Hi everyone! I am joining my friend Stunning Keisha in doing 25 facts about me. I am also joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday blog hop and Sammy’s Poetry Day.
Me with my Christmas stocking before mom put it away
1. Where is your cell phone? What is a cell phone?
2. Your hair? orange and white
3. Your dad? my favorite
4. Your mom? dippy
5. Your favorite food? venison
6. Your dream last night? mouse hunting
7. Your favorite drink? water
8. Fear? Sammy
9. Favorite shoes? Dad’s slippers
10. Favorite way to relax? sleep
11. Your mood? sleepy
12. Your home away from home? none, this is my one and only home
13. Where were you last night? in my special bunk bed
14. Something that you aren’t? patient
15. Muffins? yes, please blueberry
16. Wish list item? a force field to keep Sammy away from me
17. Where you grew up? Don’t remember, my life officially began when my folks found me
18. Last thing you did? bathe
19. Favorite thing to do? eat
20. Your TV? too loud
21. Your pets? Joanie has a gremlin, but I have no pets
22. Friends? Joanie
23. Your life? happy
24. Missing someone? Phoebe
25. Something that you are? smart
I am thankful that it wasn’t me that had to to go to the vet this week. Also thankful Emmy’s thyroid is fine.
Here is my poem to go with this photo:

Sometimes we are afraid
we need some aid.
Afraid to jump right in
much to our chagrin.
All is takes is a helping hand
to jump right in then strike up the band.
And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two.
1. I would like to ask_____________________ why _______________________?
2 My favorite fast food restaurant is_________________________.
3. If I could go to any concert of someone still performing, it would be .
Those are furry interesting facts about yourself, Prancie! I do hope Sammy will give you some space and peaceful times.
Hey! last on so many other posts…but one of the first ones here, if not the first! Whoot!
Good job on being one of the first commenters 🙂 XO
Prancie, that’s a fantastic list of information about you. Sounds like I need to taste venison.
I hope your Mom helps the other kitties make their lists. I know it would take a while but it would be a fun way to keep track of all of you….sometimes I get confuses who’s who!
Thank you. I hope you can try venison. That would take a long time for us all to do lists 🙂
I’d take some blueberry muffins too!
We hope you get some 🙂
I liked learning more about you, Prancie! That’s too bad that Sammy is mean to you.
Thank you. XO
You’re very witty, Prancie. Loved the answers 🙂 Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday 🙂 <3
Thank you. 🙂 XO
those are interesting facts about you! Thank you for sharing. We are glad to hear that Emmy’s thyroid is okay, too!
Thank you. XO
Very cute facts Prance. Love it.
Thank you. 🙂
[…] Original Source: https://15andmeowing.com/2018/01/25-amazing-facts-prancie/ […]
Oh Prancie, what fun learning all those facts about you. Very interesting. Have a great day.
Thank you. 🙂
#4 and #16! They had me laughing out loud. This was fun! Thank you for the smiles 🙂
We are glad you got a chuckle 🙂
Pawsome info about you. We especially enjoyed the blueberry muffin tidbit.
Thank you 🙂
What a fun read. Wish you got along with Sammy. ~hugs~ And you shouldn’t call your mom ‘dippy’. I resemble that remark. Heh… How is the gremlin?
Thank you. Gremmie is doing good, Joanie is always with him.
Those are some very fun and interesting facts, Prancie. 🙂
Thank you 🙂
You dreamt ’bout mouse huntin’ last night? NICE. Tell me, did you catch any? Inquirin’ minds wanna know. PURRS.
No, I woke up before I caught the little sucker 🙂
Your answers are purrfect, Prancie! Though, we don’t think your mom is dippy. She’s wonderful! We also read CK’s post with these questions, and now Eddy will be answering them tomorrow. We also think your poem is fantastic, and we look forward to filling in the fill-ins for tomorrow. Purrs!
Thank you and mom thanks you for thinking she is not dippy. We look forward to Eddy’s answers 🙂 XO
We’ve never tried blueberry muffins, Prancie! Now it is on our to eat list! 😀
the critters in the cottage xo
You will love them, especially with butter 🙂 XO
P.S. Great news about Emmy’s thyroid results!
the critters in the cottage xo
Thank you. XO
We like your stocking, though we think it’s too small. 🙂
Thank you, it is too small.
Great answers and great news about Emmy!
The Florida Furkids
Thank you. XO
Prancie, we enjoyed reading your facts. We saw this on Raven’s blog and hope to do this too. We discovered that Pierrot loves blueberry donuts. We miss Phoebe too. We hope Sammy will be nicer to you. We’re glad Emmy’s thyroid is ok.
