Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone!

Can you see me? I was napping on mom’s robe and she thought it was cool that I matched. She even made me into a puzzle, it is a tough one because of the colors and she changed the shape of the pieces. You can see it at the bottom of the post. It took her 40 minutes and 31 seconds to complete, I am sure you can beat that.

Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop. Mom and Dad are happy that they found a wildlife rescuer about an hour away to save baby bluebirds. The Daddy bird got killed by a car and the Mommy bird was very sad so she abandoned the babies. Dad fed them mealworms for 2 days, there were 5 and 2 didn’t make it. Mom finally made the right phone calls and found someone willing to take them so they can be taught to hunt for their food.

This poem is for  Sammy’s Poetry Day based on this photo.

This is clearly not in the Milky Way,
I wonder how many hours in a day?
I don’t know all the stats,
but all that matters is they have cats.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.

1. Fireworks ______________________.
2. My favorite 4th of July picnic food is _____________________.
3. I begin every day with _________.

4. _________ is the best thing since sliced bread.

preview108 piece100_8354 (2)


  1. How awesome that you found a wildlife rescuer for the baby birds – they are such fragile things and need an expert hand.

  2. Oh how wonderful you all were able to save those baby bluebirds……yay for Mom and Dad. Also YAY for your poem – it was a very cool photo to inspire us this week and you did a great job. I think the puzzle is a toughie…..but the photo is GREAT!

    Hugs, Teddy

  3. You looked cute all tucked in there. Thanks for helping out the baby birdies and thanks for joining the Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!

  4. That is so great that you saved the baby bluebirds.We know they were glad too. The poem is great and so is the picture. Have a wonderful day.

    1. We are happy they were saved, bluebirds are so pretty.I hope you had a nice day too.

  5. Thank goodness for wildlife rescuers and for your big heart! I do hope the rest of the babies survive. I love doing the puzzles. I’m heading over to do this one right now…

    1. Thank you for doing the puzzle. I love online puzzles, especially kitty ones.

  6. Yay for your mom and dad for saving the baby birds! Your puzzle does look really hard. Maybe I can try it this afternoon. And your poem is cool–maybe that picture is of an alien world ruled by cats! 🙂

  7. I love your poems. Always delightful and if there are cats all the better.

    I’m all ready for Friendly Fill-ins.

    Have a purrfect Thankful Thursday. My best to your peeps. ♥

    1. We were lucky there was someone to take them because we would not know how to teach them to get their own food.

  8. Fabulous photo. It’s so cute! Thank you for being such kindhearted folks. ~hugs~ Best wishes to those surviving babies. I like the poem and look forward to your fill-ins. Thank you for the kind word about my yard. I’ve been so focused on weed and junk tree invasions I forgot to be grateful for what we have until some contractors were here. ~grin~ Be well, my dears!

  9. You’re like a chameleon on that blanket, Emmy. What a fun puzzle this will be. And how sweet of you to do all that you can for the baby bluebirds. I am incredibly lucky in that not only do I live in a university town, but said university has a wildlife veterinary hospital. I have taken injured squirrels and birds there on many occasions. It is roughly a 5 to 10 minute drive from my house, and I am so grateful for the wildlife vets there. Oh, and your poem is purrfect! I can’t wait to read your fill-ins, and everyone’s fill-ins, tomorrow!

    1. You are lucky to have help so close by. We were glad they survived such a long ride. XO

  10. guyz…total lee awesum poem two day !!! N we will onlee say thiz onze..
    984 pawz up ta mom N dad for helpin….de burds shuld bee aye oh kay N we iz sorree bout dad….ther momz kneadz a talkin two tho ~~~~~~~~

    ♥♥ 🙂

    1. Yes, even the wildlife rehabber never heard of a momma abandoning when the father died.

  11. We almost didn’t see you in the photo. You blend in really well. Such a cute picture. We are glad that you found someone who can help the baby bluebirds so when they get older they hopefully will have no problems. Thank you for sharing. Have a great Thankful Thursday

  12. My human loves doing puzzles. But a black and white cat on a black and white robe … that can be a challenge. Perhaps she will try to do it.
    Your Mum had a good idea. It’s always better to call a wildlife sanctuary.

  13. We are thankful for good peeps like you have who worked to help those baby birds. We hope the ones that are left will be OK.

    Woos – Lightning, Misty, and Timber

      1. Wow! That was a very hard puzzle, but I loved it! The black and white checks, and the unique piece style made it a lovely challenge…thank you!

  14. Furabuluss foto an poe-em Emmy….wee spotted you on yur checkerss quiklee!! Aunty Ellen an Unccle David yur both paswsum to save thee baby bluebirdss! Just like LadyMum! At leest 3 made it…you did grate!
    ***nose kissesss*** Siddhartha Henry xXx

    1. Yes, we got a call today that they are doing well and the lady thinks they will make it. XO

  15. We are so blessed to have a wildlife rehab hospital nearby. Thank you and your husband for working so hard with the baby birds!

  16. So kind of you to keep those baby birds going until you could find a rescue, I am not a bit surprised you saved them! Perfect picture for a puzzle! Last line in your poem… so true!

    1. Thank you, the lady called last night and told my hubby the bluebirds were doing well. 🙂

  17. That was very sad about the bluebirds but I am glad your mum and dad rescued them.
    I almost didn’t see you on your blankie.
    I saw your puzzle the other day and did it. It was hard but good and took me 36m 26s.

    1. Thank you for completing the puzzle, you are much faster than I am. 🙂 XO

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