Thankful Thursday

Hi everyone! I am joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop and Sammy’s Poetry Day.

I am thankful that I have such a great Dad. He reads to me and everything. I decided my poem would be about reading.

Reading can take you anywhere
all you need is the proper eyewear.
My Dad reads to me every day
and no one gets in our way.
I have a special book
a real one, not on a nook.
I am a lucky kitty
and Daddy says I am pretty.

And the winner of Love With a Chance of Drowning is Darla- Congratulations!

And here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. Mom came up with the first two and Annie of McGuffy’s Reader came up with the second two.

1. Keep calm and ____________________.
2. _______________ disappoints me.
3.                           is my                            .

4. In retrospect,                                   .



  1. That is so great Prancie, that the Dad reads to you all the time. What a good Dad. What a fun time for both of you. Have a super day.

  2. Prancie, i like your poetry, and reading is a great thing. You will always be learning, and that is healthy for your brain.

  3. Warms my heart that your Dad reads to you, Prancie! He is a very special guy to do that. I had to buy proper eyewear yesterday at the Doctors and I was shocked at how much glasses cost. I was thinking it would have been better to stay with my contact lenses! You are very pretty! Fun seeing you sit on the chair listening to your story!

  4. prancie…..itz way awesum ewe reed a book two yur dad 🙂 N yur poemz total lee Rockin thiz week…we hope dad dinna get scared reedin bout de ta ran chew la !!! ♥♥

  5. Prancie I think it’s super special that your Daddy reads to you… looks like you really like that too! Your poem is wonderful and of course your Dad says you’re pretty because you ARE!!!!

    Love, Teddy

  6. Mee-you Prancie what a grate littul poe-em!! Yurr Pappaw reedss to you like LadyMum doess to mee! Wee try to solve missteriess together!
    **paw patsss** Siddhartha Henry =^,.^=

      1. Missteriess can bee berry kewl Prancie. An there are levels of vyeolence to them. They are not all icky an gory. That iss why wee LUV thee “Cotswold” seeress! It iss more about thee investigatin than thee bad/sad act itself. an there iss a cute Spaniel doggie inn thee storiess!
        ~head rubsss~ Siddhartha Henry~
        Pee S: Mee onlee gave *paw patsss* to not make any other furry icky sicky like mee 😉

        1. Mom started reading some cozy mysteries with a black cat, she read the first 2 and is waiting for the newest one at the library. The 2 she read were not gory either. Thank you for not giving me germs, I hope you are feeling better.

  7. I think Dexter likes it or expects it when I talk to him. I make up little songs sometimes but don’t tell anybody, haha. You look a lot like Dex which means you are very pretty indeed.

  8. You and your furblings have the best Daddy!!
    And you are smart to write such great poems, Prancie!

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