Hi everyone! We are joining Comedy Plus’ Awww….Mondays and The A-Z Blogging Challege, today is the letter B.
As you know, I am working on decluttering and b is for books. Over the years, I have donated many books, but my cat book collection stays.
I want to get a bookcase with glass doors to protect them from dust, but for now, they are in a toy box with a cover.
This is my emergency stash in my nightstand for when I am low on library books, but most of those will get donated after I read them.

I also have another 2-shelf bookcase with memoirs and self-help that I need to declutter, and the hubby has a lot of gardening ones to go through. I also would love for him to part with his old Analog and Asimov magazines which fill several 18 gallon Rubbermaid containers. Do you have a lot of books?
I think Penny will be here tomorrow with her money saving tips just in time for Easter.
Do we ave a lot of books?? LOL! We could start our own library I think…Hubby has a whole room and all 4 walls are bookshelves filled to overflowing with Computer books, Theology, and Engineering. As well as some miscellaneous ones. And I too have tons…science, nursing, cat and dog care, Dr Seuss, encyclopedia (World Book, 1998),cookbooks, Music, gardening, etc…
I bet a lot of the computer ones are obsolete. And you can look up anything now. XO
We have a whole lot of books and if I can ever get some strength back, I’ll be donating some. But I’m keeping all the cat books, I completely agree with you on that! XO
Yes, cat books stay. 🙂 XO
I have been thinking my books, too. So many books…. I haven’t had the gumption yet to take any to the used bookstore. But I’m taking them off the shelves in preparation.
That is a start. 🙂 XO
When we moved to this house, I gave away a lot of books to the Charity shops, but since we live here, a lot have been added again😸 Double Pawkisses for a Happy Day🐾😽💞
Moving is a good way to declutter. 🙂 XO
Momma has a ton of books, but most of them are back in Plano until she can get a house.
Hopefully she will someday so she can have them whenever she wants. XO
WOW, WOW, WOW, my mama is FLABBERGASTED and thank you thank you thank you for loving her no-knead book!! Among all of those amazing tomes, mama says her book is honored to take its place. Merci beaucoup!
You’re welcome. Your mama is a great chef. XO
I cleared out a lot of books a couple of years ago. Like you, the cat books stay! I used to belong to a book club and got I think it was 3 books every month. Some I could never get into so they were donated to charity in new condition.
That was nice of you to donate brand new ones instead of selling them. XO
Decluttering is a long process – we usually wind up pausing progress to look through everything carefully and wind up keeping more things than if we just did a clean sweep! We have cleaned out our bookcases in our “library” a couple of times and donated the books to our library’s “Free Books” area. You’re making great progress!!!!! Looking forward to Penny’s advice on saving $$ !!
Hugs, Pam
Same here, it is hard not to recheck it all. XO
I love your cat book collection. I have red Bob’s books and I have several others that are about real cats and I keep them also. We used to have a bookcase so full books couldn’t hardly close the doors. But a few years ago we did take a whole stash of them to the library for them to sell. This gives the library extra money and it made me feel a little better about cleaning things up. But it’s a toughie.
Thank you. That was kind of you to donate. I also give to the library book sale. XO
I would love to have bookcases with glass doors to keep the dust out. And your collection of books seems reasonable. I have about as many cookbooks as you do. I may donate a few more because I look up recipes on the internet now. xo
Thank you. Good point, I find a lot of recipes online too. XO
Mom has some of the same cookbooks.
Your husband and I would have lots of great conversations. I have read the same.
He would love to have someone to chat with about sci-fi. XO
I do like Joanie’s pose heheh!
Have a posetastic week 👍
Thank you. Have a great week. 🙂
When we were preparing our move from NY to Florida, I had to get rid of most of my books. That’s how I became strictly an e-reader. I had tons of Rubbermaid bins filled with books that I ended up donating to various places. It was ridiculous how many books I had and there was no way I was going to read them all. I got so far behind. I was happy to donate them to places that could use them.
That was kind of you to donate them. XO
Oh sweet Joanie ~ good luck with the decluttering ~ ‘never ending story’ it feels to me ~
Wishing you good health, laughter and love in your days,
A ShutterBug Explores,
aka (A Creative Harbor)
Yes, it is never ending. 🙂 XO
It is hugely hard to give up one’s books, even when choosing to declutter! Books are such good friends! I only gave in when having to downsize my home. I enlarged your cookbooks and wow, look at those two “old” Betty C. ones, those are treasures for sure!
Thank you. I would part with the newer version, but hubby thinks we should keep it. 🙂 XO
We have a lot of books and found a local place where we can donate them. So now we just need to get off our lazy butts and do it. LOL
Maybe this will inspire you. You are not lazy, just busy writing. XO
Yes, that sounds much better. XO
I had a lot of books but went through them like you are now. They were very hard to let go of. I kept the ones nearest and dearest to my heart. I think you are doing great at decluttering… it’s tough. I’m thinking Joanie knows a great book!
Thank you . Yes, she does. XO
Mew mew mew bookss Aunty?? Oh yeah….there are alotta bookss….. 😉
BellaSita Mum got tuff with herself an went thru ALL her bookss. Shee has a 4 shelf bookcase inn bedroom. So shee had to make sum tuff choicess.
