1. Thank you- Jinx is hard to photograph, he doesn’t stay still and he heads for the camera.

  1. Looking good Jinx.
    Thanks also to all at your house fur the very nice get well prezzie. I am just about back to my old self and love my toys as they are nice and soft for my bitey.
    Mr Buttons

    1. Jinx says thank you. And we are all happy that you like your toys and are feeling better πŸ™‚

    1. Jinx says hi and he says you kitties look good any time of year. Hi 5’s .And Phoebe says hi too and XO

      1. Mee-you wee black kittiess are allwayss in fashion rite Jinx?????Pleeze give mee sweet buttercup Phoebe all mee <3 LUV <3 an so many ****paw kissesss****
        Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. Black kitties go with everything πŸ™‚ XO and Phoebe sends all her love and kisses. She wants to know if you 2 are going to any Halloween parties together?

  2. Weez sent yous an email wiff a short video we did on our iPad awnty Ellen, cuz weez not weal sure what we be seein’.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Lexi

  3. I can barely read your blog; everything is thrown all over the screen and I can barely read because there is dark orange on a lighter orange background…weird!

    1. Jinx says thank you, I am sure your Mom would rather have you though. You are very handsome Billy. XO

  4. Yur screen iss all weerd an Orange an off centre an wee can not see fingss propurrlee Purrincess Phoebe..Maybe thereiss a Ghost in thee Ma-sheen???
    **paw kissesss** yur Purrince Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. The ghost has been removed πŸ™‚ I think the blog is OK now. Ppaw kisses and nose kisses from Phoebe.

  5. Hi there, Jinx! You are one adorable kitty. It looks like you are getting ready for Halloween. That is always a good time. I love decorating for the holidays. πŸ™‚

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