1. Chaplin: “Avast! Looks like all are aboard!”
    Charlee: “That’s not a pirate ship, Chaplin.”
    Chaplin: “Any ship can be a pirate ship under the right circumstances! Aaaaarrrr!”
    Charlee: “Um, all right. Anyhow, we sure hope those kitties up in the OC find their home together soon!”
    Chaplin: “Yes, we can all aaaaaarrrrrrgreeee on that!”
    Charlee: “Apparently Chaplin has decided this is ‘Talk Like a Pirate’ day …”

  2. Rosie looks like she’s getting ready to sail the seven seas! We really hope Elvira and Friday can find a new foreer home together.

  3. I am crossing my paws that they get a home soon! My human wishes she could take them, but she knows that neither of us is ready just yet.

  4. Looks like Rosie is going on a cruise!
    I hope Kiril’s cats can get a new forever home together.

  5. We hope someone will be able to give Kiril’s cats a home……I’m sure they are very confused. I think I see Rosie about to sail away in a yacht!

    Hugs, Teddy

  6. Rosie, you are just too cute peeking out of the porthole! I hope those sweet kitties find a forever purrfect home.

  7. A kitty yacht. I love it.

    I hope these two precious babies find a wonderful forever home. Bless you for helping.

    Thank you for joining the Wordless Wednesday Blog Hop.

    Have a fabulous Wordless Wednesday, Ellen. Scritches to all the kitties. ♥

  8. best best best fishez two ewe Friday & Elvira; we troo lee hope ewe both find yur for everz and two gether….we put in a ree quest ta St Francis ♥♥♥ we noe thiz iz hard on ewe both ♥♥♥

  9. I think I know where Rosie is hiding heheh!

    I hope the two cats get a loving forever home very soon

    Have a yachtsailingtastic week 👍

  10. “Rosie are you hiding
    deep inn yore boat….
    hidin from THE werld.
    just waitin to float…..”

    Wee sure hope Elvira an Friday find mew homess soon!!
    ~~head rubss~~BellaDharma~~ an {{hugss}} BellaSita Mum

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