Shee keeped her Bibless an her Charless Dickenss bookss from childhood plus 4 other childhood books that are furry speshell to her.
Shee keeped her High Skewl Yeerbook an her Psychology textbooks.
Shee iss collectin “Rivers Of London” seerees that ERin THE Literary Cat an Missus H are sendin us.
Shee iss allso keepin Mistur Jo Nesbo’ss bookss.
If shee getss too many bookss an wee know how THAT can happen, shee doe-natess xtrass to our BIG bookshelf inn Common Room.
Shee storess up to 6 bookss on Cat Table inn livin room fore future reedin.
Shee an Aunty Mary-Ellen do book xchange allso. An Aunty has a place to doe-nate them two!
Bookss are so wunderfull…iss hard to let them go rite?
***nose kissess*** BellaDharma an {{{huggiess}}} BellaSita Mum
Yes, it is hard to let them go. It sounds like BellaSita is better at it than I am though. 🙂 XO
Mew mew mew Aunty it iss a matter of purractice BellaSita told mee. Shee nose with limited space shee has to roe-tate bookss out so not to get two many. Shee does keep her absolute faveritess tho’!!! 😉
I love books!
Me too. 🙂
I love books…and am so thankful my mom shared her love of books with me. We went to the libraray every Saturday.
Hugs Cecilia
That must be some sweet memories. XO
It’s hard to declutter books. We have lots and lots of books and two bookcases that won’t hold them all. At least you’re trying and that’s the first step.
I didn’t know Loulou’s mom authored a cookbook. Joanie is adorable.
Thank you for joining the Awww Mondays Blog Hop.
Have a fabulous Awww Monday and week. Love and hugs all around. ♥
Thank you. Yes, she has written 3 and is working on another. XO
Sounds like me and all my books – they are everywhere! Books I’m reading, books on stand by, books on shelves, and nightstands and tables and stacked on the floor. I like the photo of the cookbook and Joanie! haha maybe she wanted to knead! 🙂
SHe is good at kneading. 🙂 XO
I’ve donated quite a few books over the years, but I have some “core” books that either are sentimental, I’ll re-read, or were special gifts.
Sounds like you have it under control. 🙂 XO
I moved across country last year and had to donate a lot of my books. I had a lot of cookbooks. I made sure to copy my favorite recipes before donating. Cute photo!
Good idea, I may do that to get rid of a few more cookbooks. 🙂 Thank you. XO
Our huMom has LOTS of books. Now taht she has a Kindle they don’t take up so much space at least.
I do a little Kindle, but prefer to turn real pages. 🙂
I love that you have an emergency stash of books — a true bookworm!
Joanie did a great job posing.
Getting rid of books is never easy for those who love to read.
Thank you and Joanie thanks you too. XO
TBT here: I used to be a voracious reader. At one time I had over 60 shelf-feet of sci-fi, a shelf of cookbooks, a shelf of gardening books and 3 shelves of reference books. There are about a dozen cat books too. I boxed up 75% of the sci-fi books and got rid of 2 shelves of really obsolete reference books a few years ago.
Between the newspaper, 6 magazines and MSNBC at night, I just wasn’t reading books anymore. And the internet sort of took over for reference material.
I wish my hubby would do that. 🙂 XO
Everything is better with books!
I agree. 🙂
I have donated a good number of books, but that cat books always stay, for sure.
Same here. 🙂
It’s soooo hard to get rid of books! If I love them enough to own them, then I want to keep owning them! I did cull a lot of cookbooks, since just about any recipe you could possibly want is pretty easy to find on the internet. I do love checking cookbooks out from the library, though, because there’s nothing like leafing through one, page by page
It is hard. Good point about the recipes being online. 🙂
That’s a lot of cat books! I’ve gone through my bookcases before and donated what I no longer need to the local library. I’ll probably have to do it again, as it’s been years 🙂
Ronel visiting for B:
My Languishing TBR: B
Birds of Faerie
That was nice of you to donate them.
Several years ago, we decluttered a lot of our old books. It’s always a tough job to get rid of stuff you’ve grown attached to. 🙂
Yes, it is tough. XO
We have hundreds of books all over the house, including the loft. I try to dispose of them, but without much success. they are old and not so old familiar friends.
Joanie is such a pretty cat.
A to Z participant @ http://jabblog-jabblog.blogspot.com
Yes, they are friends. Thank you. I agree. XO
I pared down my book collection last year when I was in my decluttering phase (which went well through art supplies and books but got stymied by files and ephemera and sentimental stuff). I’m happy to let the public library store books for me. My husband, on the other hand, won’t let go of any books, even though they are overflowing every shelf and box we’ve organized for him. Just when I think I might convince him, he’ll do something like pull out a book that someone gave him 40 years ago that was 40 years old when he got it and find something useful in it.
Sounds like my hubby. He holds me up with files too- he thinks he needs to save all taxes back to the 1970’s. 🙂
I don’t know what to add but that you’re awesome. 😀 Be well, my dear.
Aww.you are awesome too. XO
An idea came to me while reading the comments, especially on cookbooks. I have dozens I keep for just one or two favourite recipes. why don’t I copy them into an ebook. I self-publish, I know how to do that. Heck, I could even bring them out in paperback if I gave them proper soucre and copyright….
Thanks for the new project! Now… where can I donate the books to around here?
That is a great idea! Thanks for visiting.