Welcome to another edition of Who Wore it Best? with Rusty and Rudy. Before that though, I will update you on Brody’s cardiology appointment. It was supposed to be Tuesday at 3:30 PM and I got an email right before noon stating the vet only does echocardiograms on dogs so they were canceling. I had already given him meds to sedate him and they have had my $200 deposit for over a month. I called Monday to confirm and they didn’t know until Tuesday morning that they had to cancel.ย The worst part is I had made him an appointment at another place for 9/18 and canceled when I made this appointment because I wanted him seen ASAP. Now the soonest they can see him is 11/9!!ย We are on the waitlist, but I am sure he won’t be seen anytime soon. Please keep him in your prayers.
Sorry, I had to vent.
Now for the fun part:


and we join theย Cat Blogosphere hop every day.
Make sure you visit tomorrow for our black cat giveaway- no, we are not giving away Trouble. I mean Black Cat themed giveaway for Black Cat Appreciation Day.
Both those orangey-red guys look adorable! Wow, that’s quite a mix-up by that vet office! XO
They both thank you. XO
They both look so cute! ๐ <3
Rusty and Rudy thank you. XO
Rudy, to be sure. I would make written complaint to them, Ellen. That is inexcusable. All that you did and are waiting for plus another appt. you had to cancel. This makes ME mad.
Rudy thanks you. No point in doing a written complaint because I spoke to the hospital manager and she would be the one to send the letter to. XO
Altho both Boyss look furabuluss our votess go to Rudy!!!! Purrfection!
An Aunty Ellen wee are fureeuss tha THAT Vet messed you an Brody over…due you get yore $200.~ back?? They bettur coff it up or mee come down there an doin sum seereuss scratchin!!! Thiss iss unfurgivabell….
Wee are so sorry….iss Brody OKay? Are you Okay???
Wee lvoe you so-o much!
***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum
Rudy thanks you. They gave back my money, but they had it over a month. Brody sends his love. XO
Yeah the part about them having your $$$ for a month b4 they realized they don’t do that test on Cats sounds pretty ‘sketchy’ to me Ellen!
Glad you DID get your $$$ back. Sending Brody all our <3 LOVE <3
Seemed sketchy to me too. My niece brings her dog there for chemo and she hasn’t had a problem other than with scheduling. XO
Hello Ellen~~I just went into Reader & checked Comments & it is not there! But I see my comment here. WP playin’ games again! I hope you got your $$ back & I hope maybe there will be a cancellation so Brody can be seen sooner!
WP can be a pain. XO
Good grief, what a disaster with Brody’s apt. Phooey. We sure hope ]he can be seen sooner. Its hard to believe they didn’t know it was for a cat, sooner…
We think both Rudy and Rusty wore that cowboy hat quite well. Its actually still on both heads!
They knew he was a cat, but didn’t realize their dr only did echocardiograms on dogs. Both ginger boys thank you. XO
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We’re gonna vote for Rudy this week. ๐
OMC, that is terrible what happened with the vet place and Brody’s appointment. I’m so sorry to read this, and I agree with those above who wrote that you should consider a written complaint.
Rudy thanks you. XO
WELL FIE ON THAT BAD, BAD VET!!!! THERE SHOULD NEVER BE A WAIT LIKE THAT! Hope you find a good new one soon for sweet Brody.
There are not many kitty cardiologists in my area- this one is an hour away. XO
No excuse for that mix-up at the vets……it’s a shame you have to wait so long to get that test for Brody. Sending POTP to him! The red-headed boys both look absolutely adorable in that cowboy hat……I think it’s a tie as to who is the CUTEST!
Hugs, Pam and Teddy
Thank you for the POTP. And both gingers thank you. XO
For goodness sake! Surely they knew they couldn’t do cats. They were quick enough to take your deposit, and yes, you do need to make a written complaint to them.
They both wear the hat equally well.
I left my message with the hospital manager and she called back and apologized so I don’t think she could do more. They both thank you. XO
That appointment deal is just awful! Hope Brody gets seen soon, somewhere! My daughter had a similar experience with her cat recently. They were due for an appointment, had already given the cat relaxing pills, and then they got cancelled.
Oh, both your boys are adorable in their little hats. ๐
That is frustrating. I hope your daughter’s cat has an appt. sooner than Brody does. Rusty and Rudy thank you. XO
That is so frustrating. How could the person making the appointment not ask if it was a dog if that’s all they do? Hope that you get a cancellation opportunity.
Ohhhh I would be SOOOOO mad! ๐ก I will keep Brody in my prayers! As for who wore it best … Rudy looks like he’s wearing the hat with pride so I vote Rudy!
I was very mad. Thank you for the prayers. Rudy thanks you. He is happy to win as his brother usually outdoes him. XO
They knew he was a cat, but they didn’t know their internist only saw dogs for cardiology- very unprofessional.
Both boys are adorable and I feel Rudy takes the prize. That is annoying about Brody’s appt. Sending prayers for Brody.
