙂 I wish they would come into the room when we are in it. 🙂 XO

  4. LOVED that bad tomato! I couldn’t eat it either!! Keep it away from the cats or THEY will have nibbles taken off them while they sleep! Elvira, you sure are a member of this family now! And girls, I hope you made a good plan and that you are sticking to it. Drake! Look out.

  5. Uhoh……devil tomatoes huh? I hope there was just ONE of them instead of a bunch of them. You all normally have very “angelic” veggies right? Love that group photo of the gang waiting for the humans to go to bed. HAHA

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Three selfies and an ussie and one rotten tomato. You’ve been very busy today snapping away. You are all looking good waiting for your Mom to throw it — the rotten tomato, that is. Do you have a neighbour you don’t like? That would be fair play.

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