Wordless Wednesday

   Sometimes, Emmy gets impatient waiting for her breakfast so she stands on my hubby’s tv tray.  This makes me happy though because she doesn’t do that when she is sick.

I am still waiting on her bloodwork results because the internist emails them to the cardiologist, and I have to wait until she looks at them.


Comedy Plus


and we join the Cat Blogosphere hop every day


  1. That would make me happy too. She’s so adorable.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. xo ♥

  2. Emmy, I alqways remember you, sweet girl. I am hoping your mom has good news for us to see. XXX

  3. Chaplin: “Good job, Emmy! We’re glad you’re feeling well enough to do that!”
    Charlee: “I like to tell Dada it’s time to eat by going up on his desk and sitting between him and the computer screen. It’s highly effective!”

  4. I had smile over the terminology “TV tray”. I know what this is but if you literal take it to mean that then it can’t hold a very big television. 😀 Here’s hoping for a good report for Emmy shows up in your email soon.

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