Rudy thanks you. And I thank you for the prayers for Brody. XO
Most welcome! ๐ธ
What very unprofessional behavior from the vet’s. How did they not know it was a dogs only cardiologist. I hope and pray you will be moved to a closer date at the new list.
I recall my Vet’s office had a ‘roving’ doc who did scans and ultra sounds and heart tests etc, for them. The vet’s office made the appt with the roving doctor. It was the vet’s office responsibility to inform the mobile lab. Surely any vet knows everything about the requirements. Such poor communication at Brody’s expense. I’m soo sorry for all this Ellen.
Hugs Cecilia
PS Rowdy Rusty is a fine look cowboy
I tried that route, but with the heart, you need a cardiologist to get the meds as the regular vet won’t prescribe. XO
Going to go with Rudy today!
I am sorry this happened to Brody and you. I am sending prayers. But that is some truly negligent and above and beyond inconsiderate behavior on the part of the vet and the office.
Rudy thanks you. And I thank you for the prayers for Brody. XO
Has to be Rudy today sorry Rusty heheh!
Sorry to hear about the vet problems as we say here what a palava of a mess with all their timings I hope you get it all sorted soon hope Brody is ok have a fabtastic week ๐
Rudy thanks you. ๐
Charlee: “We are going to have to vote for Rudy on this one because he looks so jaunty with his hat at that angle!”
Chaplin: “We are sorry to hear about Brody’s cardiology cancellation. How could they have gone that long without noticing Brody was a cat?! They sound incompetent!”
Rudy thanks you. Very incompetent and of all things the place is called Integrity.
Lots of healing energy hugs for Brody ~
Sorry ~ don’t want to choose ~ these two kitties are both so adorable ~ love them both ~
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Thank you. XO
Well you certainly have reason to be disappointed and frustrated and a bit angry. Don’t suppose any one will make good on the expensive meds? Dear Brody, stay well because November is too long.
Brody said he will hang in there for you. XO
We’re sorry that happened to Brody’s appointment. We hope you can get into the other doc tor quickly.
We think they are both cute but vote for Rudy.
Rudy thanks you. ๐ XO
Rudy wins this one, but they are both adorable.
I’m sorry about the appointment being canceled. Can you go somewhere else? Not right. Just not right.
Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xo โฅ
Rudy thanks you. I am going somewhere else, but not until Nov. 9th- kitty cardiologists are hard to find. XO
Boy, that’s kind of a toss up though I rather like the jaunting tip of the hat on Rudy. Rusty looks a bit too laid back as a cow-cat wearing kitty. ๐
They both thank you. ๐
Sorry to hear about all the vet problems and mixups. I can only imaginary how stressful that is for both you and Brody – send him some healthy vibes.
Thank you. XO
You have every right to vent. That is a terrible way to treat a client. I hope they gave you back your money so you can go elsewhere.
I think Rudy wears it better because I can see it better. Rusty is no slouch, but his hat is. They both look mahvelous with or without hats. They are handsome ginger boys.
I did get my money back, but I am annoyed that had it over a month and just told me they couldn’t see Brody. The gingerbread boys thank you. XO
I love the orange guys! They both wore it extremely well!
That’s horrible about the vet appointment.
They both thank you. ๐
Ugh, that’s some real crap from that vet’s office!
I happen to like the way both of them wore that hat, so I’m going with a tie.
They both thank you. ๐
Thatโs awful having them cancel your appointment. So sorry to hear this. I have to say Rudy wore it best.
Thank you. XO
Oh brother – I would have been more than hopping mad ! I hope you got your $200 back RIGHT THEN ! Did they not realize Brody was a cat ?? Sending him (and you ) purrayers and POTP.
Both your orange cowboys look wonderful !
Yes, I got my money back. I would prefer an appointment sooner. They both thank you. XO
That’s absolutely horrible! I would be outraged. There’s no excuse for mistakes like that when animal’s lives are at stake. (BOTH boys are adorable!)
I was outraged. XO
They’re both excellent cowpoke cats.
I do hope you never have to go back to that vet again. What a mess!
Thank you. I don’t plan to go there.
You boys both did great! That really sucks for poor Brody, someone at your Vet place needs to fix it.
They both thank you. I won’t be going to that place again.
It’s close but I would say Rudy. I can’t believe you have to wait until November.
Rudy thanks you. ๐
That’s so frustrating!
And it’s close, but I think Rudy gets the W here.
What a vet…sigh….! We’ll send Healing Pawkisses for Brody, hang in there sweet boy๐
Rudy looks very elegant with the cowboy hat and Rudi looks like Tom Sawyer, both very cute๐พ๐ฝ๐
Thank you. XO
Poor Brody! I can’t believe they didn’t notice he was a cat until that close to the appointment.
They knew he was a cat- they didn’t know their vet would only do echocardiograms only on dogs- very strange.
I would be furious. Grrr… Sending prayers, for sure.
On the fun side, I have to say your adorable orange boys are both adorable, as always. Rudy has an urban stylish look while Rusty appears as a hardworking farmer. And we need those, don’t we? Hugs, my dear.
I was. Both boys thank you. Yes, we do. XO