Hi everyone. We are joining Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop.
Tuffy is thankful he has a full belly and his Auntie Ethel is hanging out with him.
Here are the Friendly Fill-Ins for tomorrow. I came up with the first two and my wonderful co-host, Lorianne of Four-Legged Furballs came up with second two.
1. My guide word for 2025 is ________________________.
2. I am counting the days to ___________________________.
3. 2025 is the year that I will _________.
4. I need to better organize _________.
If you need help choosing a guide word, Filling the Jars blog has a free printable worksheet to help you choose, click here.
And Caleidoscope blog has a list of 420 words to inspire you, click here.
Tuffy, you do look very grateful and happy, for sure! XO
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Tuffy does look happy to have a full belly!
Yes, he is. XO
A full belly is always something to be thankful for! We your aunt Ethel is thankful for her full belly, too…
A full belly is always something to be thankful for! We your aunt Ethel is thankful for her full belly, too…
Yes, it is. 🙂 XO
A full belly is always something to be thankful for! We your aunt Ethel is thankful for her full belly, too…
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Info was being a very good nurse keeping an eye on someone who overate. Next thing you know Tuffy’s going to need a couple of Tums for the tummy.
Yes, she was. MOL on the Tums. XO
A full belly is something to be thankful for. What a cute pic of Tuffy and Auntie Ethel.
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Good Morning! Tuffy, Ethel, happy to see you!
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Life is good, Tuffy.
Yes, it is. XO
A full belly is a furry good thing!
Yes, it is. 🙂 XO
Happy and Blessed New (and MEW) Year to the entire 15 and Meowing Family … the two footed ones and all the furry, four footed ones …
Thank you- and the same to you. XO
Charlee: “A full belly, and such a fluffy one, too!”
Very fluffy. 🙂
Great pose Tuffy, I think Ethel thinks so too🙈😸Double Pawkisses for a Happy Thursday to all of you🐾😽💞
Thank you. 🙂 XO
Tuffy you and Aunt Ethel look quite comfy with each other
Hugs Cecilia
Yes, they are. XO
Tuffy and Ethel are so cute.
Thank you. 🙂
I think Ethel looks curious! I am sure Tuffy is thankful for a full tummy. It’s great to see them together♥
Thank you. 🙂 They get along well, but sometimes she gets annoyed at him and gives him a whap. XO
Tuffy, it is always a good thing to have a full belly:). You are reminding us it is almost time for dinner.
Woos – Misty and Timber
MOL! 🙂
Cute photo.
Thank you. 🙂
Adorable photo!
Thank you. 🙂
That is one adorable thankful you two! Thanks for joining Angel Brian’s Thankful Thursday Blog Hop!
Thank you. 🙂
Is Auntie Ethel on burp,watch?
Maybe. 🙂
Tuffy and Ethel both look content.
They are until I get too close.
A full belly is a good thing any day of the week, Tuffy.
He agrees. 🙂