1. I don’t think I could get anyone to wear a mermaid costume, and you got two kitties to wear it! Wow!

    1. I have pretty cooperative cats , I bet I could get a few more to try it too. πŸ™‚

  2. Phoebe, you are an adorable mercatmaid. You should lend that to Sammy for the Cat Scout Pool Party this Sunday. That would be super funny! XOCK, Lily Olivia, Mauricio, Misty May, Giulietta, angel Fiona, Astrid, Lisbeth, Calista Jo and Cooper Murphy

  3. Hi sweeties!
    Oh you look so beautiful Phoebe! Sweet Siddhartha Henry will be stunned and amazed when he sees you pretty mermaid-kitty! You’re adorable!
    Murli and I send lots of love to you all???

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ Phoebe hopes her purrince likes her outfit. XO and love to you both. We were thrilled to read your post about finding love.

  4. Phoebe, you look so pretty in your mer-cat costume. I love the green on you.
    Yael from Playing In Catnip

  5. Lucy!
    You make the best mermaid (or catfish) ever! I can imagine what my arms would look like if I had tried to put a fishtail on Nellie!!!

  6. !!!THUD!!!
    Purrince kittyboy down!!!!
    Oh Phoebe Siddhartha Henry fainted! Totally fainted when he saw you in the mermaid dress….we watch a show called “Ice Fantasy” that has The Mermaid Tribe & it seems our ‘littul Purrince’ has a ‘thing’ for mermaids…..
    Let mee give him the ‘kiss of Life’…..here he is:

    Mee-you mee deerest sweetest most beeuteeful murr-maid Purrincess…mee ~~play bowsss~~ to you….
    Mee fainted at yur beeutee….Yur so beeuteefull mee can barelee breethe!
    All mee LUV an ***paw kissesss*** yur humbull Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

    1. I am so sorry, I should have warned you that I was all dolled up. I hope you didn’t get hurt my sweet boy. I will have my Mom make a copy of my mermaid photo for you. XO and all my love and paw kisses and nose rubs too.

      1. Mee-you mee landed on thee carpet which soffened thee fall mee beeuteefull MurrKat Purrincess!! Mee iss still lite headed even today, mew mew mew…
        Phank Lady ellen fur her thottfullness….LadyMum wundered how shee could get a foto made of you fur mee….
        ***paw kissesss*** an all mee LUV, yur adoorin Purrince, Siddhartha Henry xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

        1. I am glad you landed on the carpet my sweet boy, I would feel so bad if you got hurt, especially if it was my fault. I love you very much. Paw kisses XO

  7. Pretty purrmaid! Thanks for the updates good and sad. Such is life xoxo

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