We hope you do it, we want to read more about you. XO
I’ll send you the force field to keep Sammy away from you. That’s what you need the most.
Have a purrfect day. My best to your peeps. ♥
THat would be great 🙂
Bravo we enjoyed the 25 facts and your poem just purrfect
Hugs madi your bfff and mom
Glad you liked the facts and poem. You should do the facts too 🙂 XO
Prancie is a most interesting kitty indeed! My Mom says your Mom is definitely NOT dippy though……. 🙂 Also your poem for today’s photo poetry challenge is adorable……thanks for playing along with us this week.
Hugs, Teddy
Thank you and mom thanks you too. XO
prancie; ewe best be glad santa haz all reddy dee livered…. number 5 !!!…
N hope him doez knot reed thiz post 🙂 ♥♥
MOL! 🙂
Prancie, we are all glad too, that it wasn’t you who visited the vet’s office! And I don’t have any patience either, so we’ve got that going for us.
Thank you 🙂
Prancie, thanks for playing along. Great to know more about you. I used to like venison until Call of the Wild changed the recipe on their wet food. Glad Emmy passed her test. Tell Sammy I’m on my way over to whomp him upside of the head.
Thank you. Sammy needs a good whomp. 🙂 XO
Mee-you Prancie you look so cute with yur stockin! Mee red yur answerss an wantss to know if you need mee to have a mee-yow with Sammy about treetin you nicer??? As yur Brofur-Inn-Law it iss mee duty to purrtect you!!!
An mee still missessPurrincess Phoebe so much. LadyMum not even say her name or mee sorta howlss….fur reel! **sighsss**
On a happy-er note, yur poe-em iss deelitefull Prancie!
***nose rubsss*** Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxx
Pee S: LadyMum had a bad ‘seizey’ Tuesday nite so wee not bee online since then…sorry…..
Would you please? Be careful though, Sammy is 16 pounds of muscle.We are sorry your mum had a seizure. XO
EEKKK!!! 16 poundss??? Mee will bee dippymatick then….mee wait till hee postss sumfin….an poe-litelee ask him to bee nicer to you.
An thee ‘seizey’ reelly hert LadyMum this time; shee has been not herself fur thee hole week….**sighsss**
Sammy can be a bully, I should report him to Cat Scouts, when he is there, he is well mannered.
I am sorry your mum is still not feeling well after the seizure. XO
Maybee you should have a mee-yow with Sammy about his bee-have-yur an xplain if hee not back off you go to thee Scoutss. An then tell him mee will have a mee-yow with him. That mite bee enuff to settull him down Prancie!
An mee finkss LadyMum has a touch of a Flu all so. Shee iss til not quite herself….PHOOEY!
I better not do that. He is also part of the Codmother gang, he is Sammy the Shop Vac. I will just stay close to mom and dad. I hope your mum feels better soon. XO
Terrific pawsitive poem, and Prancie, we totally enjoyed learning more about you. XOCK, angel Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo, Cooper Murphy and Sawyer
Thank you. XO
Those were all fun to read Prancie!!! We’re thankful that Emmy’s thyroid is fine too. Thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thank you 🙂
This is so fun! I’m going to try to talk Mudpie into participating 🙂
We look forward to her answers 🙂
Very good facts, and a very good poem. Yes, we sometimes just need to know someone is at our side to make us brave enough to jump in.
Thank you.
Most interesting facts! That’s a very lovely poem!
Thank you.
That is a great list Prancie. I wish Sammy wouldn’t be mean to you.
Thank you I wish he would be nice too.
Prancie it was great getting to know you – and we’re SO sorry about Sammy being mean. (Pee Ess, Allie’s mean to ME too! ~ Faraday)(I HEARD THAT, Brat! ~ Allie)
Sorry Allie is mean to you.
Ah Prancie, we luvved findin’ out more ’bout you. We wish Sammy was nicer to you too. We’re sendin’ hugs and purrayers.
Luv ya’
Dezi and Raena
Thank you. XO
Venison, how fancy!
I am a lucky kitty.
EEEKKKK!! Thee CodMother Gang!!!!!
Mee goin to hide under thee bed with you Prancie!
Good idea 🙂 XO
Ok mee bring sum chewy treetss OK Prancie?
I wish I could. XO
I love your list it did make me smile! Well done. Yeah life begins in your forever home 🙂
Loved the poem too.
Thank you. XO