1. To me, it’s always best to adopt two cats together that already get along. Happy Tuesday to everyone!

  2. Well, good looks sure do run in your genes, Joanie and Sammy! You know, we adopted my calico angel Rosie with her brother, and we named him Sammy. That sure is a great name, as is Joanie! Purrs to you all!

  3. It always makes me feel good when two of them hang out together.Those two look very happy. I think brothers do chase their sisters. Tip Tail chases his sister, LG. Have a great day.

  4. I am happy for them you took both, when we got our Cooper at age 7, someone had taken his sister he had lived with for 7 years and not him. broke my heart

    1. Joanie and Sammy had one more sibling that was adopted too and they had been together for 4 year- I completely understand how you feel.

  5. I don’t know the story on Joanie and Sammy… I need to browse some more here. But I am happy you didn’t leave her behind, too! Two lucky kitties that got a great home! Sweet picture… πŸ™‚

    1. Thank you πŸ™‚ I had planned to adopt Sammy and didn’t know he had a sibling so I adopted her too. They had been together for 4 years.

  6. I’m sure she is glad you didn’t leave her behind either. What a great thing to do.

    Have a fabulous day. Scritches to all the babies. ☺

  7. They look adorable. We’re glad you didn’t leave her either. What a blessing they are to you and you are fur them. Big hugs to all.

    Luv ya’

    Dezi and Raena

  8. guyz….. ~~~~ we troo dinna noe ewe waz siblingz……did we mizz a post
    ore iz we two buzzed on grazz …still… yet…. & again ! β™₯β™₯β™₯ πŸ™‚

    1. Maybe you weren’t reading our blog yet when I told you about them being siblings –or maybe it was the nip πŸ™‚

    1. Most of the time πŸ™‚ It breaks my heart that they had another sibling adopted before I got there and they had been together for over 4 years πŸ™

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